Yu Qingyu is also very depressed this time. He has been in this world for nearly three years, but he still can't find a way to become a human being. He even doesn't want to go where he has to go every day.

"Xiaohua, you look very unhappy today, what's the matter?"

Yu Qingyu took a look at Yu Ze with her eyelids raised and drooped her eyelashes.

I told you that you can't help it. It's better not to say it.

Yu Ze: What's the matter?

"Xiaohua, can I change your name

Yu Qingyu's eyes brightened when he heard the name change, and finally his eyelids drooped down.

It doesn't matter if you change your name. It doesn't matter if you change it. He's really enough when you're a pig!

Yu Ze: In the past, when it comes to changing the name of Xiaohua, Xiaohua will be very happy. Can't even change her name today?

"Qingyu, shall we go for a walk?" Yu Ze finally called out the name that he never called out to Yu Qingyu. He was still a little disappointed in his heart.

"Yu Ze, what did you just call me?" Yu Qingyu was finally aroused a trace of interest.

You know, he emphasized with Yu ze that there were not a hundred or eighty times his name, but Yu Ze, who was shameless, still called him Xiaohua every day. He was really angry. It was rare to hear Yu Ze call his name. He was surprised for a moment and forgot what he was worrying about.

Yu Ze's mouth rippled with a good-looking smile: "did I say anything? Xiaohua, did you hear me wrong?"

he would not say that the reason why he liked to call him Xiaohua was to see his subdued appearance.

Yu Qingyu said: I'd like you to see Yu Qingyu go back to his original place again. He didn't even lift his eyelids. He said with a smile, "Qingyu, I called you Qingyu just now. You should pay attention to me and have a look at my beauty. Even if you want to treat me so much, I can accept it."

Yu Qingyu is really not bored to death by his own affairs, and sooner or later he is bored to death by Yu Ze. He turns his eyes and says, "don't be coquettish in front of me. Go to your beautiful ladies and sisters!"

Yu Ze said with a smile: "knowing that you don't like me talking to girls, I don't like to joke as much as before?"

"so you invited Miss Beauty to go to Rujia with you?"

"of course! I used to be bored and didn't like to play games. I'm just a poor mouth. I've never done anything sorry for you

Yu Qingyu looked at Yu Ze with the eyes of the mentally retarded, "come on, come on, who are you sorry for again?"

Yu Ze Si didn't know the danger was coming. She said with a smile, "I've never been sorry for you, really!"

Yu Qingyu burst up and pressed Yu Ze under his body and roared: "open your eyes to see who I am? I am a pig. Do you understand? You tell a pig that you don't apologize to him, what do you mean?"

Yu Ze let Yu Qingyu hold on, and did not resist. He looked at Yu Qingyu's face, which was growing up and could not see clearly, "I thought you knew."

"I know? What can I know?"

Yu Ze said seriously: "know I like you."

Yu Qingyu said: Motherfucker! Can't prevent from being confessed how to break, online, etc., very urgent.

Yu Qingyu turned over Yu Ze's body, calmed down and said, "I'm a pig." But I'm human in nature.

"I can't do anything but talk and run fast." Of course, if you want to dry a pig, I'll think about it.

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