"Speak, speak."

The system coughed and sold enough to say, "I don't know."

Yu qingyumeng said Do you play with me

"System, you talk!"

"System, are you dead?"

"System system system..."

"Stop yelling. If you don't know, you don't know."

Yu Qingyu said: I have a special sentence that mom wants to talk about.

After dinner, Yu Qingyu followed Ji pan to several places. None of these places was Ji Pan's industry. Yu Qingyu's legs were sour.

The dinner was in another restaurant. Ji pan still treated him coldly, but still touched him and gave him enough food.

Yu Qingyu didn't even get a real hug. He was a little lost. He was so cute.

Back at the villa, Yu Qingyu followed Ji up the stairs and ran in at the moment when he opened the bedroom door. Ji pan closed the door for a moment and looked down at Yu Qingyu seriously. This is the first time that he has looked at him so seriously. His dark eyes ask, are you sure you want to stay here?

Yu Qingyu looked back without hesitation and expressed his decision with his eyes.

Ji Pan's mouth is like a slight hook, picked up jade Qingyu into the bathroom, yes, you're not wrong, is to carry, Ji pan this heartless he is so lovely, actually willing to carry his neck, instead of holding, ah ah! He's going to scratch Ji's face.

Yu Qingyu's limbs kept struggling, and his mouth creaked.

Asshole, you let me go! Labor and capital will go by themselves!

"Pa Ji..." Yu Qingyu was thrown into the bathtub.

Oh It was to give him a bath! Not bad, not bad. He seems to have come to the world without taking a bath. He is injured and chased. It's really dirty.

Ji pan looked at the little fox sitting in the bathtub still a little surprised, so calm? Isn't it all said that pets don't like bathing? His family doesn't look the same!

Yu Qingyu looks at Ji pan. What is he doing? Big brother, if you want to take a bath, hurry up! What a fool!

Ji pan adjusted the temperature of the water in his hand, took the shower head and rushed down the fox's back. One hand was still pressed on it, afraid that it would run away.

Yu Qingyu squinted, ah ~ very comfortable ~ this hot feeling.

Ji pan looked at the small fox closed his eyes, flushed the hand to pause for a moment, the little fox is good! How lovely! Want to hug, want to kiss, but Don't scare him.

Ji pan takes advantage of the small fox to close his eyes, and quickly kisses the head of the little fox, with a successful smile on his mouth.

Yu Qingyu felt Ji Pan's fingers rubbing and washing on his body. He was confused. He thought of Ji Pan's cold face, thin and delicate lips, and a trace of red on his cheeks. He could not help licking his lips.

Yu Qingyu some collapse way: "system, I'm finished! I think I like climbing last season

The system said, "ah I really did not mistake your potential as a man. "

Yu Qingyu: "system, you are too much. Do you like a person called slag?"

Ironically: "the system You also like Lu Yao and Jin Yutian. "

Yu Qingyu retorted: "but they are not with me any more! Besides, Lu Yao and Jin Yutian are both one person, so to be strict, Ji pan is the second person I like. "

The system doesn't matter: "God doesn't care if you fall in love, just finish the task."

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