"You..." for a moment, the director looked at his eyes as if to burst out of fire, but also know that he was right.

The deputy director came out and became a peacemaker, "OK, director, don't be angry. Let's think about ways to get through this difficult situation."

The director sat down indignantly. He did not resent the newspaper's extensive coverage. It was just that it brought panic to the public and made the murderer more vigilant, which made it more difficult for them to arrest people.

But now the media are still staring at them almost every day. They can't do anything secret deployment. Who can be angry.

Deputy director looked at Lin team and Yu Xingchuan, "this case has always been the responsibility of your serious case group. Now, do you two have anything to say?"

Lin team said a few points, he advocated a carpet search, with more than 100 police dogs around the village.

He firmly believes that the murderer may still be in the village. Maybe he is killing the villager and hiding in his house. The sooner they find people, the more people they can stop him from killing more people.

Deputy director also looked at Yu Xingchuan, Yu Xingchuan said only lightly, "today is may day."

A group of police officers:

Director: what does Xiaoyu mean

Yu Xingchuan: "junior high school students are on holiday. There will be a lot of students on the street at night, and there will certainly be many students in that suburban village."

Director: go on

Yu Xingchuan quietly pressed Yu Qingyu, who was sticking his head out of his trouser pocket, "I checked the missing person records of that branch in the past ten years, and found that the time of each missing report was before and after the students' holiday."

People still did not keep up with Yu Xingchuan's brain circuit, waiting for him to continue.

Yu Xingchuan put his hand half in his pocket and felt the small, fluffy little thing, and his heart gushed with strong confidence.

"Those missing students are quarreling with their parents. They run out in the middle of the night, and some of them don't go home to play outside in the middle of the night. Moreover, they are all good-looking. Do you know what this means?"

Director: tell me not to stay out in the middle of the night

Yu Xingchuan: "no, it means good-looking. Don't go out in the middle of the night."

People: "where am I? Who am I? What am I doing?

Most afraid of the sudden silence of the air.

Yu Xingchuan lowered his head and seemed to realize that he had said something inappropriate. He said that he had been with Qingyu for a long time.

The deputy director coughed and broke the embarrassment, "what should we do

"It's impossible for us to fully understand the gangster's psychology, but I think he must be extremely flustered now, but he must have a sense of superiority and pride that the police can't catch him.

Ordinary people who are wanted by the police will be afraid, will hide, and some will not be able to bear the surrender, but the killing maniac will not. In their eyes, killing is like a pleasure and a challenge.

Now in his eyes, it's just that it's more difficult to kill. The good-looking students around the village are still very dangerous. So we should send some people to lure him. We're lying in the dark waiting to catch people. "

The director thought for a moment and thought that both Lin team and Yu Xingchuan were reasonable. The method of Lin team required a lot of police force.

Yu Xingchuan's method is that it's hard to keep the bait safe. Moreover, where are they going to find someone who can play a good-looking high school student.

The director held his forehead in thinking. After a while, he said, "do you have any other good ways?"

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