This wizard only wants to take students

Chapter 98 Gagarin's Ambition

Datung Port is a small port town not far from Kosay Island.

However, it is more like a small or medium-sized fishing village that can accommodate small ferries. Most of the boats moored at the port are small fishing boats of local villagers. As for the ferries or merchant ships, there are only a few ships throughout the year.

However, many fishermen in Datung Port are actually secretly engaged in the smuggling business. In the season when the moonlight moss grows most vigorously every year, they will secretly use their fishing boats to smuggle some adventurers to Kosay Island and pick them up again after the agreed time.

Although this business is extremely risky and there are only less than two months of market each year, as long as they can get a few orders, the money they earn will exceed their hard work in fishing for a year.

It is for this reason that although there are incidents of shipwrecks and deaths in Datung Port every year due to triggering defensive witch formations or encountering accidents during navigation, the villagers here still "stick to" this business of making money.

Some of the experienced villagers have even mastered the "secret route" after a long period of exploration, and then became professional "ferrymen".

For example, Old Huosen is such a ferryman.

However, he is nearly 50 years old and can no longer withstand the tossing. In the past two years, the ferry work has gradually been transferred to his son Tom.

But the mysterious guest who has lived in the house recently always makes Old Huosen a little worried.

Although this guest is generous, even all expenses are paid with yellow gold coins. But Old Huosen, who has been dealing with those adventurers on the ship for a lifetime, noticed the abnormality of this guest.

Not to mention that it is not the main collection time for moonlight moss yet, and it seems that Kosai Island is not peaceful recently. Just say that this guest came alone, without any tools, and has been staying at home for such a long time and has almost never left the attic. It doesn't look like those adventurers who come to collect moonlight moss.

Old Huosen actually doesn't care too much about the guest's intentions. After all, the reason why he can live as a ferryman for so long is that he has always adhered to the attitude of not asking, not exploring, and not meddling in other people's affairs.

But the problem is that since the arrival of this guest, some strange things have always happened in the house.

First, the fishing cat that has been raised for many years in the house suddenly went crazy and scratched his old wife, and then his daughter's personality seemed to have changed strangely during this period. Sometimes she would even sit in a chair or lie on the table in a daze, like a lifeless doll.

These changes always make Old Huosen a little uneasy. If Tom hadn't owed a lot of money when he was running a boat before, he would never let this weird guest live in his house.

Suddenly, Old Huosen heard a muffled sound of something falling from the attic.

And then, it was a wail that was not like what humans could make.

"Sir?" Old Huosen walked towards the attic cautiously, but after opening the door, he found that under the hood of the mysterious "guest" was actually an exquisite and weird puppet body.

"Ah..." Old Huosen opened his mouth, but he couldn't move the next moment, so his body was entangled by countless tiny silk threads, which quietly penetrated into the body of Old Huosen, and even some of them penetrated into the soul level.

As the puppet's fingers slowly moved, Old Huosen's eyes, which were originally stiff, began to blink, and then his mouth gradually opened and closed.

Click... Click...

As the puppet was constantly adjusted, Old Huosen's movements gradually became more lively from the initial stiffness, and even at the end, he had a gentle and kind smile on his face.

"Go out and get ready. I'm going to land on Kosai Island tonight." The puppet looked at Old Huosen and put on his hood again.

"Okay, sir." Old Huosen smiled and responded.

After the "new puppet" left, the puppet clenched his fist in anger and unwillingness, and then smashed a crude decoration on the bedside into powder.

"Oh, Bennett... My poor Bennett..." The puppet seemed to be sad, or angry, but it was difficult to see human emotions on its delicate painted face. Even when it gritted its teeth, the corners of its painted mouth were still slightly upturned.

"Who killed him? My Bennett... It shouldn't be..." The puppet chattered in a low voice, but soon his tone seemed to be a bit gnashing. "Damn Bennett! Damn the ruins restrictions!..."

But soon, the puppet calmed down, and the delicate eyes polished by stone stared straight at the old wooden board on one side of the attic, and his tone was very calm.

"No matter who you are, I will find you, I will definitely find you!"


"Chuckles..." At the edge of a lake on the floating island, Lucian was teasing a few beauty shells.

Perhaps because they have been living in the scroll world for generations, these beauty clams are not afraid of humans at all. They do not have a natural hatred and wariness towards wizards or humans like the wild beauty clams Lucian bought before. Instead, they seem to be somewhat curious and close to humans.

Even when Lucian tried to invite them out to see, he easily persuaded several of the beauty shells to follow him out of the scroll space.

This greatly facilitated Lucian and allowed him to collect the tears of the beauty shells in a gentler and more effective way.

For example, just now, he just used his mental power to manipulate the water flow to perform a few interesting actions, which made these little guys giggle. And one of the younger ones laughed directly with tears.

"It is said that the moonlight praise made with the tears of joy of the beauty shells is more effective than ordinary tears." After Lucian carefully collected the two tears just now, he interacted with these beauty shells to maintain the relationship, and then ended today's collection and returned to the ancient study in the center of the floating island.

"Lord Lucian." Gagarin was standing solemnly at the door of the study at this time. Seeing Lucian return, he hurriedly bowed and saluted, with an extremely humble attitude, and even flattering in his humility.

The days following Lucian were quite comfortable for Gagarin, even more comfortable than when he worked under Lilia before.

Moreover, in terms of resource allocation, Lucian was much fairer than Lilia's exploitation, and was even willing to trade with Gagarin and his friends, giving them the opportunity to use some materials in exchange for the potion [Moonlight Tribute].

For Gagarin, this was something he had never imagined before.

And these visible benefits also attracted Gagarin, making him rack his brains to squeeze into Lucian's core circle, and he was extremely eager to become Lucian's student.

Judging from the strength Lucian has shown at present, even if he has not yet been promoted to a formal wizard, he is not far from this level. And once Lucian is promoted to a formal wizard, then as a disciple of a formal wizard, he will have a big backer and a big thigh in the academy.

And more importantly, Lucian's big thigh seems to be very protective of his shortcomings, and he is extremely generous to his students!

You know, Kali is being baptized right now. This is the biggest treasure in the ruins, which is enough for a third-level wizard apprentice to fight for.

But what about Lucian? He gave it directly to Kali.

This is an opportunity to be promoted to a formal wizard, but Lucian gave it up.

How could Gagarin not be crazy? He didn't even expect to be treated like Kali. If he could enjoy half of Kali's treatment as Lucian's student, he would be very satisfied.

In order to become Lucian's student, Gagarin worked very hard during this period. He even made a plan. Even if he couldn't become Lucian's student immediately, he hoped to have a good relationship with Lucian during this period in the secret realm, at least become a subordinate that Lucian could use more easily, and then gain Lucian's trust step by step...

With a plan in mind, Gagarin also seemed to be very diligent and hardworking during this period. When he had nothing to do, he would take the initiative to wait at the door of the study for instructions, just like Lucian's personal butler.

"Yeah." Lucian smiled at Gagarin.

Gagarin's performance these days was very obvious, and Lucian naturally saw the intention of his actions. But the quota of system-bound students is extremely precious, and Lucian can't be emotionally bound to him just because Gagarin deliberately flattered him these days.

Not to mention, he has no vacant binding quota on hand for the time being.

However, Gagarin's active approach gave Lucian a new idea in his mind. Perhaps he can use Gagarin's active approach to explore a new model suitable for treating non-bound students.

After all, Lucian's ultimate goal is to change the cruel wizard order and the endless exploitation of lower-level wizards by upper-level wizards in the Gray Bone Academy and even more regions.

However, to achieve this, he also needs to find a new model to balance the interests.

After all, Lucian couldn't ask all high-level wizards to take care of their students as selflessly as he did. He had a system that helped students pay the "tuition fees" so he could be so generous.

But other wizards didn't. If you blindly ask the mentors to take care of the students, from a certain perspective, it will change from oppressing the students to oppressing the mentors, which is definitely not desirable and cannot be achieved in the long run.

So Lucian needs to find a new order to help other wizards achieve a new balance of interests.

And now, perhaps he can try this new balance on Gagarin.

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