"You took it yourself."

"Wait a minute, system, I don't understand. Isn't that space stone kept by you all the time? I haven't seen it since I saw it in the first place? "

the system sneered:" it has been integrated with you for a long time. It goes where you go. "

"Sleeping trough! You didn't tell me about the system. If I had known about it, I would have put more things in it, so as not to be afraid of trouble. You dare not use it every day.


Yu Qingyu was so angry that she said: "when I asked you to help me put things, you pushed me back and forth? I didn't use you."

"I like the way you ask for it."

Yu Qingyu said: Mentally retarded!

When Yu Qingyu opened his eyes again, he was confused because he found that he was actually in the pigsty.

In the pigsty!

In the pigsty!

"System, you have a grudge against me? So many animals don't choose, why choose a pig? "

The system pauses and says, "because this is a pig of love."

Yu Qingyu said: I believe you.

The original owner is an ordinary pig. The mother pig gave birth to 13 pigs at a time. He is the youngest one.

When my brother and sister were two months old, they were more than three times older than when they were born, but he was still so young, just a little smoother.

Pig farm pig is to grow up to kill meat to eat, for a small pig do not want to waste food.

However, the original body weight is less than one kilogram, and it is not enough to be a roast suckling pig. If you kill one time, you can't get a kilogram of meat. No one is willing to waste that effort.

It's a pity to throw it away, so the owner has been living a long time. Seeing that all the piglets like him can be put into the market, he is still so young. The people in the pig farm decided to kill them. Mouse meat is also meat.

It happened that a worker who repaired the circuit in the pig farm heard about it, so he bought the owner for 50 yuan, went back to wash and brush, took a few photos of Meng Meng Da, and put them on the Internet and sold them as mini pigs.

Buy the original owner is a college student, usually a bit of a maverick, especially like flowery mouth.

Dormitory people keep a cat and dog and so on, he must be different from people raise a pig.

He also named the pig Xiaohua, so the boys were famous in the whole school. Many girls came to see this little Dutch pig which was said to have noble blood. It was said that this pig would never grow up. Everyone was very curious. The girls came one after another.

The boys in the same dormitory are happy to find a girlfriend because of their frequent contact with their sister.

Yu Ze, the real Lord, has always been single because of his bad comments on who he catches and molests.

There is a boy with a dog in the opposite door dormitory. He is still a white dog with long hair. Usually girls are around him. Now with Yuze's little Xiang pig, he feels left out, so he hates Yu Ze.

Yu Ze is a disposition that doesn't care much about everything. He can be deaf even if he accuses the door every day.

Li Yu is more irritated by Yu Ze's blindness and wants to find an opportunity to revenge.

Yu Ze is still very fond of his pet pig. He is the kind of person who either doesn't care about anything. Once he cares about it, he can definitely stick to it.

The original owner was isolated from the pig farm when he was young, so he was very quiet all the time. He ate, slept and ate. He didn't have the behavior of killing people like cats and dogs.

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