Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 28 The Five Thousand Fighter Plan Was Officially Approved

in the rental house.

After the underworld is gone.

Yun Tian coughed again.

He coughed out a large mouthful of blood, and at this moment he was short of breath.

He seemed to be out of breath right away.

He struggled to get up from the ground and touched a small oxygen cylinder that had been thrown on the bed.

He took a few breaths of oxygen against the oxygen cylinder before he recovered a little.

Only then did he feel that his body seemed to be falling apart, and there was a depression in his ribs.

I don't know if it broke.

endure severe pain.

He lay down on the bed.

let's end it...

Let's end this miserable life now.

This is Yuntian's only appeal at present.

In this world, if there is anything worthy of his nostalgia.

It's probably just her.

The figure that haunted him in his dreams when he was in college.

Think about the gap between you and her in college.

Thinking about it again, I will end up where I am now, and it has a lot to do with her.

It is because Yuntian wants to narrow this gap.

I want to have some interaction with her.

So desperate for success.

"Ha ha……"

Yun Tian laughed at himself.

Tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

It's ridiculous to think about.

Not a word was spoken between the two of them.

It's all just fantasy.

Just as he closed his eyes and waited for death.

Suddenly, a line of words appeared in his field of vision.

"Want to be reborn? Come to Tianzhou Qingfeng Scientific Research Center."

Um? what happened?

Yun Tian thought he was hallucinating.

Is it a hallucination before death?

He had heard before that when people are dying, they see all kinds of inexplicable things.

For example, seeing your relatives.

Or his life is like playing a movie, flashing frame by frame in front of his eyes.

But why do you see a line of words?

He opened his eyes.

Found that the line can still be seen.

"Want to be reborn? Come to Tianzhou Qingfeng Scientific Research Center."

The line of words seemed to be engraved on his eyeballs.

Whether he closed his eyes or opened them, he could see.

Yun Tian has lived for twenty-five years and has never encountered such a situation.

Although there was severe pain from time to time.

But Yuntian's brain is still very clear.

He knew that even if he was going to die, it was estimated that it would take some time.

This line of words could not be a hallucination that he was about to have before he died.

He looked around for his little mirror.

Finally, I saw the broken mirror in the corner.

In the mirror, look at your eyes.

Nothing can be seen in the mirror.

But above the eyeball, the line of words can always be seen.

"Miracles?" Yuntian had never believed in any gods before.

He only believes in science.

But when people are about to die, who doesn't expect a god to save them?

"Tianzhou Qingfeng Scientific Research Center?" Yun Tian thought about it carefully, but had no clue.

Never heard of this research center.

He endured the pain in his body and got out of bed to pick up the phone on the ground.

After some searching.

Still haven't found the Qingfeng Research Center.

There is simply no such place online.

Just when he was confused.

The information on the eyeball has changed.

This is an address.

"Jiahe District, Tianzhou City..."

He quickly took out a pen and paper and wrote down the address.

Now he can be pretty sure.

The line of words that appeared on the eyeball was really not his hallucination.

The appearance of these words is to make him go to this place.

"Who would it be, and what purpose would he have?"

Yun Tian tried his best to calm himself down.

He thought about it carefully in his mind.

With my current situation, it can be said that there is basically no value at all.

When it comes to money, he is poorer than anyone else.

No one even buys body organs.

Speaking of labor, what use can he be of a dying person.

Is there really a so-called god?

God wants to save himself?

Can you really give yourself a new lease of life?

That is impossible. Having cancer yourself is equivalent to being sentenced to death.

Yuntian believed in science, but now he recalled all the scientific knowledge he had learned.

I don't know how the other party left words on his eyeballs.

And why let yourself go to this place.

He took out a few red coins from the inner pocket of his clothes, which was his last savings.

When the few people were beating him just now, they simply searched his body and didn't find the hundreds of dollars.

Yuntian decided to visit this address.

It's still this dress, unkempt and covered in blood.

He walked out of the room.

Came to the street and stopped a taxi.

The first time the taxi saw him, he thought he was a beggar.

I wanted to leave immediately.

Unexpectedly, Yuntian took out a few red coins and threw them into the car.

Then there is a note.

"Go to this place."

If nothing else, Yuntian opened the back of the taxi and sat on it.



United Nations Conference Hall.

Journalists from all over the world gather here.

They all want to bring first-hand coverage to their country.

"Hasn't it started yet?"

"It's about to start."

The audience of Longguo almost crushed the official live broadcast server.

The entire live broadcast room has reached hundreds of millions of viewers.

They are all watching the discussion meeting of the United Nations on the 5,000 aircraft plan.

Soon, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Gut, took the first place to speak.

Make an opening statement.

"Hello, representatives of all countries of the world, and welcome to this special meeting of the United Nations.

Misfortune is about to come. As the masters of Blue Star, we cannot sit still and use our strength and wisdom to win this crisis. "

"It's started, it's finally started."

The audience in the live room began to soar again.

It's about to hit 200 million.

In order to relieve the pressure of the live broadcast room, the official opened five additional channels, and each live broadcast room can watch the live broadcast of the conference.

Gut continued: "The main content of our meeting today is to discuss the exercise of 5,000 fighter jets. For this exercise, we first asked our military adviser, Mr. Swensen, to explain it to us."

Swenson, a former military secretary of the Eagle Nation, often makes military remarks in public.

Has a strong overall view.

He went to the front of the stage.

After briefly testing the microphone, he said calmly, "Our plan is to organize this exercise jointly by Eagle Country, Grizzly Bear Country, Dragon Country, and Beigull.

The location is within 100 kilometers of the Liangshan Military Training Base in Longguo.

The main service of the exercise is the Air Force, which plans to deploy no less than 5,000 of the latest fighter jets.

At the Liangshan military training base, that is, near the water droplets, a strong deterrent was formed.

This time, all our aircraft participating in the exercise will be equipped with optical tracking locking devices.

Locks water droplets all the way.

Meanwhile, no fewer than five optical satellites in space locked droplets during the exercise.

Once something happens.

The use of nuclear weapons to strike water droplets is not ruled out.

In short, this exercise is aimed at water droplets, a powerful deterrent to aliens! "

A passage of Swenson's words is sonorous and powerful.

The enthusiasm of all the people on the scene was ignited.

"Okay, my blood is boiling!"

"This time the exercise is taking place in our Dragon Country. I wanted to buy a telescope, but I found that I couldn't buy it at all. It's already sold out."

"So you don't have foresight, I've been prepared a long time ago."

"The military exercise of 5,000 latest fighter jets is also matched with five optical satellites locked and nuclear warheads ready to be launched. I think when the water droplets obtain this information, even if the aliens want to invade, they must consider it."


Under Swensen's fan, everyone in the world is in high spirits.

It seems that the aliens have already been defeated.

Humans are like that.

When most people believe that human beings will win, all people will have this belief.

Humanity must win!

We have hypersonic fighter jets, we have intercontinental missiles that carry nuclear warheads of thousands of tons.

Although alien technology is higher than that of human beings.

As long as he dares to come to Blue Star, he will definitely let him retreat.

After Swensen finished speaking, Gut took out the document again and read out the specific plan for the 5,000 fighters this time.

Finally, Gut said: "Then we will vote by show of hands for this 5,000 fighter plan."

Representatives from more than 100 countries attended the meeting.

All raised their hands in agreement.

All five permanent countries agreed.

Moreover, the planes are also from the four major countries, and the location of the exercise is still in the Dragon Country.

Other countries have no reason not to pass.

"Okay, then I announce that the United Nations Special Plan: The five thousand fighter exercise plan has been officially approved!"

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Here is a small explanation. Although the protagonist has acquired three-body technology, they are all principles. These principles are not just used, but also need to be experimentally verified. After the verification is completed, research and development is required, such as a star-level warship, join it The core principle is the controllable nuclear fusion engine. If the protagonist masters it, will this be able to build a warship? Where did the materials come from, and where did the details come from? need humans.

You don't need to worry, I can't let the protagonist kneel and lick it. The technology is in the hands of the protagonist. He is always a god, and no one can shake his status. Humans are only auxiliary, so please look forward to it.

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