For a moment, the law enforcers were confused and hot in the crotch.

Feng xiner feels the change of the law enforcement officer's body. With a smile at the end of her eyes, she kisses his Adam's apple with her head up. Her hip swings to rub the law enforcement officer's belly.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? "

"What's the matter?"

not far from the wooden house, the disciples who were harvesting the Holy Land swarmed over.

At the door, we can see the dignified law enforcer with Feng Xin'er on his body.

Everyone stayed where they were and didn't know what to do.

Leng turned back to see a trace of annoyance flashed through the eyes of the law enforcement officers, and pushed Feng xiner away mercilessly.

Feng xiner was injured just now, and the law enforcement officials used spiritual power to push down their consciousness.

Ah, they sat on the white ground with a big sound.

Instantly attracted the eyes of all people, Feng Xin'er looked up at the law enforcement officials with tears, "pain." The voice is soft and soft.

Immediately, a male disciple stepped forward to help Feng xiner, "are you OK, elder martial sister?" The hand also specially touched her everywhere, as if it was really checking whether she was hurt.

But the hand that had been lifting to the bottom of the skirt revealed his mind.

The law enforcer black face, a spirit power brush away the man, "press away!" He turned and walked out of the cabin.

"Yes Two black robed law enforcers came forward and took Feng xiner's arm and left.

Feng Xin'er moved her mouth and didn't speak. In addition, she didn't dare to resist when she was injured. She was pressed to the law enforcement hall obediently.

Followed by a group of disciples of the lively sect.

When and has been to the law enforcement hall just let go of the hand that covers Yu Qingyu.

He didn't want him to see his embarrassed side.

Soon, the law enforcement officers executed the matter, which was almost as expected by Leng.

This time, because Feng Xin'er was picking up trouble, Leng was only fined ten thousand spirit stones.

Feng xiner is punished with 100000 spirit stones. If she fails to hand in the spirit stone, she will be expelled from the Yangqi sect, and all the skills she has learned in Yangqi sect will be abolished.

The abolition of these is tantamount to destroying her spiritual roots. From then on, she became like a mortal and had no qualification to cultivate immortals.

This punishment can not be said to be cruel, we should know that Leng Shen only receives 120 spirit stones every year.

You can imagine how many ten thousand spirit stones are punished.

Of course, the disciples of Yangqi sect can't live on the spirit stones issued by the sect.

You can earn spirit stone by going out to do tasks, killing spirit animals and collecting herbs.

It takes about three or five years for ordinary disciples to earn 10000 yuan, while it takes twice as much time for a servant like Leng.

Fortunately Leng did not lack the spirit stone because of Yu Qingyu, otherwise he could not take it out.

Here Leng easily handed over the spirit stone, looking at the same from the law enforcement hall, Feng xiner gave her a look of unknown meaning, turned and left.

Feng Xin'er hates gnashing her teeth but has no way.

If she was outside Zong's gate, she would have killed him.

"Elder martial sister, I heard that you were punished with a spirit stone. Did the law enforcement hall say when the elder martial sister should hand it in?" A man with narrow colors comes to Feng xiner.

Feng Xin'er frowned at the man who came over.

Naturally, she knew about this pot friend. She had money at home. Sending him to yangqizong also gave him a lot of spiritual stones.

Otherwise, how can a four spirit root enter the Yangqi sect.

Pan Youquan is a fat man with a big ear and a strong figure. In the Xiuxian world, which is almost full of beautiful men and women, it is just a debris flow.

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