After a while, the courtiers stood in two rows and glared.

Zhan TianAng looked at the clear-cut courtiers and laughed, "I must settle this matter today. It has been delayed for two months, and I have given you enough psychological preparation."

Support the emperor and send a horse to speak: "tell the emperor, the ministers think that the man can stand after him"

the opposition then says: "to the emperor, the ministers think that men can not be the queen."

Supporters: the emperor is already the emperor, and he has the right to choose the person he likes, even if that person is a man. "

Opposition: since ancient times, the queen has not been a man, not to mention the issue of lihou about the foundation of the country, not to mention trifling.

Supporters: the rules are set by people. Now we and the dynasty are at the top of the world. The emperor is the most respected person in the world. What he said is the rules.

Opposition: men can't bear children. Who will inherit Datong in the future? If there is no legitimate son, the clan will fight for the throne. The country will be in chaos!

Support faction: with so many descendants, choose a good successor and teach it well under the emperor's knee. He will be a good emperor in less than ten years. Don't forget that the emperor is still young!

the opposition "..." What can we do if MMP says nothing?

Supporters: hum!

Zhan TianAng and other people almost started to quarrel and said: "emperor Tianjian, it's a good day recently. I want to set up the queen. The Ministry of rites will prepare all the things after the establishment. The Ministry of work will make a good repair of the place where the queen lives, and change some things that men like."

"Retreat!" Zhan TianAng stood up with one hand on the Dragon chair and walked out slowly.

"Long live my emperor and long live!"

Yu Qingyu crawled on the bed, biting an apple, but occasionally aimed at the door.

Why hasn't he come back yet?

he ate the fifth apple!

a bright yellow cloth appeared at the door, and Yu Qingyu's eyes brightened: "you're back, let's go out and bask in the sun, it's going to be moldy in the nest!"

Zhan TianAng fondly touched his deer horn and said, "OK."

Then two wheelchairs were brought in by the palace people. Zhan TianAng dragged Yu Qingyu on the wheelchair himself. Some eunuchs carried the heavy chains and put them on the special parts of the wheelchair.

Yu Qingyu and his hands naturally overlap in the abdomen, smiling at Zhan TianAng, who is also sitting in a wheelchair.

Zhan TianAng was summoned by Yu Qingyu last time. After clearing up the past suspicion, Zhan TianAng has been staying in the dark room. They are tired of getting together every day.

Yu Qingyu could not move easily, nor could Zhan TianAng. They felt that they were in the same boat. The atmosphere was harmonious for a moment.

He has not been imprisoned in tianangyu's Secret War.

The two seem to tacitly forget those unpleasant things.

Later, it was the grand doctor who said that Zhan TianAng was not well recovered in the dark stone chamber, so they moved out.

Of course, the emperor's Dragon bed is no longer a conventional one with one side against the wall and hung with curtain and gauze curtains.

The bed is placed in the middle of the room. Only the back of the bed is against a wall. The other three sides can move freely.

Yu Qingyu has nothing new about such a bed. After all, modern beds are generally arranged like this.

In the stone chamber, there are chains and iron rings bound into the wall behind the head of the bed. When Yu Qingyu was in the stone chamber, she was always locked on the bed.

There is no room to lock people in this new bed.

Yu Qingyu was surprised at the first time, thinking that Zhan TianAng was testing him, or did he believe him more during this period of time?

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