Yu Qingyu hugged Lu Yao's thigh. Two small black bean eyes looked at him, trying to express that he would not suffer from indigestion. He wanted to eat other meat.

"Well, you can't be coquettish. You can only eat such meat. Oil and salt will make you lose hair."

Yu Qingyu let go of Lu Yao's thighs and ate boiled meat in plain water! Boiled meat in white water is also meat! It's better than bamboo. If you make some vinegar and mash garlic, it will be delicious. Tut I really hope to be transformed into human form as soon as possible!

A strange smell rushed into Yu Qingyu's nostrils, and his body became hot and dry. There was a fire in his body. Looking at his beautiful face, Yu Qingyu didn't think about it. He knocked down Lu Yao and pressed him down.

Lu Yao was knocked down by Yu Qingyu. He was crushed by a giant panda about two hundred jin. The whole person was not well. Suddenly, he felt something against his stomach. He pushed aside Yu Qingyu and saw the tender pink.

Lu Yao: He should say something to solve the embarrassment, oh It seems that there is nothing to say. After all, he is facing a giant panda.

When Yu Qingyu was pushed like this, he suddenly woke up. He felt something strange about his body and saw the female panda come. He turned around and climbed up the tree.

The female panda in estrus is so terrible! He'd better run!

Yu Qingyu watched Miaomiao eat the meat in his basin. He was very upset. The dead Lu Yao didn't say to stop him. Oh! How angry!


"Hello, is this Chuncheng zoo?"

"Well, it's like this. A female giant panda in our zoo is in heat. I want to take it to your place to match it. Is it convenient for you?"

"Mm-hmm, OK. I'll arrange the delivery right away."

Lu Yao put down the phone and thought of the picture of being knocked down by Yu Qingyu in the morning, and his ears became hot.

He rubbed his ears hard. He was just a giant panda, but I don't know why he just couldn't forget that scene, especially the feeling on his belly. Suddenly Lu Yao ran into the bathroom with his eyes wide open. He thought he was crazy. How could he have that idea about a giant panda.

Seeing Miaomiao off, Lu Yao intended to visit Yu Qingyu, but he returned to his hometown in the middle of the journey, looking unnatural.


"Ah! You see that giant panda is actually in the tree. How does it climb up? I want to take a picture. I want to take a picture. Quickly, take a picture for me

The man of the same trade pointed to the sign beside him in embarrassment and said, "it's forbidden to take photos here."

The girl doesn't matter: "just take a picture, it's OK."

The boy had no choice but to smile, picked up the camera to take pictures of the girl who had been posing for a long time.

The girl changed her posture and said, "hurry up, take two more pictures."

The boy looked around and said in a low voice, "OK, be careful of being caught by the management."

"If you want to take a picture or not, what else can you do?"

The boy picked up the camera a little stifled, saw Yu Qingyu quickly ran behind her, stood up, two bear paws held high, big mouth showing rows of sharp teeth, expression fierce.

The boy pressed the shutter with a nervous hand and rushed to pull the girl away from Yu Qingyu.

"Well, what are you pulling me for?"

The boy pointed to Yu Qingyu. The girl looked back and saw only the butt of a giant panda far away.

"What's the matter?" the girl asked

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