Yu Qingyu said: Oh! Sure enough, he had a hole in his head to discuss this with the system.

In order to touch the little fox more, Ji pan took a long bath until Yu Qingyu almost fell asleep.

"Hum, hum..." The voice of the half awakened Yu Qingyu.

As soon as Yu Qingyu opened his eyes, he saw Ji pan with an object blowing at him. Subconsciously, he stepped back.

Sleeping trough! What are you carrying?

The season climbs the hand a meal, nearly sighs said: "you don't like this?"

Yu Qingyu saw that Ji pan was holding a hair dryer and then calmed down.

What did he think it was? It was a hair dryer!

Yu Qingyu took a step forward, blow it! Blow it! When will he be dry if he doesn't blow!

Ji pan immediately raised his interest and conscientiously blew Yu Qingyu's hair. One hand also touched his ear back and forth.

What soft ears the little fox has! Should he be ok if he touches it a little longer?

After a while, well, it's OK. Just feel your head again.

Yu Qingyu suspected that Ji pan would lend him a loan to blow his hair and touch him. Otherwise, why did all the hair on his body dry? Ji pan kept blowing, and a hand was rubbing on his head.

When she got out of the bathroom, Yu Qingyu was finally picked up. She was almost moved to tears.

Ji pan is also very happy. The little fox is as soft as he thinks, and the key is so good. In fact, it's nothing if it is not obedient. As long as you don't leave him.

Yu Qingyu is hugged by Ji Pang and walks to the sofa. Yu Qingyu suddenly feels that this embrace is very familiar. He was once held so tightly. At that time, he was a giant panda. Lu Yao liked to hold him tightly, for fear that he would disappear in his sight.

Yu Qingyu suddenly said, "system, do you think Ji pan is Qilin?"

System: "isn't Kirin golden eyes?"

Yu Qingyu said in doubt, "but I think the feeling of Ji pan is really familiar to me? Especially like Lu Yao. "

System: [as long as you are happy] panda shows off the expression pack.

Yu Qingyu said: When it comes to Lu Yao's expression pack, the system is toxic!

Ji pan gently put Yu Qingyu on the sofa: "how about sleeping here today? I'll buy you a bed tomorrow. "

No, I'm going to bed.

Yu Qingyu jumped off the sofa, quickly jumped into bed, opened the quilt and lay in, showing a sharp fox face. He looked at Ji pan pitifully, as if he was saying, "let me sleep here, OK?"?

Ji pan looks at the small fox a set of movements like clouds and flowing water, some petrified.

They say foxes are smart. Are they smart enough now? Will also cover their own quilt, afraid is not a fine?

Ji pan looks at Yu Qingyu with a little thought in his eyes, thinking about the possibility of fox becoming a fine.

Yu Qingyu looks at the exploration in Ji Pan's eyes, and his heart is cluttering. It's over! He doesn't think he's a fox, does he? How can an ordinary fox be so clever.

Yu Qingyu immediately got out of the quilt. The little one ran to Ji Pan's feet and held his leg. He raised his head and blinked.

You believe me, I am an ordinary fox, really, look at my pure eyes.

Ji pan chuckled: "this is

Yu Qingyu nodded fiercely. Yes, yes, that's the one who came to sell Meng. Do you think I'm cute?

After Ji pan saw the fox's humanized nod, he once again suspected that the fox in front of him was actually a fox spirit.

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