The system said angrily, "you tut fart? Will you go? "

"Go and go. I'm not too big. It's inconvenient to move in the car. You have to be patient."

The system was very angry and laughed: "do you think that God wants that thing?"

Yu Qingyu was stunned, "isn't it?"

"Of course not!"

"Oh." Not that you said it was a good thing, and you said you should find it quickly?

Yu Ze was killing in and out of the zombies, but Yu Guang kept an eye on the car. He saw Yu Qingyu open the door and walked down. He burned a zombie with a big fire dragon and ran to Yu Qingyu, "Xiaohua, what are you doing down here? Did you miss me

Yu Qingyu is thinking about accepting him and saying, "where did you get such a big face?" he nodded when he saw his brilliant smile.

Alas Every time the young man could recall the softness in his heart, he admitted that it was not death.

Yu Ze saw Yu Qingyu nodding, the corner of his mouth was about to pull to the root of his ear, and he rubbed: "I knew it was like this, floret, I miss you."

The caravan leader on the edge once again saw Yu Ze and Yu Qingyu talking. He was not surprised. However, the content of this talk was a little strong. Did Yu Ze say that his sweetheart last time was He couldn't help but shiver. The thunder in his hand was out of control and fell to Yu Qingyu's feet. The dust splashed on both of them.

Yu Qingyu turned his head and looked at the business captain with a murderous look in his eyes.

Yu Ze turned his head and looked at the business captain with a murderous look in his eyes.

Business team leader:.... " Do you think I should?

The scene formed a strange atmosphere. The captain of the business couldn't resist the eyes of one person and one pig. He touched his nose and said with a smile: "it's none of my business to show my love to be struck by thunder."

Yu Qingyu said: Does labor and capital look stupid?

Yu Ze's face turns from shade to fine, showing love? It's a good word. I like it. I'll spare you a death, but

Yuze together with the ability to play, straight to Shang captain.

Yu Qingyu decided to overturn the leader of the Shang Dynasty, and he was covered with dirt. Suddenly, he rushed to the leader.

Seeing Yu Ze's action, Captain Shang subconsciously wanted to hide, but he was hit by a bump on his waist. Before he could use other powers, Yu Ze's ability had already hit him.

The whole business leader turned into a lump of ice and fell straight down, throwing up a piece of dust.

"Ha ha ha Let you thunder me, retribution Yu Qingyu stood beside the leader of the caravan, appreciating his frightened expression.

Yu Ze leaned over and whispered to Yu Qingyu's ear, "Why are you so bad, Xiaohua?"

Yu Qingyu felt the heat in his ears, and the feeling of crispy numbness hit his heart. He hesitated and said, "Yu Ze, you should stay away from me." I can't do anything else. My heart is tired, my body is more tired!

Yu Ze smiles bitterly, with a trace of pain in his eyes: "Xiaohua..." If only you were normal.

Yu Qingyu turned away from his eyes and went straight to the place where the stone had fallen.

The zombies come from Ze's hands. The others clean up the battlefield. Only the caravan leader lies in the ice shell and looks at the sky in silence.

After walking for a while, Yu Qingyu suddenly said, "would you like to try riding me?"

after looking around, Yu Ze said with a reddish face: "it's not good to be in the wild?"

Yu Qingyu: "'"






asking for tickets

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