Irina gave Fred a white look, and turned her lips scornfully. In recent years, although this bastard has done a lot of good things to the blood clan, she just doesn't look up to him. She is just a bastard. No matter how good she does, she can't change his identity. She has reason to look down on him.

Fred sees Irina coming up and drooping her eyelashes to cover her eyes. Fool, let you be arrogant for a while.

Yu Qingyu stretched out, opened his eyes, rolled on the bed for several times, this sleep is really comfortable!

He patted a bell on the head of the bed, and the sound of "Dangdang" rang out.

Fred looked excited and knocked on the door. "Sir Edward, are you awake?"

"Said Irina," Mr. Edward, can I go in? I'll change your clothes. "

The housekeeper ran up and pressed a bulge beside the door and walked in quickly.

Fred suddenly gave a fierce look, and Irina rushed into the room. Irina did not want to be outdone, but also went back.

They were all stuck by the door and couldn't get in or out, staring at each other.

Irina: bastard, step back

Fred: "Oh Why don't you quit? "

Yu Qingyu dressed quickly under the servant of the housekeeper and looked askance at them: "what are you doing? Compare strength? "

Fred's second cry skill suddenly lit up, his blood red eyes filled with tears, and his voice choked: "Lord Edward, I miss you so much."

Although Irina did not cry, but her eyes were also quietly flushed. She looked at Yu Qingyu bitterly, "Mr. Edward, I miss you so much."

Yu Qingyu looked at the housekeeper with a kind smile, "don't say you miss me?"

Housekeeper: "of course I want your highness."

Yu Qingyu said: what the fuck! What happened?

Looking at the two people at the door carefully, he found that Fred seemed to be a head higher than Irina, and his face was more mature and handsome. His slanting peach blossom eyes were shining with water vapor. He looked at him plaintively. He looked at him as if he had been betrayed. Yu Qingyu was shaking hard. What the hell? Is Fred toxic? Is this expression used in the wrong place?

looking at Irina again, she is meticulous with her golden hair, red eyes and red lips, but now she smiles shyly at him. It is clear that it should be queen fan and turns into a pure princess. Yu Qingyu moves his eyes away from them. He is afraid of being eaten by them. His eyes are terrible!

"housekeeper, how long did I sleep ?”

"Return to your highness, you have slept for three years and six months."

"(⊙ o ⊙) what? Did I sleep so long? How about the blood clan now? "Yu Qingyu asked in a hurry.

Fred finally squeezed in through the door, kneeling on one knee and hugging Yu Qingyu's thigh, "Mr. Edward, ask me! Most of the blood clan affairs are handled by me. "

Irina ran over and hugged his arm. "Mr. Edward, you ask me, I know about the blood clan."

Yu Qingyu looked at Fred, then at Irina. He looked up and gave a breath. Other people are embracing each other and are the winners of life. What is he? Does it never come singly?

Yu Qingyu took out his arm, which was held by Irina, and kicked open Fred. "OK, you go out first. I'll go down and wait for me in the restaurant."

"Yes." Fred agreed cheerfully, turning and trotting out of the bedroom.

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