Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 108 Strange Creatures In Alien Spaceships

"Yuntian, just do what you think, don't care about my opinion, I just came here, and I'm not familiar with the rules of civilization in the universe.

If you follow my method, it is likely to go wrong. "

Zhang Heng also realized his own problem.

He's not giving an opinion.

Especially when their opinions differ greatly.

He thought about keeping his promise.

But it seems that this promise is of little use in the universe.

For everyone.

They don't care about your promises.

There is only one thing people see, and that is whether it is beneficial to them or not.

If it's good for you, you can accept it.

If it's not good for you.

No matter what the promise is.

There is absolutely no way anyone will keep their promises.

"No problem, General Zhang, let's go back and have a look first, discuss with him, and see what exactly this Singer Civilization spacecraft wants.

Wouldn't it be better if they could provide us with technical information on their own initiative?"

Yun Tian said.

Their spacecraft soon came close to Saturn's orbit.

Came to the side of the puddle.

Without any hesitation, the spacecraft entered the puddle.

Fly in the puddle for a while.

They saw the arched ship of the Singer civilization.

"That's the four-dimensional spaceship?"

Zhang Heng saw this spaceship for the first time, and it felt very novel.

"Yes, this is it"

"How does it look like a bridge arch."

Zhang Heng actually knew in his heart that no matter what kind of spaceship it was, it was designed to facilitate flight.

The design of this trait is definitely conducive to flying in the four-dimensional world.

"The universe is so big and there are all kinds of things. You don't know that the four-dimensional beings I saw with Zhengxiang before had transparent bodies."

Yun Tian said this, and Jia Zhengxiang immediately took the call.

"Yeah, General Zhang, you haven't seen that four-dimensional life, it looks really amazing, the whole body is transparent, and it has four hands."

As soon as Jia Zhengxiang heard about the four-dimensional life, he immediately became interested.

Pull Zhang Heng and introduce him.

"Have you really seen alien life?"

Zhang Heng was very surprised after hearing this.

He had never seen alien life yet.

I didn't expect that alien life could look like this.

"Of course, you didn't know that the alien life still used his gamma ray cannon to attack us, but our spaceship was very fast, so we could easily escape."

While talking, several people came to the arched spaceship not far away.

The spaceship seemed to sense their arrival, and a light suddenly flashed on it.

This is very important for Yuntian and them.

For Yuntian and the others, the aliens on the spaceship are basically equal to a technology extraction machine.

The purpose of their visit this time is also very simple, that is, to find this person.

Ask him about technology.

Zhang Heng also felt amazing when he saw this alien spaceship. The appearance of this spaceship was not at all different from the spaceships known to humans.

This is when Jia Zhengxiang said: "General Zhang, look at this spaceship, doesn't it feel amazing, it looks like an arch bridge."

"Yeah, I have never seen such a spaceship. Can this spaceship fly?"

Zhang Heng really didn't understand.

in his impression.

Basically, they still stay on the human spaceship.

For this four-dimensional life ship.

Have never seen.

A ship of this class.

It looks weird enough.

If they hadn't said in advance that it was a spaceship, Zhang Heng might have thought it was an arch bridge.

rather than a spaceship.

Just an arch bridge.

This thing also looks weird.

Because there is no such arch bridge.

Just a little similar in shape.

I have never seen such a steep arch bridge.

"General Zhang, you may not know that this thing is not as magical as that alien creature.

I've never seen that kind of creature.

Sure enough, the four-dimensional life body, the four-dimensional world is simply not comprehensible to us.

Think about the four-dimensional world we see.

What is it like.

Is it really like what we see in front of us?

I don't think so. Maybe the four-dimensional world (Qian Zhaohao) we see now is not like this at all.

The horror of the four-dimensional world is also here.

That is, what we see is not necessarily true. "

Yuntian also expressed his opinion.

In fact, he has had this idea for a long time.

He hadn't said it before.

Thinking about it now, what the master told him before was right.

The reality of the four-dimensional world.

They can't figure it out at all

Just because they are three-dimensional creatures.

I don't know anything about the four-dimensional world.

Even if they are already in the four-dimensional world.

See everything in the four-dimensional world.

There is no certainty that everything here is real. .

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