"Sleeping trough! System, can you tell me where I am? How is it so black? "

" in a trap. "


Yu Qingyu couldn't see clearly what he was now. He stretched out his hand. Fortunately, he had a hand. Although it was a little short, he touched himself and touched him again.

"I feel like my hair is so long! System, is it safe now? Give me the story quickly. "

"It's safe before dawn. You can fuse your memory."

Yu Qingyu turned into a little panda this time. His hair was brown and red, and his head was a little lighter. He could only think of the roasted sweet potato with peeled skin. It was golden red and looked like he wanted to take a bite.

Two ears grow on both sides, flat, a bit like airplane ears, there is a pinch of white hair on the top, looks soft and lovely.

Two eyes are black, round, not a bit white, there are two white eyebrows, when you look at you, you will think, wow! So cute.

Just such a cute little panda, but he died in the end.

The reason why he died is more exotic. It is to save a person. It is reasonable to say that you are a little suspicious that a panda is involved in human beings. However, this little panda thinks that he is smarter than other pandas since he was young. He is different from them.

This time, he fell into the trap because he wanted to save people. He saw that the man who was very kind to him was resisted by a man, but he didn't expect to step on the ground and fall into the trap.

This trap is specially dug by hunters for large animals. The depth of the pit is about two meters. It's the kind of trap with small opening and big belly. It's hard for animals to jump out of the trap. There are many bamboo tubes under it. Once they fall on it, they will not die, but they will be seriously injured.

Because of its small size, the little panda was lucky not to fall on it, but he could not get out.

When the hunter came to see the next day, he found that there was only a panda less than three kilograms in the pit. He could not catch it. He could be used as a bait to catch a big one. It was not suitable to catch only one kilogram of meat.

The panda is desperate to think that he is going to die, but the man who gave him a biscuit is also going to die? It's a pity that he died so clean and gentle.

The panda stayed in the trap for two days and was killed by a wild boar.

His wish was to save the boy who had given him a biscuit and let him live well. On the contrary, he felt that he was dead. He felt that he was out of tune with the world. He wanted to be a man in the next life, not a panda.

Yu Qingyu opened his eyes, but it was still very dark. The wind in the forest made a sound of bamboo leaves, and occasionally there was a cry of an owl.

"Department System, are we in the wild? "

" well, what's the matter with you?

Yu Qingyu looked around and said, "I'm shaking Did you shake? "


Yu Qingyu shrunk himself into a group. "I just remember that the little panda usually only lives in the south, but there are many legends about ghosts and zombies in the south. Do you think there will be those things in the world and a zombie will pop up from the ground?"

the system is silent, "are you afraid?"

"I'm ok. As long as I don't think about it, I'm not too afraid."

"Don't think about it. Read the meditation formula I taught you."

Yu Qingyu closed his eyes and kept moving his lips. Suddenly he opened his eyes, "no, system. The more I let myself not to think, the more I think about it, now I have thought of flying zombies."




New plane, for monthly tickets, recommended tickets, for maintenance.

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