A child on the edge said: "sister, just now the giant panda wanted to bite you, but there was a glass wall. It didn't bite, so he left sadly."

Female students: What did she miss just now?

In the next few days, a microblog became popular and received a lot of forwarding and comments.

The content of the microblog is a photo sent by an IP address called "finally not a single dog.".

In the photo, there is a woman with POS on her face, but behind her is a giant panda. The giant panda stands upright, with two forepaws on the glass curtain wall and her eyes staring at the woman. Her mouth is wide open, showing four fangs. The open mouth seems to emit a loud and loud roar. You can feel the arrogance from the screen I haven't seen such a ferocious giant panda before. I come to eat a wave of melons.

"In my lifetime, I finally saw the angry expression of panda. I want to give this woman some compliments. Please take my knee."

"Ah, ah! My giant panda's angry appearance is also super cute. I can't explain it when I take it away. "

"My lifelong wish is to raise a giant panda. It means that such a fierce and lovely panda is my ultimate dream. Take it away Take it away... "

"For the giant panda, which is deliberately frightening, I just like backhand. Well done! It should be a lesson to anyone who takes photos at will in the zoo."

"It's right upstairs. We pandas are so cute and cute. You don't even go to visit my father panda's face in person, but you also take photos at will to see my father's angry little eyes, which clearly shows that you will kneel down for me..."

"You kneel down + 1..."

"You kneel down + 2..."

"You kneel down + 10006..."


"Mr. Lu, the flowers in our garden have become popular on Weibo today. There should be a lot of people coming to see the flowers recently. Should we make some preparations?"


"OK." Li Si retired.

As soon as Lu Yao heard Li Si's words, he immediately boarded the microblog. It was obvious that the popular topic was Duoduo that stupid panda. After deep examination, Duoduo's current location has been exposed. At the moment, the comments have developed to the point that people need to form a group to see Duoduo. Lu Yao praised all the comments about Duoduo, and he was very happy.

When he suddenly realized what he was doing, Lu Yao's ears became red again. He always looked at the blossoms as individuals unconsciously. Maybe Duoduo was too clever. He ignored that Duoduo was actually a giant panda.

Qingcheng secondary zoo is one of the national key zoos. Its security is very good. The walls around it are not only high, but also connected with the power grid. Once it is touched, an alarm will be sent out. There are two gatekeepers at the guard's office who will walk around the zoo from time to time. In addition, no one will come to the zoo half a night, but those who are not open-minded want to do something bad Things.

"No problem, big brother?"

"No, I've been in this business for so long. Can the power grid still beat me? Look at mine!

"OK! Big brother. "

With a run-up and a hard jump, his hands climbed to the wall.


The big nose under the wall said, "what's the matter, big brother?"

"It's OK. I didn't expect that there was still glass slag on the wall, but I've been ready for it. I'm wearing gloves. Ha ha..."

"Here you are, big brother."

The beard took the tool from the big nose and cut off the power grid skillfully. Without disturbing anyone, they secretly turned into the zoo.

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