Jiang Che is not a bloodthirsty person.

After all, Lin Yu has completely lost his threat to him, so what's wrong with letting him go?

In fact, Lin Yu is a guy who likes to talk nonsense. He always says that you have a way to die, but he has never done anything bad.

"Lin Yu is worthy of being the protagonist of the original book. He can explode! Much better than Su Han."

Jiang Che began to count the system rewards.

[Legendary treasure chest, advanced longevity pill, SSS-level Chinese medicine skills]

There is no need to say more about the legendary treasure chest.

Ordinary treasure chest, refined treasure chest, excellent treasure chest, epic treasure chest, legendary treasure chest, peerless treasure chest, supreme treasure chest

After Su Han was pissed off, the epic treasure chest that exploded opened the SSS-level chef skill, and the current legendary treasure chest will definitely open a better treasure.

As for the advanced longevity pill, this thing is a guaranteed reward.

[Advanced Longevity Pill: One pill can extend life by 30 years. There are 20 pills in a bottle. The effect will not decay and can be used in stacks.]

With the advanced longevity pill, it is equivalent to adding 600 years of life directly. According to common sense, treasures like longevity pills must have limitations. The first time you take it, you may extend your life by 30 years. The effect may decay when you take it again the second time.

But the longevity pill rewarded by the system is too amazing. It can be used in stacks infinitely. What is the difference between this and immortality?

When Jiang Che thought of immortality, he couldn't help but feel happy. Immortality without money and power would only make people suffer, but what if he could live forever with his whole family?

Then he looked at the last reward.

SSS-level Chinese medicine skills, obviously this is the specialty of the little genius doctor Lin Yu, but now...this skill belongs to Jiang Che.

"Fusion skills!"

For skills, Jiang Che naturally accepts all, after all, more skills are better!

In an instant, Jiang Che's mind suddenly emerged with many skills related to traditional Chinese medicine, including some massage, acupuncture, medicine preparation, pulse diagnosis... He knew them all, and was better than many old Chinese medicine practitioners.

"Ha... Am I a little miracle doctor?"

Jiang Che shrugged, and at the same time he understood why Lin Yu's medical skills were so terrifying, even uremia could be cured!

Because the skills that belonged to the son of luck were too amazing, acupuncture combined with internal force blessing could basically cure all diseases.

And Jiang Che, who had just received the reward... naturally felt a little itchy.

So... he looked at Yu Wan'er, the little girl was sitting on the sofa, eating potato chips and watching TV, swinging her bare feet, looking very leisurely.

And next to Yu Wan'er, Ye Mengyao and Bai Qiangwei sat on the left and right.

"Come on, let me, an old Chinese medicine practitioner, take your pulse"

I am an old Chinese medicine practitioner, specializing in curing the miserable!

Jiang Che smiled with his lips curled!

"Pervert! It's never going to end, is it?"

Yu Wan'er threw the potato chips in her hand directly at Jiang Che, but how could she possibly hit Jiang Che, who was in the late stage of Hua Jin?

"You...didn't you say you were taking my pulse? Why are you touching my feet?"

Yu Wan'er kicked her short legs.

"You don't know this, do you? There are pulses in the feet too..."

Yu Wan'er: "..."

Girls like Ye Mengyao and Qiangwei also giggled, and for a while, the house was filled with laughter... and childish abuse.

Jiang Che did diagnose Yu Wan'er. Why was this little girl so short? It was completely caused by congenital factors. Jiang Che originally thought that Yu Wan'er was malnourished, but now it seems that Yu Weiwei still raised this little Lolita quite well.

But this is just right. If Yu Wan'er was taller, it wouldn't be that bad.

At this time, the door of the Jiang family villa was opened!

Gu Lingfei got off work.

The woman took a look inside the house and then turned her head away.

She is now immune to this kind of scene.

"Sister Feifei, I'll give you something good!"

Jiang Che took out a big treasure from his pocket!

Anti-aging potion!

Although Gu Lingfei is not his woman yet, he is not far from winning this queen. In fact, Jiang Che wants Gu Lingfei to take the initiative.

"Ah Che, I don't want your stuff! What good stuff has your sister Feifei not seen?"

Jiang Che pursed his lips and smiled, "Oh? Really? Good stuff that can make you young forever...Have you seen it?"

Jiang Che's words stunned Gu Lingfei, and Chen Ningshuang who was wiping the floor was also stunned.

Yu Wan'er, Ye Mengyao and others were not much shocked, after all, Jiang Che had already given them.

"Ah Che, have you read too many novels? How can there be something that can make people young forever?"

Gu Lingfei obviously...didn't believe it! ! !

But Jiang Che didn't explain anything, just took out the anti-aging potion.

Then he sent it to Gu Lingfei, "Sister Feifei, how beautiful you are now? Your beauty should be frozen in this moment forever."

As he said that, he stretched out his hand very ambiguously and touched the ends of Gu Lingfei's hair.

Gu Lingfei took two steps back and her face flushed instantly.

This arrogant CEO who was cold and arrogant outside was like a simple little girl in front of Jiang Che.

And Jiang Che took the opportunity to forcefully pry open Gu Lingfei's lips and fed her the anti-aging potion in his hand.

"How is it? Do you feel anything?"

The effect of the anti-aging potion is very obvious. It not only makes you stay young forever, but also has a beautifying effect.

"This... this..."

Gu Lingfei touched her cheek in disbelief. This feeling is very strange. Although she didn't say it clearly... but she could clearly feel that her appearance stopped aging!

Could it be that she really stays young forever?

When she thought of this possibility, Gu Lingfei couldn't hold back the joy in her heart.

She is already 27 years old, in the golden age of a woman, and also the most beautiful time, like a fruit on a tree, already ripe... just waiting to be picked.

It is a woman's nature to love beauty, even Gu Lingfei, the cold president, is no exception.

"That's right, Sister Feifei, this is a treasure I spent a lot of money to get. It can make your appearance freeze at this moment forever. You should be able to feel it, right?"

Jiang Che's words directly made Gu Lingfei's heart confused.

"But...but what about them? Wan'er and Yaoyao..."

"They have already used it. As my women...I will naturally keep them young forever."

Jiang Che pointed at Ye Mengyao and Bai Qiangwei.

Yu Wan'er, Ye Mengyao, Qin Qiaoqiao, Bai Qiangwei and Bai Jie have all taken the anti-aging pill.

"Why...then why did you give it to me?" Gu Lingfei was confused.

She accurately extracted the key words...as my women...

Could it be that Ah Che has feelings for me?

But...but I am your sister! Although we are not related by blood...

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