On one side, it is extremely precious even in the last world, but Yuze refused.

The base commander doesn't want to kill all of them. After all, the combination of Yuze and the original owner can even defeat the one level higher than him.

The original owner can even smell where there is food. If Yuze doesn't agree, he can't force him. Therefore, he tells his daughter that it can't be done when he goes back. The pig is more useful in Ze's hand than in his daughter's hand, and the base must be guarded by these people.

Li Yu is not used to Ze all the time, so in a mission, the daughter of the joint base chief Gao XiuXiu, and other high-level powers encircle Ze Ze.

In the end, both Yuze and the original Lord died. Those people who ate the original Lord's ability were upgraded. They went back and only a light sentence was eaten by the zombie, which covered up the truth.

When the original Lord died, he already had some wisdom. If he used to treat Yuze as a person who gave him something to eat, and was only with him to eat, then he was regarded as a companion later.

He hoped that this time Yuze would not die, that all the people who killed them would die, and that Yu Ze could become the chief of the base, so that no one would dare to bully Yuze.

Yu Qingyu accepted the memory and breathed out his breath in silence. In the end of the world, it was time to see the force.

"Dangdang dang..." The sound of knocking on the food bowl sounded, and Yu Qingyu knew that it was time to put food in every day.

Several pigs in a litter scrambled to squeeze into the trough by the door. Yu Qingyu retreated silently. He didn't want to eat pig food and didn't want to be squeezed by any pig.

If anyone said that he would sleep with a group of pigs and rob pig food one day, he would like to greet his family kindly.

Now looking at the scene, Yu Qingyu is in tears.

Soon the pigs finished eating and went back to the corner to nest in a large area.

These pigs can be regarded as the original owner's brother and sister, but the pig's IQ is not high, just care about their own food and drink, laza, what kind of brother and sister, brother and sister, go to him!

Yu Qingyu stood in a separate corner, looking up at the sky, "system, when will I be taken back by Yu Ze?"


At this time, Yu Qingyu's stomach purrs.

Yu Qingyu said: How can he eat in this stinky place?

Yu Ze, why don't you buy me back? I'm going to be vomited! Ah ah ah!

"Factory director, is this what you call a little pig?"

The factory director is a big man, because the pig farm was built by him and his wife, so some things are often done by themselves.

With a smell of pig feed, "this is it."

"I like small things very much. Can the director sell me this piggy? Don't worry. I won't lose the manager."

The director of the factory pushed away, and finally they reached a deal.

Yu Qingyu was carried in a sack and carried away from the pig farm.

"Putong..." Yu Qingyu was thrown into a lake.

Yu Qingyu quickly rowed his short limbs to dig for water.

Motherfucker! I thought I could enjoy the bath, but I was thrown into the lake.

Is he really I'm so angry!

After a while, a group of fish with white belly were floating around Yu Qingyu.

Yu Qingyu said: How dirty was that pig farm? Yuqingyu, who had managed to climb ashore, was put into a sack again before he could breathe.

Yu Qingyu said: There is a sentence MMP must say.

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