System: Mentally retarded.

"Why don't you tell me why?"

"Oh I don't know

Yu Qingyu said So you're just slandering the emperor? "

" the God says the truth! "

Yu Qingyu pondered for a moment:" system, are you jealous of the emperor's good-looking, and deliberately say that he doesn't like me? "

systemmo, he doesn't know why he said this, that is to say, he is not satisfied with the emperor.

"Hello, system, why don't you talk? I guess you're right? Ha ha ha Ah, ah, ah! Pain! "Yu Qingyu suddenly screamed out, his whole body was once again shocked by the familiar lightning power.

After a while, he said, "are you angry with the system?"

for a long time, Yu Qingyu, who did not wait for the system to reply, sighed.

Now the system is becoming more and more elusive.

After Zhan TianAng left the stone chamber, he summoned ministers to the imperial study to discuss matters. It was not until midnight that the ministers were released to the palace.

No one knows what they talked about, but since that day, concubines have been dismissed from the palace.

Many days later, his eyes seemed to shine after ten days.

He seems to be a little eager to ask: "Qingyu, you said before you like me is true?"

Yu Qingyu rolled his eyes and said, "I don't like you. I've already left. Do you think the broken iron can lock me?" one hand broke the chain on one of them.

Sleeping trough! What a pain! It's too big!

Although the big demon's body is hard enough, the chain is also strong enough to kill the labor and capital!

Zhan TianAng looks at the broken chain in two, and his eyes are gradually complicated.

If Qingyu wants to do something, there must be nothing that can't be done. It's stupid of him to doubt Qing Yu's purpose before.

Zhan TianAng suddenly and mercilessly kisses the lip that he thought for a long time. It is really sweet.

Yu Qingyu was stunned at the moment of being kissed, and began to respond crazily after reaction.

The kiss between the two was more like a battle, especially when Yu Qingyu put his tongue into Zhan TianAng's mouth, and battle Jane went up a level.

Zhan TianAng is a person who has no experience in kissing. He only knows how to run around without any rules. He also breaks the corners of Yu Qingyu's mouth.

There was no trace of warmth in his hands, "stab La" pulled off Yu Qingyu's thin middle coat, and then he couldn't wait to cover it up.

Yu Qingyu kicked Zhan TianAng down and gasped: "are you going to take me like this?"

Zhan TianAng was kicked that moment is muddled, let anyone take off his pants, but be kicked out of bed will be like this.

Zhan TianAng, sober up, seldom shows a trace of shame from his face. He goes to the distance and takes the key from a box to Yu Qingyu to untie the chain.

He also ordered people to send two sets of clothes, and then sat down beside Yu Qingyu and said, "I'm sorry, Qingyu, I'm so abrupt. I'll give you an account of this."

Yu Qingyu said with great interest: "Oh, what's the explanation?"

"I'll know tomorrow. It's late now and it's time to have a rest."

"Oh, is it evening already? I don't know. "

The words are clearly a casual word, without a trace of complaint, but Zhan TianAng heard a trace of grievance.

It's all because of him. It's his fault to keep Qingyu in this unknown place.

Zhan TianAng would like to raise his hand and slap himself severely. What a bastard he did, one hand had already been entangled before he could move.

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