Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 27 Hibernation Warehouse Test Candidates

"The Air Force should really be expanded."

Zhang Heng now also feels that it is time to increase the number of the Air Force.

The haze of aliens has buried all the grievances between human beings. In the future world, the air force will be the most important force.

I believe it is not just the Dragon Kingdom.

Other countries are also considering air force expansion.

Even some countries will directly put the space force plan that has been hyped for so long on the table.

"Xiao Zheng, have those three scientists sent them up?" Zhang Heng asked.

"It was arranged for a helicopter to be sent there early in the morning."

All four national security chiefs have returned.

Only three scientists were left in the Dragon Country.

They insisted on going to the water drop to take a look. As the host, there was no reason to go back on what they had promised.

"Well, their research time is only today, and they will be sent back before eight o'clock in the evening."




Over the Liangshan military training base.

A helicopter is hovering in front of the water droplets.

This helicopter was the one that sent more than a dozen scientists from the Dragon Kingdom to study water droplets.

There are only three scientists on the plane now, which is very spacious.

"It's absolute zero, something that can reach absolute zero. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I really couldn't believe it." Larisa said with a sigh, looking at the -273.15 degrees Celsius that appeared on the temperature measuring device.

The things they came to study today are supposed to have been studied by scientists from the Dragon Kingdom.

Now Long Guo has shared all the information with them.

But for scientists.

Many things can only truly convince them if they see it with their own eyes.

"His surface does reflect 100% of electromagnetic waves." Minako Koike was using radar to scan water droplets.

on the radar receiver.

Not a single drop of water could be seen.

"The official Dragon Kingdom has given us a time limit. By eight o'clock tonight, that means we still have nine hours to study the water droplets."

Gabriel glanced at the time.

"Professor Gabriel, what do you mean?" Minako Koike heard him say this.

It always felt like he was trying to say something.

"It's very simple, if we just go to verify what the scientists of the Dragon Country have verified in these nine hours, it's just seeing is believing for us, it's like replicating the experiments done by others, and it doesn't make much sense.

Now that we have the opportunity to study water droplets, of course there is something meaningful to do. "Gabriel is convinced of the experimental results made by the people of the Dragon Kingdom.

After all, they also saw part of the results yesterday through video.

It doesn't make much sense to do it again.

"What are you going to do?" Larissa expressed interest.

"Find a way to get the water drop to answer us. If we can get the water drop to answer, maybe the plan of 5,000 planes doesn't need to be carried out."

Gabriel took out a black cloth he had prepared in advance.

"You want to prevent the water droplets from obtaining intelligence?"

As everyone knows, the way water droplets get information is through light.

If he was completely covered, so that he could not collect the light scattered around him, he would have no way to collect information.

In a hurry, maybe he will really answer.

"You can try it."

All three felt that this method could be tried.

The droplets are only 3.5 meters long, not as big as a car.

The three of them worked together to cover the water droplets with a black cloth.

"That's it, then every hour, we will use the flashlight to signal the droplet to ask him when the Dark Forest strike will come."

This is what Gabriel came up with to deal with the water droplets.

The reason why he didn't say it before was because he hadn't seen water droplets with his own eyes.

And Yevgeny's 5,000-fighter plan sounds good too.

It's all for humans anyway.

Try both plans, no harm.

Maybe this method of my own can let the water droplets answer.

an hour later.

Gabriel opened a small opening in the black cloth covering the drop.

Shot a set of lights inside with a flashlight.

Morse code is also used.

Ask about the time the Droplet Dark Forest Strike will arrive.

I asked three times in total, and after three minutes of waiting, the water droplets did not respond.

He closed the small mouth again and continued to wait.


Chen Feng looked at the three foreign scientists operating in the sky.

Their method is ridiculous to Chen Feng.

The inside of the droplet is controlled by protons.

Unless they put a proton shielding chamber on the outside of the droplet.

Otherwise everything is useless.

With the current level of human technology, it will take at least two hundred years to make a proton shielding chamber.

"Master, the hibernation pod you developed is over 95% so far, and it should be completed today.

We currently have no test subjects. "

Chen Feng has been working on hibernation bins since this time.

This thing is the only way that human beings can cross the long river of time.

"Do you need humans to test?" Chen Feng asked.

"That's right."

"Can't I do it myself?" Chen Feng is a human himself.

"No, although according to my calculations, the success rate of the hibernation warehouse is 99.9999%, but it is not 100% after all.

You can't take this risk. "

Proton rarely directly rejected Chen Feng's words.

For what Chen Feng said, Proton will execute unconditionally.

Except for hurting Chen Feng's health.

"In this case, find someone who is reliable." Chen Feng said.

He also understands that it is really not suitable for him to take the test.

In case something happens to him.

The entire human race is basically over.

Without their own help, human beings will never be able to escape the coming blow of the dark forest.

"Master, I have already found this person, look."

With a wave of proton.

The screen in front of him changed.

In the picture, a unkempt man is sitting in a rental house drinking.

There was a knock on the door of the room.

The man shouted impatiently outside: "Don't knock any more, I'm going to die soon."

"Bang bang bang."

The door was still knocking.

He slammed the beer bottle in his hand to the ground, and the wine bottle shattered.

Sharp fragments were revealed.

Then he stood up and walked viciously towards the door.

"Knock your mom!"

He opened the door and didn't see who it was.

The broken wine bottle in his hand was directly poked.

Three strong men stood outside.

All with tattoos.


Seeing the poked wine bottle, the person standing in the front instinctively ducked back, but was still stabbed.

The blood came out.

"Brother Zhou, are you okay, Brother Zhou?"

The two people next to him looked like younger brothers and immediately became nervous.

"It's okay, call me!"

The moment he pierced up just now was a bit far away, and the man named Brother Zhou stepped back a little.

Only a deep layer of skin was broken, and the injury was not serious.

"Fuck you, dare to stab my big brother!"

"Just tread on the horse and your name is Yuntian, right? If you don't pay back the money, I'll let you not pay back the money you owe!"

"I'll let you stab my big brother!"

After the two younger brothers entered, they grabbed the wine bottle in his hand and beat him violently.

Been playing for twenty minutes.

Yun Tian lay on the ground gasping for breath, his body covered with bruises and purple wounds.

"Okay, don't really kill him."

The eldest surnamed Zhou came up.

His hands covered his stomach.

Blood soaked his T-shirt.

He glanced at Yun Tian, ​​who was half dead lying on the ground.

"Yuntian, you have owed us 100,000 yuan for almost three years, and the principal and interest totaled 1.02 million. Don't say that I am not friendly, 20,000 will be wiped off for you, you can take 1 million, give it quickly money!"

"Cough cough cough..."

Yun Tian lay on the ground and kept coughing.

He remembered three years ago.

At that time, he had just graduated from Longguo University of Science and Technology and was in high spirits, ready to start his own technology company.

He was an orphan since he was a child, and he had no start-up capital at all. The money for school was funded by the orphanage and the school.

He is very confident in his entrepreneurial project.

I met a social lending institution in my classmates.

He feels that he is really stupid for studying, because he can take loans from the government, and college students' loans to start businesses are all interest-free.

Unexpectedly, a loan of 100,000 yuan would directly ruin his life.

The business failed and the creditors collected debts, so he could only hide in Tibet.

I work part-time in a black company that, although earning a lot of money, suffers from dust hazards.

After working for less than a year, Yuntian found out that he had lung cancer.

At this time, he had no hope for the future.

I drink alcohol all day long, and it was only early stage of lung cancer when I first discovered it.

As for how far it has developed.

fuck it!

He doesn't care anymore!

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Yun Tian, ​​who was lying on the ground, laughed out loud.

"Look at how much my organs are worth, cut them off and sell them."

He doesn't care anymore.

"Don't think that I don't know, you have cancer, who knows if there are metastatic cancer cells in your organs, and who dares to ask for it?"

Black boss is not stupid.

Knowing that his organs can't be sold for money.

Otherwise, he would have been arrested long ago to sell for money.

He came here this time to see what valuable things Yuntian has here.

Don't think about taking back one million, you can get a little bit.

"Hahaha..." Yun Tianxiao burst into tears.

He laughs that these underworld can't do anything about him.

He laughs that life has nothing to do with him.

"Search." After the black boss finished.

The two gangsters immediately began to search the room.

This is just a very small rental house, about ten square meters.

Two people in less than half an hour.

Turned the contents inside upside down.

"Boss, this is the only phone."

A younger brother found a Xiaomi mobile phone. It was a model from a few years ago. It is estimated that it is worth dozens of dollars to sell it.

Other than that, there is nothing of value.

Not even a laptop.

"Is he really a poor bastard, fuck!"

Boss Hei picked up the phone and smashed it on Yun Tian's head.

"Hahaha..." Yun Tian was still laughing wildly.


The three finally left empty-handed.

"You mean let this person take the test?" Chen Feng frowned.

This person doesn't look like a normal person.

Is it okay to let him do the test?

"Master, you don't know, this person is called Yun Tian, ​​and he is the most suitable person that I have selected by comparing hundreds of millions of people.

He used to be a top student at Longguo University of Science and Technology.

Just because of my character, I missed the person I love, and because I chose the wrong path, I have a gloomy life now.

The character of this man is firm and gracious.

As long as we bring him here and cure him first, he will be loyal to you all his life. "

Proton picks are not random.

Rather, it is filtered through big data.

Yuntian is the most suitable candidate among hundreds of millions of people.

Chen Feng looked at Proton, then nodded.

Now Chen Feng really needs a subordinate, who can not only participate in the test, but also work for Chen Feng.

This cloudy sky is the best candidate.

"That's him."

"Good host."


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A chapter of 4,000 words. I don’t know if I wrote this plot and everyone likes it. If it’s not uncommon, I won’t write it later. I will focus on the battle between water droplets and fighters. If you like it, then I will write more. The protagonist's little brother.

Once again, I am asking for a wave of flower evaluation tickets and monthly tickets. I am very grateful.

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Immediately rush to recharge (event time: October 1st to October 7th)

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