
Anti theft Replace in two hours.

Don't be angry, babies.


"Ding Dong..." Wechat prompts sound.

Please add your friend.

Yu Qingyu read the novel hand a meal, point open friend request.

A thin face appeared in front of his eyes, the man's facial features were fierce, a pair of narrow eyes narrowed, the front of the sea hanging a few wisps, as if just moved, the forehead has fine sweat. Looking up and biting his lips, he made an expression of unbearable emotion.

Yu Qingyu was hard at the moment, fuck! The goblin is really hook people, not doing enough!

Yu Qingyu added friends a little, saying that he hasn't opened meat since he finished the task, so it's better to indulge in it tonight.

Mr. Bai: what are you doing? Are you interested in chatting?

Yu Qingyu: OK, what are you talking about?

childe Bai: what kind of man do you like?

Yu Qingyu: I said I just like you?

Mr. Bai: of course, I'll give it to you!

Yu Qingyu: ha ha

Inner roll white eyes, long such a good-looking man actually said to deliver to him like, ah Why is he so distrustful!

Mr. Bai: I'm serious, or I'll show you my sincerity.

Yu Qingyu: good

Mr. Bai: [picture]

Yu Qingyu: puff What's the ghost?

Yu Qingyu quickly put his mobile phone on the desktop and looked around.

"Hoo Fortunately, no one paid attention to it! "

quietly covered the mobile phone on one side and looked at the picture again.

Strong abdominal muscles, attractive triangle area, soaring * *, the length of jade Qingyu amazing.

Is there such a long human being? I'm afraid it's not 20 cm, is it?

Mr. Bai: This is my sincerity. Are you satisfied with what you see?

Yu Qingyu

How to say that he is actually shocked, he is a man with a boyfriend, (although I don't know where he died) how can he be seduced, although I really want to have a taste.

Mr. Bai: if you are satisfied, I'll see you at night.

Is it so unpretentious? But Hey, hey

Yu Qingyu: OK, I'll leave the door for you in the evening and wait for you in the bed naked.

after the passage, Yu Qingyu ordered the black.

Hum! He doesn't believe him. If he doesn't tell him the address, how can he find it? Ha ha

When she came home from work in the evening, Yu Qingyu took a bath, wrapped up a bathrobe and went back to the room.

Suddenly think of what is the same, strange smile, just shut the door, and not locked from inside.

Hum! A little thief, I'll leave the door for you. I can't sleep. I'm you.


Anti theft Replace in two hours.

Don't be angry, babies.


"Ding Dong..." Wechat prompts sound.

Please add your friend.

Yu Qingyu read the novel hand a meal, point open friend request.

A thin face appeared in front of his eyes, the man's facial features were fierce, a pair of narrow eyes narrowed, the front of the sea hanging a few wisps, as if just moved, the forehead has fine sweat. Looking up and biting his lips, he made an expression of unbearable emotion.

Yu Qingyu was hard at the moment, fuck! The goblin is really hook people, not doing enough!

Yu Qingyu added friends a little, saying that he hasn't opened meat since he finished the task, so it's better to indulge in it tonight.

Mr. Bai: what are you doing? Are you interested in chatting?

Yu Qingyu: OK, what are you talking about?

childe Bai: what kind of man do you like?

Yu Qingyu: I said I just like you?

Mr. Bai: of course, I'll give it to you!

Yu Qingyu: ha ha

Inner roll white eyes, long such a good-looking man actually said to deliver to him like, ah Why is he so distrustful!

Mr. Bai: I'm serious, or I'll show you my sincerity.

Yu Qingyu: good

Mr. Bai: [picture]

Yu Qingyu: puff What's the ghost?

Yu Qingyu quickly put his mobile phone on the desktop and looked around.

"Hoo Fortunately, no one paid attention to it! "

quietly covered the mobile phone on one side and looked at the picture again.

Strong abdominal muscles, attractive triangle area and high Yin

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