Irina also went out with her and gave him a deep look when she left.

Yu Qingyu ignored her eyes and looked at the housekeeper, "tell me the situation of blood clan in recent years."


In fact, a lot of great things have happened in recent years. The biggest thing is the all-round war between blood clan and hunter.

After Yu Qingyu stirred up the meeting of the hunter's Union and poisoned the hunters, it opened the prelude to the war between the blood clan and the hunter.

In the past, the blood clan and the hunter were all fighting, because the blood clan people hid.

But now it is not the same. All the blood clan jumped out, and Yu Qingyu's subordinates also changed blood clan everywhere in the kingdom.

One pass ten, ten pass a hundred, a hundred pass a thousand Soon the whole kingdom became a battlefield for blood clan and hunter.

There are more and more blood clan people. At the beginning of the hunter guild, they didn't dare to hunt and kill vampires. They were afraid that the poison would hide in their bodies for a month. After a month, when there was nothing wrong with them, they all took part in the killing of vampires.

But how could the poison under Yu Qingyu really scare them? Soon those people died slowly. The whole process took another month.

Because of the death of many hunters, even the vice president, the president was very angry and sent all the hunters to search for the vampires and kill them.

Before Yu Qingyu went to sleep, the order was to change more blood clans. Those subordinates did well.

Fered attacked the strategy and ruthless, led his blood clan to hunt and kill hunters everywhere.

The children that Yu Qingyu had arranged for have grown up and found the blood clan castle. Finally, under the leadership of Fred, they also slowly degenerated and killed the Hunters without blinking.

Although Irina didn't fight with the hunter directly, she went back to the palace and nearly took his father's throne, forcing his father not to support the hunter.

Now the whole country is almost dominated by the blood clan. The hunters and the Royal Palace unite to ask for negotiations with the blood clan prince. Yu Qingyu just wakes up at this node.

Yu Qingyu stood up and took a look in front of the mirror. He felt that he was really handsome and cracked the sky: "good looking people are lucky, don't you think so?"

housekeeper: "Your Royal Highness says you are right."

"Ha ha ha I'm teasing you. Are you serious? But I'm really happy to see the situation now. I didn't have much trouble. The hunter and the king were all settled. Tut I'm very lucky. Thank you very much for this face. "

If it wasn't for this face, how could Fred and Irina be used by him? Although it's shameful to use their feelings, one would like to fight and the other to suffer, wouldn't they? He was glad to see them all.

"Your Highness, sit down." As soon as Fred saw Yu Qingyu coming down from the stairs, dogleg was courting him.

Yu Qingyu leisurely sat on the sofa and cocked her legs. "Do you two talk about the situation of blood clan?"


The next two people said the same thing as the housekeeper, but with some more details, there was no difference on the whole.

"Your Highness, the hunter and the king want to negotiate with you. What do you want to do?" asked Fred.

"If it was you, what would you do?" asked Yu Qingyu

Fred squinted. "Your Highness, only dead enemies are good enemies, aren't they? We can continue to develop and expand the kinship until we rule the country. "

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