Thinking of the process of making shark oil, Yu Qingyu shivered and boiled the shark man alive. This method was a bit terrible. He hoped that he would not be a shark in the future. Even if he did, he would not meet the human who wanted to boil the oil.

"System, system, I want that pearl."

The system whispered, and suddenly Yu Qingyu heard a grunt, which came from his side.

The tenth Prince lay quietly on the ground, frowning, his wet clothes wrapped around his body, a little embarrassed. Through the wet clothes, you can see that the ten Prince's body is very good. In this country where men are generally 1.7 meters tall, the tenth prince can be regarded as gifted.

Yu Qingyu stopped for a moment and said, "just leave him here. Will he be ill?"

System: "not dead."

Yu Qingyu: "OK, let's get the Pearl."

The song is still singing, but after being on guard, he can't shake Yu Qingyu's mind. As for the ten princes The system hands it in person. He can't wake up until dawn. Don't worry.

"System, do you think I can swim?"

"Do you have no points in your mind?"

"I think I should, but I grew up in Mongolia as a horse. Besides drinking water to a river, I haven't swam in any other time."

The system sneered: "what does it matter to me?"

Yu Qingyu flattered and laughed: "you are the best God of the system, you are the sun in the sky, you are my sunshine, I can't live without you, please help me!"

The system tolerated the pleasure in his heart and snorted coldly. This was the representative's consent. Yu Qingyu jumped three feet high and ran happily towards the lake

"Ah! System, help! I see that bead, but I can't pick it up

A road gradually separated from the water, and Yu Qingyu's body kept falling down. As soon as he lowered his head, he could see that the Pearl was shining in the center of the lake. When the water surface was destroyed, the singing figure also disappeared.

Close, closer, and finally Yu Qingyu's feet on the bottom of the lake, the lake is full of sand and stone, there are many skeletons, some people and some animals, probably all of them were fascinated by the ghost of the shark, and died here.

If yu Qingyu didn't have a system to jump in his head, he would end up with a handful of bones at the bottom of the lake.

"Take it In my mind came a systematic and harsh reprimand.

Yu Qingyu quickly lowered his head, put the bead in his mouth, and ran back to the bank. The lake closed quickly behind Yu Qingyu. The roaring sound of water cooperated with the sound of Yu Qingyu's horse's hooves, which was quite impressive.

Whoa Finally come up!

Yu Qingyu was lying beside the ten princes, spitting out the shark beads in his mouth and breathing heavily.

"System, I won't become a shark if I eat it?"

"You think so."

Yu Qingyu said with a smile: "then I ate it?"

"Eat it

Yu Qingyu picked up the shark bead and said, "I really ate it?"


Yu Qingyu put the Pearl on the grass again: "system, what do you think I'll become if I eat it?"

the system didn't speak and said for a while, "nothing will change."

"Sleeping trough! Nothing will change. What do I want it for? I've tried so hard to get it. "

The system said, "you can try it. You can take it all."

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