"Well Why don't you get some sleep? "The system said, a little embarrassed.

"Do you think that if I fall asleep, I will be dragged to some place by a big hand. Do you think, ah, a white bone crawls slowly under the ground in the dark bamboo forest. Suddenly, the white bone stretches out its bone claws and catches a little panda, and it gives out a" creaking and creaking "laugh. The little panda is pulled to the ground, and soon the ground exudes a bloodstain. Do you think it's terrible or not?"

System: …” You have a lot of drama.

System: "don't think about it. I'm still here. What are you afraid of?"

Yu Qingyu rolled his eyes and shook his body. "Don't you think you can't see or touch it more terrible?"

A gust of wind blew, and a branch fell from the trap. In the silent night, the sound was especially obvious. Then Yu Qingyu shrank back and took his tail, which is known as the nine knots whip, to circle himself.

When the forest became quiet again, Yu Qingyu always felt as if he had forgotten something. A sound of footsteps came from a distance. He stopped when he passed the trap, and then the sound gradually faded away.

Yu Qingyu crawled at the bottom of the pit, but he didn't dare to breathe. He finally knew what was wrong. His mission object was ah! The boy he was trying to save is still unknown! How can he stay here and not do anything?

He listened and felt that the footstep would not come back again. He put out a wooden shelf from the space stone. The shelf easily pushed out the branches and grass covered by the top of the trap, and Yu Qingyu climbed up quickly.

Out of the trap, put the shelf away again, look around to see that direction in memory.

The cold moonlight through the dense branches, leaving only a little light, the branches swaying, the shadow of the moon shaking, adding a bit of cold.

Yu Qingyu moved forward cautiously, his feet stepping on the ground made a slight sound. When passing by, he suddenly felt that the bottom of his feet felt wrong. He lowered his head and smelled it. It was the smell of soil.

It's covered by trees all the year round. The sun can't be seen. The ground is covered with dead leaves. Where is the soil? Unless It was dug up.

Yu Qingyu carefully observed the surrounding environment, and finally found something different not far from the soil rubbing. The dead branches and fallen leaves there were obviously a little fluffy than those in other places. If yu Qingyu was an individual at the moment, he could not see these differences at all, but he could see that the place was slightly different from other places, although he could not see it clearly in the daytime.

I have to say that man is very good at camouflage.

Yu Qingyu used all his limbs to pull at different places at the same time. After a while, he felt that his paw touched a hard object, and he seemed to have made a mark on it.

A white hand appeared in front of his eyes, this hand is very beautiful, slender fingers, bone distinct, not fat or thin, is the one he likes.

"System, do you think I'm still digging? I feel he's cold. Can you dig it out? "

System: "dig, in case you don't die."

Yu Qingyu planed upward along his arm. He thought it was better to dig out his face first. In case he didn't die, he said, "don't die. If you die, I can't finish this task."

Gently brush open the soil and leaves on the face of the pit. Yu Qingyu instantly covers her heart with her small claws and lies in the trough! Scared to death! It must be hopeless.

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