Of course, Yu Qingyu won't ask about this matter, and Zhan TianAng won't even mention it. There are many bodyguards outside the palace.

Now the palace is much cleaner. Without those concubines, there is no one round to serve.

Yu Qingyu and Zhan TianAng are pushed to the imperial garden to bask in the sun. They are close to each other and occasionally look at each other and smile. It seems that there are pink bubbles in the air.

Yu Qingyu closed his eyes and spread out on the chair with his mouth slightly raised.

Such a day of imprisonment is also very good for him. He doesn't have to run for a living or give anyone a smile.

As long as you lie down, someone will deliver everything to you. There are royal cooks who make food by changing patterns every day, and beautiful men chat and sleep with each other every day.

Everything he wanted except for his lack of freedom and sex.

"Qingyu, are you happy with me?"

Yu Qingyu closed his eyes and nodded, happy, especially happy.

"Is it OK for Qingyu to stay with me all the time?"

Yu Qingyu continued to nod his head. Where can he go without him?

"then we have a deal. Qingyu can't go back, otherwise I will find you from heaven and earth

Yu Qingyu opened his eyes and nodded to Zhan TianAng with a smile.

I'm afraid you don't come to me. It's better to come and find me!

Zhan TianAng held Yu Qingyu's hand and said, "Qingyu, can I untie the chain for you?"

Yu Qingyu was happy: "are you serious?"

Zhan TianAng looked at the surprise look on Yu Qingyu's face, slightly darkened his dark eyes and said, "of course it is true."

"Then hurry up. I can lift my hand to hold you when I untie the chain. It's too heavy for me to hold you."

Zhan TianAng was stunned, "do you just want to hold me?"

"Otherwise? What do you want me to do? "

"I thought you'd want to..." Want to leave me.

Yu Qingyu laughed and teased, "are you thinking about what to do if I run away secretly? What would I do if I left you to play without you? "

Zhan TianAng held his hand tightly and looked ferocious: "I don't want you to go out by yourself! You are not allowed to run away. You promise me to stay with me all the time."

"Yes, I promised, but I can go back on it?" Yu Qingyu naughty said, but also made a provocative expression.

Zhan TianAng's face was full of haze for a moment. He grabbed his hand and drew a cruel smile. "If Qingyu runs again, I'll have to break your leg and lock you in bed for life. Even if you die, you'll die in my bed!"

Yu Qingyu shivers and lies in a trough! This emperor is probably stimulated by him? !

Yu Qingyu jerked his arm and didn't move, "can I say you calm down? When I'm joking with you, how do you react so much? "

" are you kidding? "Zhan TianAng still said with heavy eyes.

Yu Qingyu nodded with a serious expression.

"I don't like such jokes. Don't make such jokes in the future."

"Good, good, no kidding, I swear I won't sneak away. I'll stay by your side until I die. Is that ok?"

Zhan TianAng's expression eased down, took the only hand around Yu Qingyu and pressed his head on his shoulder, "Qingyu, I love you, I don't want to lock you all the time, but if you want to leave me, I don't know what else I can do."

Yu Qingyu suddenly asked, "can you still use it there? Will it not be hard? "

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