Threatening the heroine at the beginning, I will definitely be the villain

Chapter 286: High school entrance exam score of 192, Jiang Ruoxu was beaten violently

"This trip is worth it!"

Jiang Che drove the car with one hand, feeling refreshed by the gentle breeze.

It's just that there is one more romantic debt.

The distance between Shen Yu's home and Jiang's home is quite close, less than ten kilometers away.

As a result, before reaching home, Jiang Che heard his mother's voice.

"Xiaojie, I didn't see you last time. This is a family heirloom given to you by my sister. It is only given to my daughter-in-law! Do you see the sapphire on it? It really suits you."

"Daughter Wan'er, come and let me hug you..."

"Chen Ningshuang, because of your good attitude, our Jiang family will not care about the past things with you. Please accept this necklace."

When Jiang Che pushed the door open, his mother was handing out red envelopes to the girls one by one!

Jiang Yuan was standing on the balcony smoking a cigarette. He couldn't figure out why a pure love warrior would give birth to a scumbag like Neptune?

In this river?

"Huh? Son, are you here?"

Jiang Yunli's long chestnut hair was pulled aside, and she was wearing a tight gray skirt. Although she was already a woman about to enter her fourth year of life, she still managed her skin and figure very well. Standing next to Jiang Che, she didn't look like a mother at all. She looks more like a big sister in her twenties.

What's more, Jiang Yunli and his wife also used the beauty potion Jiang Che gave them, and they have stayed young forever!

It will definitely attract countless Cao thieves to ecstasy!


Two strong kisses were placed on Jiang Che's left and right cheeks, and two bright red lip marks appeared in an instant.

Jiang Che: "..."

"Mom, weren't you watching the aurora in Iceland the day before yesterday? Why did you come back so soon?"

Jiang Yunli laughed out loud, "Your father and I chartered a special plane to fly back."

"Son, why didn't you tell us about such a big thing as your exam? It wasn't until the results came in... or your grandfather informed us that we knew this great news."

Jiang Yunli's words made Jiang Che even more speechless.

You guys are just having fun and forget about Shu, okay? When I was having fun, I forgot about the baby.

What kind of caring parent would forget about such a big thing as a child's exam?

"But my son is still great. His academic performance is much better than your mother and I."

Jiang Yunli always had a gentle smile on his face.

"Haha...what your mother said is true. The results back then...were so miserable. I was the one who single-handedly promoted them."

"Hey, you speak with your conscience, if I don't create opportunities for you, can you enter our Jiang family just because you were a poor boy?" Jiang Yunli became unhappy, folded his hands on his chest, and said contemptuously.

"Do you think you can get into our Guwu Jiang family by climbing over the wall? My brother was a half-step master at that time, and my father was a grand master. The two of them were squatting behind the wall... their back teeth were almost broken, you know? ?”

Jiang Yuan chuckled, "Everything my wife said is right."

Not to mention that he is a pure love god of war, even if he really wants to open a harem... he must have a happy life. Even if he makes Jiang Yunli shed a tear, he will probably be hung from a tree and whipped.

"By the way, didn't you say you wanted to give me a sister?"

Jiang Che suddenly remembered that his mother seemed to have been clamoring for a daughter.

Jiang Yuan shook his head helplessly.

"Hey~ That's all just words. How could I be willing to let your mother suffer again?" Jiang Yuan looked at the woman with deep eyes.

"Hehe, one daughter-in-law and half a daughter-in-law. I have so many daughters-in-law, I have to have... one, two, three, four... Wow, so many daughters-in-law?" Jiang Yunli actually counted them on his fingers?

The two people who had been bickering just now became inseparable again.

Jiang Che: "..."

Still want to feed me dog food? Sorry...this is my main venue, so I can’t eat any dog ​​food!


After sending Jiang Yunli and the two away, Jiang Che sighed lightly.

His arrogant grandpa is really going to organize a party for college entrance examination?

He also said that he would hold a banquet with 888 tables, which is really outrageous!

Isn’t he just a champion?

Is it necessary to make such a big fanfare?

However, Jiang Che still nodded slightly and agreed. It was just a banquet for college entrance, just to satisfy the little old man's competitive spirit.

After all, he still knows Jiang Yunhuang's character. He likes to show off, especially his juniors.

Then give him some face.


At this time, in the Jiang family in the capital.

Jiang Ruoxu was also recalled from the forbidden martial arts land.

"Grandpa, father, what's the matter?"

Jiang Ruoxu's clothes were ragged, his head was in a mess, and he looked very embarrassed.

Especially his face, which was so swollen that he didn't know whether he was beaten or fell.

"Xu'er, what's wrong with you? Were you beaten?"

Jiang Yunwu frowned.

Jiang Ruoxu touched half of his swollen and sore face and forced himself to speak, "No, I just fell."

Jiang Yunwu and Jiang Yunhuang looked at each other, and they both understood tacitly. This kid must have been beaten, but they didn't say it to save face.

But now they don't have time to care who Jiang Ruoxu was beaten by!

Because there are more important things!

"Do you know why we suddenly called you out?" Jiang Yunhuang's voice was very cold.

Jiang Ruoxu shuddered involuntarily upon hearing this.

"Grandpa, my strength has made a breakthrough. I am now a half-step master, only one step away from the master."

But even though he told Jiang Yunhuang about his great improvement in cultivation, the expression on his face was still cold.

He threw a report card in front of Jiang Ruoxu.

Looking at the grades on the report card, Jiang Ruoxu's face changed instantly, as if he had eaten a pile of shit.

[Chinese 64, Mathematics 7, English 21, Political History 31, Physics and Chemistry 9, Physical Education full score, total score 192]

"I'll beat you to death!!!"

"Your test scores are not as high as mine. I've been waiting to beat you for a long time~"

Jiang Ruoxu was completely scared. He was not afraid of anything except his grandpa, the grandmaster.

He was hung up and beaten for two hours. Fortunately, Jiang Ruoxu was a half-step master ancient warrior, so he was tough. If he were an ordinary warrior, he would have been beaten to death long ago.

"You little brat, you don't know how to learn from your brother Jiang Che. Look at him... the top scholar in the country! Do you understand the value of that?"

"It's said that we are now in a society ruled by law. Even if you practice ancient martial arts to the level of a grandmaster, what can you do? Can you resist Katyusha?"

"Don't even mention that you are a grandmaster. Even if you are a martial arts master, what can you do? What can you do if you can fly? You still have to focus on learning!"

Comparing yourself to others is really annoying!

As he spoke, he began to "whip" Jiang Ruoxu again.

[Jiang... Jiang Che, I will never forgive you]

Jiang Ruoxu was so angry that he could only clench his fists tightly.

"Ruoxu, it happens that your brother Jiang Che is going to hold a graduation banquet in two days. You can go with him then. Don't embarrass me. If someone asks you how you did in the exam... just say that you went to a key high school. Do you hear me?"

Jiang Ruoxu: "..."

Thinking about yourself in the past, you were a young genius and a rising star in the ancient martial arts world.

What about now?

The former sweetheart has become Mrs. Niu, and everyone starts to dislike him.

And the instigator of all this... is his cheating cousin!

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