Yuze usually has a lot of flowers and flowers. He seldom goes back to the dormitory. Of course, he hopes to be quiet. No matter what you do, there is always something around you that is quiet with you. It doesn't feel too good.

The Apocalypse broke out because a meteorite from outer space fell on the earth. 70% of the people became zombies, 10% of them awakened to powers, and the remaining 20% were ordinary people, which were the main hunting targets of zombies.

The zombie broke out in the middle of the night, a star crossed, the whole world changed, and many people lost their lives in their sleep.

At this time, the students are basically in the dormitory, Yuze is no exception.

The original owner was shocked to wake up by the meteorite falling on the earth. In panic, he fled around and woke up a dormitory.

Fortunately, no one in this dorm has become a zombie.

Li Yu of the opposite door awakens the power, or the more powerful metal ability. He is the only one living in their dormitory, so he naturally comes to Yuze's dormitory.

The whole school was in a mess. Everyone stayed in the dormitory and didn't dare to go out. The food was soon finished.

Li Yu had the idea of Yu Ze's pet pig, and other roommates advised Yu Ze to hand over the pet pig when he was too hungry.

Yu Ze was unwilling. He preferred to go out to look for food, but Li Yu was the only one who dared not go out. He thought that every day would be counted as one day. If we could wait for the rescue of the army.

When everyone is surrounded by Yuze and ready to snatch, they are overturned one by one by the little Xiang Pigs in Yuze's arms, even Li Yu is no exception.

The speed of the original owner was too fast for anyone to see clearly. Even when the original owner landed, they found that the original owner had grown up a little.

It was a moving piece of meat that was thought about, and the speed was so fast that everyone wanted to know whether he would be faster.

The eyes look at the original owner and Yu Ze have become hostile.

Yu Ze is not stupid, a look at the situation is not right to open the door to run, the rest of the people are of course the original owner overturned to the ground.

Yu Ze awakened the ice power at the moment of crisis, and killed one person and one pig.

Later, the original owner grew bigger and bigger, and the speed became faster and faster. Although he ate more each time, he could not live so long without the original owner yuzegen.

By the time we arrived at the largest base in China, the original owner was almost as big as a horse. He was out of the original pig's appearance. His legs were longer and his skin was thicker. He was not only not fat, but also a thin and long pig.

Yu Ze almost didn't cause a sensation when he rode a pig into the base.

Although it's a pig, it's not easy to live in the end of the world. Most people just wait and see and dare not attack secretly.

A daughter of the head of the base happened to be 16 or 17 years old. Because she fell in love with Li Yu by accident, she begged his father to bring the pig to her for self-defense. She was also an ice power, though not very powerful.

The pets in the base are all small powers of cats and dogs, and she doesn't like them at all.

Animals are mutated, but most of them are poisonous and become zombies.

Because of his daughter's request, the chief of the base personally went to Yu Ze to make a request, and promised to give him a position in the army. He also paid a lot of crystal nuclei and weapons, even houses and food. He could give any woman he wanted.

Maybe someone else will agree. On the other hand, there is a pet pig who doesn't know when it will die under the zombie. Oh Now it's Mount plus weapon.

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