Yun Tian and Jia Zhengxiang listened to Zhang Heng's words.

All looked sullen.

Because they also felt that what Zhang Heng said was reasonable.

They hadn't thought about this before.

What they have always thought is that this four-dimensional life body may generate certain data, and then send it out.

Let others know their location.

Even let someone else come to rescue him.

But look now.

Absolutely not.

His thoughts may be more terrifying than this.

That is invasion.

Just imagine.

If these data are inside, there are really terrible data codes.

For them, it would be devastating.


It's not just the new Blue Star that is threatening.

It will even have a huge impact on the entire Qingfeng Research Center.

In case the genetic data inside really invaded the spaceship.

But it's really troublesome.

Controlled the ship.

Controlled protons.

That would be really disastrous.

They would rather not have the technical stuff.

There are absolutely no such threats.

"I don't think we really can extract this data, and the data we've extracted before.

It's really too dangerous. "

Yun Tian feels his scalp tingling just thinking about it now.

A four-dimensional world.

There are danger signs everywhere.

They have to be absolutely clear-headed.

Otherwise it is really easy to be deceived.

None of the previous data extractions were at risk.

But that doesn't mean it won't happen this time.

Especially this time they also had a very unpleasant trouble with this four-dimensional life form.

Not only was it unpleasant, but it also took away other people's nests.

Rabbits are in a hurry and bit people.

Not to mention four-dimensional life forms.

People are advanced beings.

It is absolutely impossible not to know such a thing.

Now that you know.

Then he is likely to play tricks in the data.

unless they do not apply to these data.

In other words, their technical ability is much stronger than this singer's civilization.


There is absolutely no way the danger they face will ever end.

"Think about it, what would happen if he could really control protons, or control a light-speed battleship?"

...for flowers...  

Yun Tian said.

Jia Zhengxiang next to him also sucked in a breath of cold air.

"I think we should directly destroy these two devices now to avoid danger.

Jia Zhengxiang is not as calm as before.

To know for him.

As long as the base camp of Qingfeng Scientific Research Center is not threatened.

Everything else is trivial.


No problem at all.

But the current situation is that the base camp of Qingfeng Research Center will be endangered.

This is what he cannot accept.

Jia Zhengxiang takes his future seriously.

Especially if he can travel to the universe in the future.

Is it possible to explore in the universe?

This is very important thing.

If you say you can't.

Then he felt that his life had lost more than half of its meaning.

This idea can now be realized.

There is only Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

under this premise.

Nothing can replace it.

Of course, it would be best to destroy these two storage devices directly.

But if it is destroyed, can they be content?

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