Suddenly, he wanted to fly up to the roof, and suddenly he fell down with Tianqing Puff... " Suddenly a mouthful of black blood came out.

Yu Qingyu held back the bitterness in his heart and pointed to the person on his side. "Do you still remember him?"

Zhan TianAng turned his eyes and looked at Yu Qingyu Is he the one who used to be? "

" no, he is a demon, a beautiful demon. "

Zhan TianAng is still confused and looks at Yu Qingyu. He has a bad feeling in his heart. "So what?" he said

Yu Qingyu said with a smile: "Zhan TianAng, I've had enough of you these years. Originally, I was a couple with him. On that day, we only quarreled with each other, but you came out and intervened. I wanted to kill you at that time, but you didn't die, and you destroyed My Demon power of thousands of years of hard cultivation. How can I not hate you?"

the light in Zhan TianAng's eyes went out a little bit, and my heart ached To suffocate, still holding hope to say: "Qing Yu, I don't believe, I don't believe! If you hate me so much, you Why are you? Why... "

"Hi Do you want to say why I am so nice to you, marry you and stay with you all the time? " Yu Qingyu looked at Zhan TianAng contemptuously and said, "that's because I'm for today. Don't you think it's not terrible that you never get it. What's terrible is that you think you've got it, but it's a lie that's more painful? Come on, tell me, are you going to die with heartache? "

Zhan TianAng has another breath of black blood, and he looks at the man who was just joking with him nestling in other people's arms, and his eyes are black.

He doesn't believe it!

He didn't believe every word Qingyu said!

But Why did Qingyu do this? Did that person threaten Qingyu?

would Qingyu be forced?

would Qingyu die if he didn't say so?

Zhan TianAng covered his chest, looked at the boy like a knife, and his voice was cold: "did you force him? Did you force Qingyu to say so? What's your purpose? You rushed to me and you let him go!"

Yu Qingyu felt that he had put a hook on his heart. He wanted to cry because of the pain. He could not help but feel the emotion. "Is it OK for me to poison you?" Pushing the boy: "let's go down."

The young man looked at Yu Qingyu and heard that he was holding Yu Qingyu and flying down the eaves to stand in front of Zhan TianAng.

Zhan TianAng staggers to come over and pull Yu Qingyu. He falls to the ground and spits out a mouthful of black blood.

He was crawling on the ground, his face was covered with blood, and his eyes were staring at Yu Qingyu. There was heartache, love and puzzlement in his eyes.

"Qingyu, are you pretending these years? I don't believe it

Yu Qingyu avoided his eyes and buried his head in the young man's chest: "it doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. Anyway, you are going to die. It's disgusting to play with you for so many years. If you die, I'll take revenge on myself. I'll stay with him for the rest of my life. You can go at ease!"

Zhan TianAng felt that his whole blood was frozen at this moment.

He was so cold that it was summer, but he felt that he was colder than sleeping in the snow without clothes.

Qingyu said that it was acting with him. He also said that he felt sick. He Poof

He remembered the days when they were together. He broke his arm for him. He disobeyed the people of the world for him. As long as he wanted anything, he would get it for him even if he wanted to

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