Yu Qingyu was silent for a moment: "system, you are right."

The system noble and cold Yan hum, Yu Qingyu can hear the sound of the hum of pride and pride, he hooked the corner of his mouth, thinking that golden egg is getting better and better with each other now, just knew that time still can't move to kill him, now are willing to work hard for him to take a bead which is useless to him, is also very lovely.

Yu Qingyu picked up the fish bead and swallowed it with his head up. Immediately, a burning sensation came from his abdomen. The heat flow slowly spread all over his body, as if he were remodeling his muscles and bones. Whenever the heat flow passed by, he would feel the swelling pain. Yu Qingyu tried to resist the pain and run the resolution to absorb the aura. However There's no use for eggs.

A stream of heat started from his abdomen and went to his head. When he passed through his throat, Yu Qingyu felt the pain suddenly doubled and screamed

Finally, the top of the cliff began to light up. Yu Qingyu lay on a wet grass and opened his eyes. The ten Prince's eyebrows were covered with dew, and his face was blue and white.

"Sleeping trough! He won't die, will he? "

"Wait! Was I speaking just now Yu Qingyu stood up and looked around. He didn't find anyone. He burst out laughing: "I can speak! Ha ha I can speak

"System, system, I can speak!"

System: "well, you're wonderful!"

"System, why do I hear a hint of irony in your tone?"

"Well, that's not your illusion."

Yu Qingyu said: Ask how to break a system that loves to meet people, online, etc., very urgent.

System: "Ben Shen has consumed a lot of energy. From now on, you have to practice. You Do yourself a good job

Yu Qingyu rubbed his face against the prince and found that his temperature was terrible. He was afraid that he would die here if he was in a coma again. He bit him severely.

This time, the ten Prince couldn't even make a sound of pain. He opened his eyes with difficulty. The whole man looked at the sky as if he had been frozen.

"How are you? Can you get up? "

The tenth Prince felt that he must be dreaming. He actually saw him talking in the snow. If such a ridiculous thing was not in a dream, how could it happen?

The tenth Prince closed his eyes and opened them again. He found that stepping snow was still standing beside him. The horse's head was very close to him. He heard step snow say, "yes, I'm talking. But now the most important thing is not to go back to the palace? As for what I can say, I'll talk about it later. "

The tenth prince sat on the horse's back and was still confused. He didn't know why he climbed on the horse's back and rode him to find a way out.

The tenth Prince wanted to stop talking several times. He wanted to ask why trampoline talked and why she didn't die when she fell down. Obviously, he remembered that he was the only one who fell into the water. Even if he fell into the water, he suffered serious internal injury. If he fell on the ground, he would surely die, but it seems that there is nothing wrong with stepping snow, and it has been done twice and three times It's not common sense to save yourself.

The more he thought about it, the more tangled he became. His head ached, "Putong..." The tenth prince fell off his horse and fell into a coma.

Yu Qingyu stopped and looked back at the ten princes. His whole face was red and red, and his mouth made some small hum, which seemed very uncomfortable.

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