The place where Yu Qingyu got off was the main road on one side of the village.

There are many small restaurants along the road, and almost every family will set up barbecue stalls in summer.

Although there are not many busy night markets, there are also many businesses. People from the village come out to eat, and some passers-by will stop to eat.

But because of what happened here these days, fewer people eat.

Yu Qingyu, dressed like this, knows at a glance that he doesn't belong to this kind of urban-rural fringe. Instead, he looks like a young master raised in the city.

He has a harmless face, but he still radiates all kinds of gem light on his body. Isn't such a person slaughtered here?

Yu Qingyu stepped back, "I I don't know how to drink. I'm here to wait

The big man put a hook around his neck and said, "wait for someone, sit down and wait. Come and come, sit down and drink with my brothers."

Yu Qingyu's face turned pale. "I really can't drink."

The big man's eyes turned, "it's OK. Eat some kebabs, please."

"No, no, I have money."

Seeing that Yu Qingyu was pulled to the seat by several people, Yu Xingchuan held the steering wheel tightly.

Around the barbecue people to Yu Qingyu showed a sympathetic look, there are people who can't see down the mouth, "young man, you go home to wear some clothes, cool at night, be careful of cold."

Yu Qingyu smiles at him falsely. He knows that the man is for his good, but he has to perform the play today, and he can't leave now.

The big man glared at the man and said, "young man, how are you doing? You're itching, aren't you? You can't stop your mouth with food, can you

The man was roared by the big man. His face was blue and white. At last, Yu Qingyu didn't respond and lowered his head in silence.

A sigh in my heart, it's hard to be a good man these days.

Zhang tuming was lying in the shadow of a house with only half his head sticking out slightly and swallowing at the barbecue not far from him.

He hasn't eaten for two days. His last meal was a few pieces of steamed bread and toast that he found in the garbage can in the middle of the night.

His shadowy eyes were fixed on the people coming and going, imagining them as walking braised spareribs.

Suddenly he pulled the corners of his mouth, and he thought he had found the best food.

Yu Qingyu was pushing the wine handed over by the big man. Suddenly, he felt numb on his back, as if he had been staring at something invisible.

He turned his head and looked back. Not far away was a road with no end. The uneven rooms cast large shadows, making the road darker.

He turned around as if nothing happened, took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Yu Xingchuan: pay attention to the alley not far behind me. I'll find a reason to go there, and you can arrange it quickly.

Yu Xingchuan's face changed as soon as he received the text message. He immediately phoned the man he had arranged in advance and arranged a round up plan.

"Come on, little brother. If you take a sip, just one sip. If you don't drink, you look down on your big brother."

Yu Qingyu finally drank a large glass of beer after being coaxed, cheated and intimidated by the Han Dynasty.

The big man looked at the shining Cross Ornament on Yu Qingyu's chest, "little brother, can you show me this thing?"

Yu Qingyu pretended to be angry, "no, my mother won't let me show it."

The big man despised him in his heart. He was really a baby who didn't grow up. He listened to his mother's words and handed over a large glass of wine in one hand. He didn't believe it. When he was drunk, he would have no chance.

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