Yu Qingyu thought about it for a while, and thought that he shouldn't go with the army. If you want Yu Ze to be the head of the base, you can't do it in other people's territory.

"Yu Ze, we will stay. According to the original plan, no matter how many zombies you are not afraid of, you can still run at my speed."

The caravan leader saw Ze do not speak, smile and said to the subordinates behind him: "you take these people to go to the researchers, I will talk to him alone, the country will not give up a survivor, neither will I

"Captain Shang deserves to be our captain. We can't catch up with this realization!"

"Captain Shang, we've got someone waiting for you at the south gate. Please persuade this classmate to join us soon."

Some girls have star eyes in their eyes. Such men are so handsome. They look at the business captain with a blush.

Zhang Xin looks at Yu Ze. He won't listen to others. He only listens to zege.

Yu Ze is very surprised why this man has to talk with him alone, but his ability is in the hand, there is nothing to be afraid of.

He nodded to Zhang Xin, and after Zhang Xin left, he looked at the business team leader: "I've always been interested in beautiful women. It's good if the business team leader has something to say."

The business captain looked at the empty rooftop and narrowed his eyes: "did Yu Ze know that the pig in your arms robbed the shopping mall?"

Yu Ze was shocked to see the business leader, "Xiaohua robbed the shopping mall? How can I not know?"

"sleeping trough! Have I been found robbing the mall? "

These two words sounded at the same time, but the caravan leader only heard Yu Ze's words, did not understand Yu Qingyu's hum.

Yuze is different. At that moment, he almost called out. Xiaohua actually ransacked the mall? He He He's too good!

Reaction over Yu Ze almost did not laugh out, if it is before the end of the world, he certainly would not agree with floret to do so, but now is the end of the world, floret do it really right!

"Yu Ze, I have proof of this."

"So?" Yu Ze put up the state of inattention, the whole person exudes a fierce momentum.

Anyone who dares to move floret is unable to get along with him. He will not be soft hearted.

The captain of the Shang Dynasty felt Yu Ze's intention to kill him and snorted: "do you want to kill people?"

Yu Ze gathered a fire in his hand, "if you dare to make his idea, I can't guarantee it."

"Then try it!" A big water ball was condensed from the leader's hand, which was several times larger than Yuze's fire regiment.

When the war between the two sides was on the verge of breaking out, a pig humming voice suddenly came out, "Hey, ah, Yu Ze, don't be impulsive. Ask him what he intends to do first, and then kill him later."

Yu Ze was right when he thought about it, and said with a tiger face: "give you a chance to tell me what your purpose is?"

captain Shang had planned to have a fight with Yu Ze, but he didn't expect that Yu Ze would suddenly say this sentence. He was a little confused at the moment.

"Purpose? Do you want to take that pig as your own?" looking at Yu Ze's more and more gloomy face, the business captain said his purpose.

After saying this, he felt a burst of regret. He was also a trained soldier. He didn't resist the eyes of a student. If this incident was spread out, he would be laughed to death by everyone.

Yu Ze smashed a fireball in the past, "Xiaohua is mine!"

The merchant captain's keen sense of danger made him avoid the disaster and threw the water ball which had been brewing for a long time towards the fire regiment.

"Zizizi..." After a few efforts, the water polo disappeared.








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