Do you know he put on his pants after sleeping with someone else?

"I said no, do you believe it?" Yu Qingyu looked directly into his eyes and his voice was calm.

Zhan TianAng forced his finger to enter, closed his eyes and breathed out a breath: "I believe!"

"hiss Lying trough! Zhan TianAng, you are insane! Do you believe that you still treat me like this? "

Zhan TianAng didn't seem to hear what he said. His fingers moved hard, just like punishment:" although I believe you, I want to know how you know that there is lubrication? I don't know. "

His fingers have distinct bony joints, powerful, and calluses on his finger abdomen, which are painful to scrape.

Yu Qingyu suddenly laughed and burst into tears. He said in a sad voice, "after all, you still don't believe in me. Zhan TianAng, do you refuse to trust me any more after I hurt you?

No, you never trust me. Last time you thought I had an affair with that little cock.

When I was in the darkroom, I had been locked in bed. When I came out of this bedroom, there were more guards at the door than there were guarding the prisoners. Now my pants are off. You interrogate me like a prisoner. Go away

Zhan TianAng suddenly panicked: "Qingyu, I didn't mean that, I I just care too much about you, so I want to know everything about you. I just want your beauty to be known only to me.

I can't help being angry at the thought that you have done this with other people. When I get angry, I can't help myself. I'm sorry, Qingyu. "

"Then I said that I had never been with anyone else, why don't you believe it?"

Zhan Tian angmo said: "maybe you are too familiar with the way."

Yuqing Yumo, he is an old driver. He has driven many cars. Naturally, he is not as astringent as Zhan TianAng.

So he felt that he was not telling the truth.

Yu Qingyu is wronged! His body is really clean. He has not even been touched by a female deer. He hides and practices every year during the estrus, unlike other deer who fight for the right to mate.

They only want to do things like this.

"Qingyu, I'm wrong. I shouldn't care about your past affairs. As long as you've been with me all the time, don't be angry. How about punishing me to serve Qingyu well?"

Yu Qingyu wants to say that you are sick. One moment ago, he would like to kill him. At this moment, he apologized to him so tenderly. Before he scolded, he was blocked by a group of cloth.

Sobbing can not say a word, cloth is those rags he picked up casually in those broken clothes, good to die is his bright yellow underpants.

Yu Qingyu seemed to smell the strong masculinity on his trousers and glared at Zhan TianAng fiercely.

What are you doing? I'm going to kill you!

Zhan TianAng kisses his face and whispers, "Qingyu, I know you want to, darling, wait a moment." Pulled the quilt to cover them, roared to the outside of the bedroom, "little companion, you come in."

Yu Qingyu said: I'll go to your uncle's!

when the little companion came in, he saw the broken clothes scattered under the bed, his head was lower and lower, "emperor, the servant is here."

"Find something for lubrication, quietly."

Small accompany son should a, quickly back out.

Zhan TianAng bowed his head and kissed Yu Qingyu's neck. He sucked out red marks, and then gradually began to kiss, until the tip of his tongue wrapped in a bump.

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