With more than 100 armed police officers, the business leader went straight to the ninth dormitory of boys.

According to the information he found out, the pig was raised by a student named Yu Ze here.

And his purpose is the pig. The pig before the end of the world is of great use, and the pig after the end of the world is also of great use.

A pig that can hold a two-tier supermarket is much more practical than a few square meters of ordinary space ability.

As for the researchers who saved the University of science and technology, they were just excuses for his mission.

"Captain, shouldn't we go to the family building of the classroom to save those researchers?"

Shang was thinking about what to say when he saw a man who was so fast that he didn't see his movements clearly.

He raised his gun at the first time, and other team-mates also raised their guns to aim.

"Don't shoot! Don't shoot! I'm here to show you the way. " Come and speak quickly.

The merchant captain hesitated for a moment and put down his gun, "where are you going to take us?"

"our brother zege said that he wanted to see you, you can go with me!"

An armed police officer approached the business leader and whispered, "Captain, be careful of cheating!"

The captain of the merchant didn't seem to panic when he observed the faces of the visitors. Moreover, with so many of them, he himself had awakened to the three series of powers. What's more, what can he do if he went there.

Yu Ze saw a hundred or so armed police officers who came up and said with a smile, "are the officers here to save us?"

At the first sight, Captain Shang saw Yu Ze standing in the middle of the crowd and the pig he was holding. His eyes lit up. A plan flashed in his mind, "yes, the state sent us to pick up all the survivors of this school."

"Where are you going to take us?"

Captain Shang was silent for a moment. In fact, the country did send someone to pick up the survivors, but it was different from them.

They represent the country's top strength, which is commonly known as the special forces. What they do is the most important thing. Even if they pick up people, they are the most important people.

The ordinary people are picked up by the ordinary army. These people should be arriving soon. Because the zombies break out in the middle of the night, schools, dormitories, hospitals, large residential areas and hotels are the important places for them to pick up people.

The business leader did not know how to reply to Yu Ze's words for a moment, so he said fiercely, "just follow us, don't you still believe us?"

the students looked at the armed police armed with guns and wanted to seek protection for a long time. In the eyes of ordinary people, soldiers can exist unconditionally.

After hearing this, they immediately expressed their willingness to go with them. As for Yu zegang's just said to protect everyone, they have long been forgotten.

In their eyes, how a person's strength is compared with the strength of the army, so they choose without hesitation.

Zhang Xin and Meng Meng stood behind Yu Ze and said, "brother Ze, where are you going, where are we going?"

Yu Ze turned to them with a smile, and then said to the business leader, "since you don't want to say where to take us, then I won't go with you. You see, they can take all who want to go."

The caravan leader glared: "I received the order to receive all the survivors of this school. If you do not cooperate, I have the right to use force."

If you don't leave, how can I catch your pig? I have to. I'm sorry!

Other students also advised Yu Ze to follow them. After all, many people are safe.

Yu Ze grabs Yu Qingyu's ears and wants to hear his opinions. After all, it's the same for him to go anywhere.

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