"Qing Yu, what's wrong with you?" A pair of big hands suddenly held him up. Yu Qingyu opened his eyes and saw Yu Xingchuan's big face in front of him.

"Squeak..." I'm fine.

Yu Xingchuan saw that Yu Qingyu opened his eyes. He felt less worried. He sat down on the chair and took a breath. He looked at Yu Qingyu with a trace of worry in his eyes. "Your stomach is so round. Will you be ok?"

Yu Qingyu didn't know how to answer his question. He said that there was no problem. He still had some support. He said that he had a problem. He would be OK after a few hours at most. He would not die. He was stunned at his palm for a moment.

Yu Xingchuan's face was very dark, holding him out of the office, "Anjiao, do you know what's wrong with him?"

An Qiao looks at Yu Xingchuan's hand Yu Qingyu, and is frightened by his stomach at the first time. At the same time, Yu Qingyu feels tired and closes his eyes. He looks like he is dead.

"Yu team, did you finally kill him?"

Next to the small Gao pulled her, "say what."

Yu Xingchuan's face was not black at the moment, but his whole body was blowing cold air.

Originally, his height of 185 had already exerted great pressure on the people around him. This time, he was full of cold air. It can be imagined how much pressure people feel.

Anqiao was also scared by his momentum, but still stubborn retort: "do you want to hit me when I tell the truth?"

An Qiao's home can be regarded as a police home, her father, her mother, her grandfather are police, but the division of labor is not the same,.

She volunteered to be a policeman when she was young, but her father couldn't beat her, so she was put into this non dangerous police station.

She can be said that no one dares to offend her in the police station. In addition, she is also good-looking, and everyone is very tolerant of her.

When Yu Xingchuan first came, she still had some meaning for him, but he didn't understand the amorous feelings. Gradually, an Qiao treated him as well as others, so she didn't pay much attention to him.

As the flower of the police, her father is in a high position, and she is not worried about marrying a good family. This is the cultivation of a rich girl. For example, those who can't get their life and want to get it even if they don't have to resort to intrigue. It's only a normal person like Anjiao.

Yu Xingchuan was shocked by an Qiao's "do you want to beat her?" he was just angry at her for saying something small. It was impossible for her to beat a woman, unless she had to.

With the words of Anjiao, the cold breath in the air dissipated a lot. Xiao Gao almost laughed and pulled her arm, "calm down, calm down."

An Qiao this just seriously goes to see Yu Qingyu, tentatively reaches out to touch, Yu Qingyu closes his eyes and hums a, this breath he doesn't like.

"Yu team, you take him to the pet hospital, this hamster is a bit silly, he may be eating too much."

Yu Xingchuan's face was petrified for a moment. He was holding on to it! Yes!

"Sir, you should set a good amount of food the next time. Hamsters rarely die, but they can't help eating more when they encounter delicious food, just like human beings.

But eating too much is not good for your health. You should pay attention to it in the future. I just gave him some digestive medicine. Next, you don't have to worry. Don't feed him today. He will be normal tomorrow. "

"Yes, thank you." Yu Xingchuan takes over Yu Qingyu. He is in a complicated mood. Where is his brain?

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