Business team leader:.... " Shouldn't water be used to extinguish the fire? What's the ghost now?

Yu Qingyu raises eyebrows. This is the Kirin sacred fire. Your little water system ability is a fart!

Without waiting for the business leader to understand, the fire flew straight to him.

The business leader hastily offered a gambling wall, "Yu, you have something to say.

Yu Ze Leng hum a, and put out a few ice arrows straight into the business captain, want to play small flower idea of the people are damned!

Yu Qingyu was relieved to see Yu Ze release the ice arrow. It turned out that he still had the ice power, but he had more Kirin fire, which was good. Binghuo, hehe

The commander of the caravan hastily released the mine system to break down those arrows, "Yuze, let's cooperate!"

"Yuze, stop and see how he wants to cooperate."

After listening to Yu Qingyu's words, Yu Ze took back the fire. "How do you want to cooperate?"

the business leader gasped: "as long as you help me kill directional East and several people on his side, I can listen to you in the future."

"Why don't you kill yourself?"

the captain of the merchant bit his teeth, flashed anger in his eyes, and then broke down his shoulder and said, "I can't do it. Usually there are many people around them. Now there are more powers."

Yu Ze saw that the caravan leader had no threat to him, and returned to smiling. He touched Yu Qingyu slowly and quietly with one hand and said, "in this way, I am suffering a lot, but I have to kill several people for you alone."

If the caravan leader wants to fight you, I won't do it.

"I said I would listen to you, but I didn't say how many people would listen to me. Most of the people who just came here are power people. They all listen to me. If you help me, these people will listen to you."

Yu Ze once touched Yu Qingyu's head, "you have so many people can't kill them, why do you think I can do it?"

"It's not that so many people can't kill them, but these people can't kill those people. I can be desperate, but I don't want them to lose everything."

Yu Ze nodded vaguely, and he probably understood the enmity and hatred in the words of Captain Shang.

Captain Shang has a grudge against the people of the East faction in that direction, but his people can't kill each other in the East faction for various reasons. The leader himself can't kill all the people of the East faction. So he asked him, who has nothing to do with the whole thing, to help.

No matter what the final result is, the business leader should be able to bear it. If he can't, he can find someone else to cooperate with.

He can do it. The business leader and his staff are at his disposal, and one of his students will not command at that time. This group of people will say that they will not listen to the business leader at that time.

After trying to understand, Yu Zeyi said with a smile: "ha ha Business leader, this business with no capital is really smooth. Even if I really kill a group of people in the direction at that time, can you guarantee that all your staff will listen to me? "

He didn't think that the captain would be so angry just now. He didn't think that he would listen to these words.

"Can't you tell me? Why should I agree to such insincere cooperation? "Yu Ze doesn't care much about other people's opinions, but it doesn't mean that he is stupid. On the contrary, he can see everything clearly. He just doesn't want to worry about it. The whole person lives in Buddhism.

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