Yu Qingyu, whose brain did not know where to go, was awakened by the sound of the system.

"Zhizhi... Zhizhi" if you have a situation, please give me your mobile phone!

Yu Hangchuan saw Kwai Yu suddenly started to be irritable, and mobile phone was handed to him. Soon, an address appeared on his cell phone.

Yu Xingchuan put him in his pocket and ran outside, leaving a sentence, "come and give money later." People disappear at the door.

The young saleswoman laughed and said in a low voice, "it doesn't matter if you don't give me money. I'll pay for it myself because I'm so good-looking anyway."

Yu Xingchuan followed the address given by Yu Qingyu to find a residential area being built. It seems that the second phase of construction is under construction. On the one hand, people have already lived and on the other hand, construction is still under way.

All kinds of building materials and brick and soil are piled up on the roadside, looking messy.

Near noon, the construction site was also suspended. When Yu Xingchuan came in, no one stopped him. When he went around a corner, he just heard some slight swallowing sound.

"Don't move, hands up!" Yu Xingchuan jumped out and pointed his gun at someone.

Li Li didn't expect that he would be arrested. How could he meet the chance of winning the lottery.

He was just on the spur of the moment. Seeing that the woman was less dressed, he had a bad idea. He thought it was OK. But the dark muzzle of the gun pointed at him, and his legs softened.

Li Putong knelt down and said, "officer, I'm wrong. Don't catch me. Don't catch me! I'm old and I'm young. Please let me go."

Yu Xingchuan expressionless handcuffed him, turned his head to look at the girl who had got up, "come on, follow me back to the police station."

The girl shook her body and sobbed, "can I... can I not go?"


The girl lowered her head, and her voice seemed to be embarrassed, "I... can't let others know."

Yu Xingchuan just looked at her, "are you sure? He hurt you. "

Li Li suddenly exclaimed, "I haven't, I haven't gone in yet."

The girl shuddered when she heard his voice. Yu Xingchuan pulled a handcuff. Li Li cried for her father and mother in pain, but he still said that he did not violate the girl.

It's also true that girls are reluctant to report such incidents. If there are too many rumors, who can control other people's mouths.

Are there few people who have been forced to die by rumors?

Yu Xingchuan also did not force, handcuffed Li Li to leave, he heard the girl whispered to him, "thank you."

Yu Xingchuan handcuffed Li Li Li to the car and returned to the pet store to pay for the medicine and buy a lot of things.

Yu Qingyu fell asleep in Yu Xingchuan's pocket when he caught Li Li.

Finally, Yu Xingchuan put it in a box of acrylic board and carried it back.

Yu Xingchuan holds a box in his hand, which can be said to be a luxury configuration for raising hamsters. There are stairs, small houses, swings, running wheels, seesaw, etc.

The other hand is holding a man in overalls. The man has a colorful bag hanging on his arm. The bag is bulging and has the name of the pet shop printed on it. He wants to know it is a pet product with his toes.

Yu Xingchuan so swaggered into the police station, in the eyes of all the police officers, calmly put the box on his desk.

People at the police station thought they had hallucinations, and they were stunned.

"Xiao Gao, hit me quickly. Am I hallucinating? I actually saw Yu team carry the cage for hamsters. "

Xiao Gao: ha ha... You are right.

"Xiao Gao, you know Yu team best. Did you say that Yu team was lowered?"

Xiao Gao: we are police. We should believe in science.

"Xiao Gao, do you know why Yu team keeps hamsters?"

Xiao Gao thought that finally there was a normal, "of course, I like it. We took the hamster to where we took it, and whispered to him. Now it is estimated that the hamster has taken my place."

Yu Xingchuan's voice whispered, "how can I not know you have a position?"

Xiao Gao looked at the people who had been talking to him just now. All of them were sitting well. His eyes were staring at the screen as if they were doing something important. In his heart, a bunch of bastards didn't know to remind him.

Xiao Gao looked back with a brilliant smile, "Yu team, good afternoon. Do you want me to go and get you dinner? You interrogate the man who just came back? "

Yu Xingchuan nodded and saved a trip.

Finally, ha woo, it's time to wake up and stretch! It was a good sleep.

Yu Xingchuan saw his movement and took him out of the cage, "do you still feel bad?"

Yu Qingyu covered his eyes and turned to face him with his buttocks

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