Yu Qingyu: what the fuck! Yuze doesn't want to ride, does he? Ha ha In this world, he finally found a man as dirty as him. It's hard to say that he doesn't cooperate with him!

"I think it's very good. In the wild, the sky is a quilt and the ground is a bed. What do you think?" Yu Qingyu looks at Yu Ze.

Yu Ze's face was even redder, "Xiaohua, let's go back to the base and Will you ride again

"No, no, I have to do it now. I have something else to do later?"

Yu Ze hesitated for a moment, bit his teeth, and said, "that's OK."

He raised his hand and began to release the ice power. After a while, he built an ice house and turned out an ice shovel to shovel it to the ground.

You can't see the ice house if you sprinkle some soil on it?

After finishing the battle, several powers followed him, "chief base, we have dug the crystal core. You can go and burn the corpse."

Yu Ze took a look at several people, and suddenly pointed to a person and said, "you are the earth series ability person, give me this ice house, use the wall to enclose all, leave a door on it."

The man was stunned: "base chief, are we going to spend the night here?"

Yu Ze's face slightly red, "well, I'm tired and want to have a rest. You can go far."

"Oh, oh." Several people nodded, and did not ask any more.

Yu Qingyu saw that Yu Ze built a house to "ride" him. He slipped away quietly while they were talking.

He remembers that there seems to be a news in his world that a man raped the old sow next door, and the world was probably laughing at him.

If the two of them are found out by others, then Tut Think of all those rumors, and he has an impulse to crash to death.

People will heap all the bad words on his head, abnormal, disgusting, dirty

The bottom line is no longer a challenge. There is no such thing.

After Yu Ze finished speaking, he turned back and found that Yu Qingyu was gone. He looked around in a panic and pursued in a direction.

There are his footprints here. They should be able to track them.

After running for a while, Yu Qingyu stopped at the designated place of the system.

"System, how can I get down this pit? Do you have any flying magic weapon or something? "

" you can't use it if you have. The realm is too low. "

"Oh, I'll have to wait for Yuze and let him go down later."

The system pauses for a moment and says hesitantly, "do you trust that person so much? Aren't you afraid he'll take what's in it? "

Yu Qingyu was stunned and then laughed, "anyone in this world is likely to rob my things, only he is impossible."

The system suddenly angrily said: "don't be complacent too early. I am the only one who is best for you in this world."

Yu Qingyu said: Is the system crazy?

The two people did not speak again. The system felt that he needed to think about what was going on with him. Yu Qingyu felt that the system was stimulated by what.

After a while, Yu Ze didn't come over. Yu Qingyu simply closed his eyes to absorb aura. Even if he couldn't change his shape, it was good to strengthen his body.

When Yu Ze came over, he saw Yu Qingyu lying quietly beside a deep pit, quietly closed his eyes, surrounded by various pits made by stones. The surface was in a mess, and the floret was just like a flower in that mess. It was quiet, elegant and eye-catching.

Suddenly remembered that someone asked him a question: how blind are you when you love someone?

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