But was all this disgusting in his heart?

Even if he destroyed his demon power, he also lost his arm, and there was only half of it. In recent years, every time in that kind of thing, he felt that he was going to be unable to make up for it?

How can he do this to him! He loves him so much!

Zhan TianAng's eyes were scarlet, and his heart was so painful that his tears fell on the ground. He said hoarsely, "Qingyu, don't go! I love you

Yu Qingyu took a knife and threw it in front of him. "I want you to fall in love with me and then dump you. I'm really happy to see you in such pain."

Zhan TianAng closed his eyes: "you kill me! Kill me

Yu Qingyu lowered his eyes and said faintly, "you are the emperor. How can you ask someone to kill you? Have you heard the story of King Yue? Anything is possible if you live alone. "

"As long as you live, you may have a chance to shut me up in your darkroom one day."

Zhan TianAng opened his eyes and wanted to reach out to pull the corner of Yu Qingyu's robe. Yu Qingyu hid for a moment: "don't touch me. My hands are dirty. I'm going to eat with him later."

Zhan TianAng suddenly lost his mind to live. Qing Yu, who regarded him as a treasure, thought he was dirty. Was a piece of clothes more important than him? Ha ha ha What's the meaning of him living?

What's the meaning of him!

With the last bit of strength, he stabbed himself with a knife.

"I! Even if Die! You can only die in your own hands. "

Yu Qingyu sneered at a smile: "you are happy

"Poof..." Zhan TianAng vomites out his last breath of blood, and he dies with his eyes closed.

Yu Qingyu squatted down and hugged him, tears fell down his cheek unconsciously: "Why are you so stupid? I give you a knife to kill me. How to stab a knife into your body? Come on, I'll teach you how to use a knife."

One hand grabs Zhan TianAng's hand and lies behind him. With a strong force, the knife that pierces into Zhan TianAng's heart goes out of his back and goes right into Yu Qingyu's heart.

Yu Qingyu's last thought is: really painful!

The boy looked at the two people holding each other and left the place lonely.

He didn't expect it would be this result. When he looked for him, he said, "let him be a prop that doesn't talk and doesn't do anything.".

But why did he do it?

to say that he hated the emperor and killed him, why did he commit suicide himself?

he didn't understand, maybe he never wanted him to understand.

Instead of going directly to the next world, Yu Qingyu came to a space surrounded by gold. There was only a huge golden egg standing in this space, and there was nothing else.

Yu Qingyu was a little surprised: "the system, where is this?"

from the golden egg came the voice: "this is the space created by the original God, who usually stays here."

Yu Qingyu walked around: "I remember you said you collected a lot of treasures. Where are those things?"

System: "ah Is this God's thing just for you to see? "

Yu Qingyu curled his mouth and didn't bother to show him the treasure. Instead, he asked," where is my space stone? You can find something to eat. "

"Find it yourself."

Yu Qingyu akimbo: "system, you are so unfriendly. Every time I don't want anything, do you take it to me from the space stone?"

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