Yu Qingyu looked at the third prince coldly. This time, without him, the third prince would surely learn the biggest lesson.

The third prince appeared and sneezed a few times. Immediately he fell down and drank a few mouthfuls. There was only a water depth of less than two meters near the pool. He could not be drowned, but he was definitely punished.

The eunuch who usually sent food to Yu Qingyu didn't see the third prince come out for a long time. He estimated that he had finished his meal and had the courage to go in to clean up the dishes and chopsticks.

This time, the third prince was sent directly to the palace and summoned the imperial physician.

"Back to the emperor, the third prince took a lot of stimulants and soaked in cold water for such a long time, which It's a little dangerous! "

The emperor hated iron and steel, looking at the third prince who was in a coma and burned to red all over his body, "give him treatment. If you can't cure it, you can't do it well!"

The grand doctor sighed, and told his assistant to induce vomiting to the third prince, and then he squeezed his mouth and poured a bowl of black soup. "The emperor, next, he has to find some women to vent his anger on the third prince. During this period, the old minister has to observe the situation of the third prince all the time, so the choice of the woman has to be determined by the emperor."

"It's just a couple of women, just maids." The emperor turned to his eunuch and ordered him to go down. He stood up and said, "if you have any special situation, please report to me."

"Yes, I remember."

After a while, four women came in at the door, all looking frightened. Although the third prince was romantic, they would be willing to be concubines. However, it is good enough that they are not killed today. How can they be happy.

The doctor looked at a few women, "you will try your best to dress the third prince, try to let him not move, go up!"

Several women shivered on the big bed, the doctor ordered, "take off clothes."

Some women have tears in their eyes. At this time, there are not only three big men in the room, but also several companions. In this situation, they should take the initiative to climb onto the men to do that. This is the torture of shame and indignation for the virgins.

The old doctor also felt that something was wrong, but in order to save the third prince, he also had no way!

The maiden shivered and untied her clothes. The old doctor turned her back and said, "hurry up, this is saving lives. If you delay the third prince's illness, none of you can afford it."

"I heard a cry from the old prince

The third prince's side of the people flustered, Yu Qingyu also lay on the big stone worried, this pool is polluted, how can he go down.

The emperor strode to the edge of the pool, his face was angry, "shark, you are too much, come on, give me a fight!"

Yu Qingyu gritted his teeth, "emperor, don't you listen to the reason?"

"Why? Ha ha Do you think I care about that? I just know you hurt Jinger

Yu Qingyu said: I have no words to refute, this fucker feudal world!

Several bodyguards dived into the water again, with various weapons in their hands, ready to greet Yu Qingyu.

Yu Qingyu tensed his skin. "Emperor, can you tell me to go down and change the water in this pool, or change me to another place. The water is full of spring medicine sprinkled by the third prince. I dare not go down. In case I am stimulated, where do you go to find a mermaid?"

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