Did he choose that?

When Yu Qingyu woke up, he found that there were many things in the stone room. The emperor sat on the desk beside the bed and corrected the memorial.

Black hair hanging a wisp in the ear, in the side face hit a shadow, as the saying goes, look at beauty under the lamp, the more beautiful.

Yu Qingyu wanted to put the wisp of hair behind his head for him. His hand moved and the sound of "Hua La Hua" came. Yu Qingyu frowned and looked at the emperor who turned his face and said, "can you get this chain down? The sound is so bad."

"Can you run without chains?"

Run? Why run?

Yu Qingyu shook his head and glared at him with innocent eyes.

Zhan TianAng put his hand over his eyes and said in a low voice, "don't look at me like this, I'm afraid I can't help it?"

Yu Qingyu's head is full of question marks, can't help it?

what can't help?

is it because his eyes are so beautiful that he wants to dig it out?

Ah ah ah! How terrible!

The palm of the hand was swept by eyelashes, and the crisp and numb feeling reached the bottom of my heart. Zhan TianAng quickly withdrew his hand and clenched his fist.

"Are you thinking about how to eat my meat, drink my blood and dig my eyes?" Yu Qingyu asked without expression.

Zhan TianAng laughed: "how can you think?"

Yu Qingyu mumbled: "what you said just now can't help but look at my beautiful eyes and can't help but dig it out and eat it?"

Zhan TianAng was shocked: "why should I dig your eyes?"

Yu Qingyu glanced at the position of the emperor's lower abdomen and curled his mouth: "I heard that you didn't raise it, and asked people to refine pills for you to cure hidden diseases. Did you catch me last time just to get my flesh and blood to refine pills?"

Zhan Tian angmo, the only people who know about this matter are him, that Taoist priest, and a great doctor. How does he know?

"Do you want to say how I know that There is nothing in the whole world that I don't know. "

Zhan TianAng: "it's just

"What? Did I guess right? What else do you have to say? "

Zhan TianAng quickly grasped Yu Qingyu's hand and said," deer, I don't need pills now. " So it's impossible to have your flesh and blood again.

"Stop stop stop, my name is Lu Qingyu, call me Qingyu, deer and deer are too weird."

"Good, Qingyu," Zhan TianAng said with a smile

"You say you don't need pills now, that is to say, it's true that you didn't use pills before?"

Zhan TianAng: "

"Qingyu, listen to me. I used to be the real one. Now with you, I don't need any medicine."

Yu Qingyu hesitated and said, "so..."

"Qingyu, I like you. I can face you."

Yes? Yes, what? Can you be humane? That's really good. You don't have to be a widow.

Yu Qingyu's heart was happy, but he said, "do you like me? OK, then you can let me out, and this chain, get rid of it

Zhan TianAng hesitated and said, "Qing Yu, can you wait a little longer?"

"you say you like me is fake?"

"Qingyu, I am..."

"Don't explain. When are you going to let me out and talk to me again."

Zhan TianAng was eager to speak, and finally sighed and went out.

Yu Qingyu lies back in boredom again, "system, come to chat for a while!"

"What are you talking about?"

"why didn't the emperor let me out? He said he liked me."

The system sneered: "do you think he really likes you?"

Yu Qingyu opened his eyes wide and said, "is he cheating me? But I look so good-looking, why does he cheat me?"

in the future

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