The caravan leader breathed out, "well, I think it's too simple. I'll never make your pig's idea again. Goodbye!"

"Yuze, don't let him go. I think we can cooperate with him to establish a base. If there is support from the military, it will be much simpler. Besides, are you afraid that you can't bring down his subordinates? Don't forget, in the end of the world, it's hard to be big Yu Qingyu was afraid that Yu Ze would let go of the chance to send him to the door. He spoke quickly. Moreover, the people who were asked to be killed in the original owner's wish were like those mentioned by the leader of the Shang Dynasty.

Yu Ze opened his mouth when the business leader was about to open the rooftop door: "I promised your cooperation, but now you are going to help me build a base."

"Good." The leader of the business team did not hesitate. As for the scientific research personnel who promised to be found by the senior management, he could say that he was eaten by the zombie.

Yu Ze said with a smile: "happy cooperation!"

Business leader nodded: "happy cooperation!"

Two years later, Yuze united business team leader slaughtered all the zombies in n city, and established a small flower base.

At the beginning, when the name of Xiaohua base came out, it was opposed by all people. Yu Ze still put on a face of "you said I would listen quietly, anyway, my decision will not change". In the end, no one could beat him. The base was called Xiaohua base smoothly.

Do you ask why others must listen to what Yu Ze said? Because he is the most powerful!

At the instigation of Yu Qingyu, if you don't listen to him, you will not be subject to the discipline of Ze, and some will not.

In the past, those who looked down on others had a fight, and those who had a crush on their daughter-in-law would fight again, and they would not obey the distribution of materials. However, they were afraid of being beaten later, and some of the stabbing things had already turned into fly ash.

There were hundreds of thousands of zombies besieged Yu Ze, but Yu Ze still set fire gracefully. Before the zombie reached the corner of his clothes, all the zombies were reduced to ashes, and it was no effort to kill several powers.

In troubled times, the same can be said about the end of the world. If the powers are too powerful, if the control is not in place, how can such a base resist the attack of zombies? What is the difference between a safe base and a chaotic city.

Yu Ze's ruthlessness is only aimed at those who disobey discipline. For those who stand on his side, whether ordinary people or powers, can get the most appropriate arrangement.

Yu Zeyi, however, has a serious attitude towards what he has done. The leader of the business, who has done numerous tasks, should praise him.

Therefore, Xiaohua base has the best reputation among all bases. Many ordinary people are willing to come here. If there are more ordinary people, those who have various relations with ordinary people will naturally come.

Under the construction of many human resources, Xiaohua base has basically restored the living standard before the end of the world. Ordinary people plant land and open shops, and the talents go out to collect materials and kill zombies. Life is gradually developing in a better direction.

Yu Qingyu can no longer nest in Yu Ze's arms in these two years, because he has grown heavier than Yu Ze.

Yu Ze is only about 140 kg. Yu Qingyu is afraid that it is not 140 kg. Yu Ze can't hold him up if he wants to. He has to eat and live with him every day.

In the base, some people often see their handsome base leader walking with a pig. The base chief sometimes turns his head and talks to the pig. The pig actually hums a few times, which seems to be responding to the base chief's words.

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