Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 107 To Use Force Against Singer Civilization

Zhang Heng is the security chief of Blue Star.

What he thought the most in his mind was actually Blue Star's thoughts.

It is based on himself at Blue Star as the driving force of his thoughts.

Although it is said that he has drifted in the universe for nearly a hundred years.

But within a hundred years.

More than 90% of the time is spent in hibernation.

This made many of Zhang Heng's thoughts, in fact, still on the Blue Star.

"General Zhang, I don't think we can have this kind of thinking, after all, we are in the universe.

It is also facing the civilization of the universe.

Consider our solar system.

when we were hit.

Has anyone helped us?

Has anyone ever told us morality?

Now that we have entered the universe.

Join the big family of the universe.

We must do things according to the principles of the universe.

promise something.

It doesn't count in the universe at all.

Strength is the last word. "

What Jia Zhengxiang said is not without reason.

Just imagine.

When our solar system was struck by the dark forest.

Strike our civilization.

When did you tell us something.

They just talk a little bit of truth.

Our civilization will not be attacked either.

"But that's what sets our civilization apart from other civilizations.

On the premise of ensuring our civilization and safety, we should properly preserve our humanity.

Zhang Heng still insisted on his own point of view.

Of course, he also agreed with some of Jia Zhengxiang's remarks.

Especially a theory of the survival of a civilization in the universe.

But he 12 can not all agree.

Zhang Heng has his own ideas.

Humanity is the most important thing in human civilization.

Although it is said that the loss of human nature loses a lot, the loss of animal nature loses everything.

But when our safety is preserved.

Humanity is the most important thing in us.

It is also the most quintessential part of our civilization that has been developed for so many years.

"General Zhang, I understand what you mean.

But you may not know very well what the current situation is like.

Although it is said that our new Blue Star is developing well now.

And it's not exposed in the universe either.

But cosmic civilization is constantly expanding.

How long can we last at New Blue Star?

In the universe, of course, we still have to develop ourselves.

Only you keep growing.

Only qualified to have the right to speak in the universe.

In the entire universe, if our civilization level reaches the Great God level.

Even if someone discovers where our civilization is.

If you want to attack us in the dark forest, you must also think about whether your strength is enough.

Instead of throwing a random piece of two-way foil, you can wipe us all out.

So my thought is.

Now for us, the most important thing is development.

The development of technological civilization is slow.

Even if we are now in the era of the explosion of technological civilization.

The process is still slow.

In view of this situation.

The task given to us by the master is to obtain technical information at all costs.

With enough technical information.

Our research cycle will be shortened.

This is crucial for our civilization.

And the singer civilization in that puddle.

They have a lot of technical information in their hands.

We can't stop trying to get hold of these materials just because we preserve our humanity.

To know that these materials are all we need very much. "

Jia Zhengxiang said a lot in one breath.

He talked and went.

There is only one meaning you want to express.

Let go of humanity, let go of promises.

Do everything possible to get the technical data out of the spacecraft of the singer civilization.

After listening to Jia Zhengxiang's words, Zhang Heng stopped talking.

First, there are indeed many things in Jia Zhengxiang's words that are correct.

There is no way to refute this.

For the survival of civilization, it is indeed possible to do whatever it takes.

Consider our solar system once.

If there is compassion in our hearts, it is in human nature.

Maybe the few warships they escaped could not escape.

Let's all stay together in the solar system to die.

Some of them fled.

This in itself has gone against the human nature that human beings have developed for so many years.

The current practice is more for the future of human civilization.

Even if a part of humanity is abandoned.

It's also a no-brainer.

Second, there is one more important point.

Although Zhang Heng was once the security chief of Longguo.

But that was also the past.

The current Zhang Heng can only be regarded as the captain of the Blue Star VI.

Now they have reached their destination.

Zhang Heng was just an ordinary citizen on the New Blue Star.

Jia Zhengxiang is a member of the reborn battleship.

He is a member of Qingfeng Research Center.

It is the person who the master recognizes.

What qualifications does he have to discuss this with him?

Yun Tian saw that Zhang Heng stopped talking.

He smiled and said, "General Zhang, Zhengxiang, I think what you both said has some truth to it.

Then Yuntian continued: "First of all, human nature is indeed something we must uphold.

Even on the master's side, he has never abandoned humanity.

It's just that the principle that the master has always insisted on is to treat his own people with humanity.

We don't need to treat other people.

The host did say it before when we came.

If you encounter an alien civilization in the puddle, or there is any danger.

Everything must be based on your own safety.

What we have to do is very simple.

That is to do whatever it takes to keep yourself safe.

Under this premise, go to obtain technical information.

So we need to have human nature.

As for how to deal with the shape of the civilization spaceship in the puddle.

I think I should do this.

First let's go there and talk to them.

Don't show a little bit of malice when communicating.

All we have to do is show our sincerity.

Ask him for more technical information.

If he doesn't give it.

Then we are thinking of other ways. "

Yun Tian didn't really want to make himself too passive.

The first promise was his promise.

He has never been in the habit of breaking his promises.

This is very bad for him.

even in the universe.

Yuntian has always done what he says.

But this is only limited to his own business.

involving others.

For example, his entire civilization.

He didn't dare to take his own character to casually promise.

Know that you often keep your promises.

But this is betting on the future of the entire civilization.

is completely infeasible.

"I think it's okay, didn't he ask us to find someone for him? We asked him for more technical information on the grounds that our civilization is weak.

If he doesn't give it, we'll use force. "

Jia Zhengxiang still wanted to use force.

Zhang Heng and Yun Tian were speechless.

But he was right.

The two didn't say anything.

"Okay, let's go first."

In this way, the three of them set off in the spaceship.

There were no surprises along the way.

The three came to the vicinity of Saturn-like once again.

Found the location of the puddle.

before going in.

Yun Tian suddenly said: "Since we are going to do this action, should we report it to the master?"

"Yes, I think I should say something, look at the master's meaning."

Jia Zhengxiang also figured out some things along the way.

Not that he changed his mind.

But he suddenly felt that he went in so recklessly to use force.

Maybe there are implications for their safety.

This is not tolerated by the owner.

"Okay, then I'll report to the master."

Yuntian knew that the master should be doing research in retreat.

So he opened the video directly to Proton.

After the proton turns on the video.

"Proton, the master is still studying in retreat?" Yun Tian said.

Zhang Heng, who was on the side, saw Proton for the first time.

Listening to the meaning of Yuntian's words, this strangely beautiful woman should not be their master.

"Yes," Proton replied.

Next, Yun Tian explained their plans behind them.

Proton replied directly: "Everything you have to do is based on your own safety.

Remember, as long as it does not affect your own safety, it doesn't matter whether it is human or inhuman.

Don't talk about it, even if it is a civilization that has been wiped out.

Nor will they feel that you have no humanity.

Because their civilization may not have this thing at all.

Singer civilization before, according to our research.

The strength of their civilization ranks at least in the top 100 in the universe, or even more.

Proper civilization of the great gods.

But even if it is a great god civilization, their power is only in three-dimensional space.

Spaceships in four-dimensional space.

It is no longer within their control.

It all depends on whether the spacecraft is safe or not. 087 if it's safe.

You can do whatever you want. "

Proton is more direct than Jia Zhengxiang.

In his consciousness, there is no so-called concept of human nature.

In his view, everything must be based on safety.

Nothing without security.

With security there is everything.

"Is this what the master meant?" Yun Tian asked.

"Master never cares about this. He doesn't care." Proton said casually.

Yun Tian nodded.

In fact, he should have thought of this result long ago.

The master is only interested in scientific research.

All of his ideas are dominated by small universes.

Just create a small universe.

Everyone entered the small universe.

Absolute security can be guaranteed.

With this security, it is much more convenient for them to consider other things.

Listening to protons, small universes can appear anywhere in the universe.

It means that they have become true gods in the universe.

And will not be destroyed by anything.

"I understand."

After Yun Tian finished speaking, he ended the call with Proton.

Then turn to Zhang Heng.

"General Zhang, we will follow what Zhengxiang said.

Talk to him first.

If the communication fails, we can still use force to threaten.

What he said is correct, human nature cannot be used when dealing with the relationship between civilizations.

Zhang Heng actually understood it.

That is to say, there is no communication between cosmic civilizations.

Perhaps the promise that Yuntian made to the other party before, the other party never believed.

It is absolutely possible.

How long has the human civilization on Bluestar been in the entire universe?

Entering into the universe is only a hundred years from now.

How long has the singer civilization been?

People have descended from a four-dimensional civilization to a three-dimensional civilization.

This civilization has survived in the universe for so long.

How did it survive?

They know the laws of the dark forest well.

In this situation.

can survive.

Only one problem can be explained.

They don't believe in any civilization at all.

They only believe in themselves, only in their own strength. .

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