Eight years later, no one in the whole war dynasty did not know that their emperor favored his wife. No matter what the empress wanted, the emperor would do everything possible to take it to him.

It is said that the Empress Dowager likes to eat beef and mutton. The emperor ordered the Royal chef to turn over the patterns every day, and his hair was worried.

In addition to the emperor's daily visit to the imperial court, he stayed with the empress. Therefore, some folk people who like men are bold. The story book describes the love between men in a moving and tearful way.

As a matter of fact, Yu Qingyu and Zhan TianAng have no freedom to stay with each other every day. The emperor has to intervene in everything.

When you go to the streets to see a lively scene, the emperor will accompany him. It's like twelve hours with jade.

As long as Yu Qingyu looks at which man more, he will be pressed on the collapse at night and make a good deal of it.

Besides not being locked up, Yu Qingyu feels that he has become a forbidden man of Zhan TianAng.

"System, can you find out where the rooster is now?"

"what are you doing?"

"Oh! This world wave is enough. Go to the next world wave and play a little rooster. "

"He's in the capital."

"Well, that's easy."

In the bustling street, Yu Qingyu holds a folding fan in his hand. His white clothes are like snow. The horn on his head has fallen off after the oestrus and has not yet grown out.

Wearing a golden crown, red lips and white teeth, a pair of round eyes looked around, attracting the street girls to look frequently.

Standing beside him was Zhan TianAng, dressed in black. His face was cold and cold, and his whole body was full of a bad smell. At first sight, he was either rich or expensive, which made people afraid. He only dared to look at him secretly.

Yu Qingyu folded fan and said, "brother Zhan, you look so dignified when you go out to visit the street. Isn't it good?"

"I can only smile in front of you, but not at others."

Yu Qingyu said OK, OK, whatever you want. You like to laugh or not. Walking with an ice cube will affect your mood. Don't follow me, hum! "

Two people just walked to a lane mouth, Yu Qingyu body turned into the alley.

Zhan TianAng smiles helplessly. When will Qingyu change his problem of running around in anger? After so many years, can't you get tired of playing?

Zhan TianAng walks slowly to the alley. Qingyu must be waiting for him in some corner to surprise him.

Indeed, as Zhan TianAng thought, Yu Qingyu nests in a gap, waiting for Zhan TianAng to come.

When Zhan TianAng passed in front of him, Yu Qingyu jumped out, one hand covering his eyes and the other clasping his neck: "robbery!" There was a trace of awkwardness in the voice.

Zhan TianAng stood there motionless, his mouth slightly raised, "how can a hero rob his lust if I don't have money next to me?"

Yu Qingyu: " what the fuck! You shameless Zhan TianAng!

If not, I will take off my hand

"Hero, why don't we change places? It's not convenient for us to rob the streets?"

"Bah! Think of the beauty! Take off

Zhan TianAng had no choice but to say, "Qingyu, don't make trouble. If you want us to go back to the palace immediately, I will satisfy you well."

Yu Qingyu suddenly seemed to be taken away from the whole body strength, hind legs a step, "late."

A figure fell from the sky and brought Yu Qingyu to the roof.

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