I think the two of them, Yun Tian and Jia Zhengxiang, will not be reconciled.

Not to mention the two of them, even Zhang Heng next to him was not reconciled.

Jia Zhengxiang and Yuntian, they feel that they have worked hard for so long.

Finally got the technical information.

If we can reasonably use these technical data.

Then it will bring them a very good influence.

Their civilization will become very powerful because of "480".

If you can understand these technologies.

Others of their civilization can reach the third or fourth level, and even the fifth level civilization is possible.

And the small universe developed by the master.

Also very likely to succeed.

It's important to them.

The future of Qingfeng Scientific Research Center is also the future of the two of them.

Can the two of them have better prospects in the universe in the future?

This is also important.

But now the problem is quite difficult.

These two storage devices are like two bombs.

An explosion could occur at any time.

Once there is a problem.

It's really not something they can afford.

And Zhang Heng also felt a little unwilling.

Although he said he didn't want a problem at all.

Especially for the whole new Blue Star.

Here is their big should.

There can be no mishaps.

But, if these two storage devices really work.

This time, he also took some credit for his actions.

But now if these two devices are useless.

Then his credit would be lost accordingly.

Then the possibility of him joining the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center will become very small.

He is really looking forward to joining Qingfeng Research Center.

He thought about this for a long time.

Join as long as you can.

He can be like Yun Tian and Jia Zhengxiang.

Explore the universe to your heart's content.

For the former security chief of Blue Star.

The allure of this is great.

And just like Yun Tian and Jia Zhengxiang.

He also felt very sorry for the contents of these two storage devices.

You must know that what is stored in this storage device is the advanced civilization knowledge that can only be mastered by the civilization of the gods.

This kind of knowledge is impossible for ordinary civilization to obtain.

In this situation....

No one can be unmoved.

Even if there is a certain risk, they will definitely be excited if they are not hungry.

Such good stuff.

If it is said to be thrown directly.

No one will be willing.

Especially Yun Tian and Jia Zhengxiang.

The two of them are the most reluctant.

"Then what do we do now?"

Jia Zhengxiang looked at Yuntian.

Among the three of them, the final decision was made.

Definitely still cloudy.

Others do not have this ability.

Yun Tian thought for a moment.

Take another look at the two storage devices.

At least for now, the two of them are still safe inside the spaceship.

"I think there may be some problems with our judgment, whether we should bring these two devices back.

Let the master take a look.

Or let the proton take a look?"

Yun Tian expressed his opinion.

He felt that he should let the master decide this matter.

It's hard for them to decide something so big.

After all, there is a lot of technical information involved.

With such a wealth of technical information, it is absolutely impossible to say that they are not interested. .

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