Yu Qingyu slipped over and crawled over his wrist and looked at him. "Can I help you?"

Leng's head lifted and pulled it hard. A little ugly knot hit his arm. He loosened his mouth and said, "look, it's not necessary."

When Feng xiner and pan Youquan are about to arrive at his cave, a strong desire suddenly rises from her body.

With some red eyes in her eyes, she turned and knocked down pan Youquan.

"Stab La" Pan you Quan's clothes were torn clean, and Feng xiner's hand had already grasped his bottom.

Basin friends all this to learn nothing, at the moment can not resist the frenzied Feng Xin'er.

In Feng Xin'er's sophisticated technique, she stands up for a moment.

The next moment, fengxiner rode on him, ups and downs.

There are several disciples walking around, and now they are shocked by their actions.

Although the cultivation of immortals is more open to this aspect, it is not done in public.

A female disciple screamed, covered her face and ran away.

Several male disciples were watching with interest.

Some of them also clamped their legs, their buttocks retracted, apparently reacting.

Pan friends all around feel the eyes around him, a face burst red, a sense of shame surged into his heart.

I wish there was a hole in the ground.

But the body waves of stimulation continue to come.

The dual stimulation of body and mind made him soften quickly.

Feng Xin'er gets up and pours down a man.

The same process, the same action.

But three or five minutes later, Feng xiner changed people again.

In fact, in such an environment, no one can persist for long.

The female disciple's scream attracted more people. All the male disciples watched silently, and some even envied the man under Feng xiner.

Basin friends all look at the beauty that should have enjoyed by themselves. At this moment, they are crazy and fall down on men.

The heart is not angry, go forward to pull wind Xin'er to leave.

If you want to go crazy back to the cave, your mother has to take medicine until she doesn't go mad.

Basin friends all a come forward, and before she can hold the wind xiner, she is holding the key part of her Qianqian jade hand.

Pan Youquan:

When a male disciple saw it, he opened his clothes and went to the side of fengxin'er.

Sure enough, Feng xiner's hand reached out to him

Later, the situation is not pan you all-around to stop, Feng xiner was surrounded by several people, can not see her figure, only a variety of unbearable voice.

People are like this. Even if they do this in public, as long as someone takes the lead, someone will do it.

In some cases, people don't have reason, and their impulsive desire will break all their senses.

When Yu Qingyu receives the news from Feng Xin'er, it is time for her to be expelled.

Feng xiner is crying with tears. She insists that she was forced by those people. She doesn't know how many people have taken advantage of her. She is innocent.

Yangqizong was extremely angry about such a ridiculous thing, and did not intend to spare anyone involved in it.

Although Feng xiner was the victim, everyone knew that she was the first to move her hand that day.

It's also strange that Feng Xin'er usually doesn't make good comments on the wind. She changes people's sleep every day, but when there's no accident, the zongmen always open their eyes and close their eyes.

Ask them not to care, this is the freedom of the disciples.

Yang is at the top of the five major sects. This time, it is the black spot that yangqizong can never wash away.

Therefore, all the offenders were expelled from the clan, and there was no room for discussion.

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