Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 44 The Water Drop Is Answering, He Is Answering! (Please Order First!)

The mushroom cloud is a symbol of a nuclear bomb explosion.

The rocket they launched successfully hit the drop!

A shock wave radiated all around.

Even across the screen, everyone can feel the destructive power.

All the dilapidated buildings in the blast area were instantly razed to the ground by the shock wave.

The ground began to sag downwards, shaking the world like an earthquake!

In the face of such a powerful nuclear explosion.

The audience didn't cheer.

Because everyone knows.

This nuke is not necessarily able to shoot down water droplets.

Not confident.

Everyone's heart rose.

Only hope!

Hope our strength can overcome the water drop.

Let's leave a little hope for the future of mankind.

If nuclear weapons can really beat water droplets.

In the future, when the aliens attack on a large scale, we can use nuclear weapons to confront them.

The big deal is that the fish will die and the net will be broken!

Everyone wants to know what happened to the water droplets in such a violent explosion.

control center.

Everyone couldn't even breathe, and everyone stared at the screen.

Just one second...two seconds....

It's been half a minute.

"General, the water droplets flew out, and his surface was still so smooth, we failed!"

An announcement sounded from the control center.

It can be heard that the person who broadcast this sentence has a cry in his tone.

As you can imagine, when he said this.

How desperate!

"The drop was not shot down!"

" is this possible, his surface is still so smooth!"

"I absolutely don't believe it, it can't be true!!"

When the water droplets appeared in the live broadcast room again.

Almost everyone in the world is going crazy.

The almost destructive explosion did not make him look damaged in the slightest.

He flew out of the explosion light mist so slowly.

The most powerful weapon of mankind, in the face of alien civilization, completely defeated!

A huge panic instantly enveloped everyone.

Human civilization is in the aliens, is it really nothing?

A small detector with a length of only 3.5 meters.

But in less than an hour, the field has landed more than 10,000 fighter jets built by people's thousand-year civilization?

Hard against human nuclear weapons?

Humanity is defeated!

A complete failure!

Our future will be in the hands of alien civilizations.

control center.

When you see the water droplets appear from the screen again.

Everyone took a deep breath.

Especially those scientists.

Although according to their theoretical calculations, water droplets are invincible.

There is no way humans can destroy it.

But when they really saw the power of the water droplets to resist the explosion of a nuclear bomb, that kind of 180 shocks went straight to the sky from the soles of their feet.

There are really objects that can withstand the power of a nuclear explosion!

"Wait to be destroyed."

Yevgeny seemed to be saying the last words of his life.

The polar bear can no longer lift his claws.

"What should we do? Woohoo..." Zhang Heng's guard looked at the screen and started to cry.

He has also been a security guard in front of Zhang Heng for several years.

Generals are always strategizing.

As if everything could be resolved in front of him.

But this time, the omnipotent general was also silent.

His guard was crying like a child.

Zhang Heng patted his shoulder.

"Why are you crying stupid, I'm not..."

He just wanted to say that he was still there.

But suddenly found that the legs did not know when to have no consciousness.

The whole person fell down.

"General! General!"

The guard yelled in panic.

Several scientists, as well as Jones, also gathered around.

"General Zhang, what's the matter with you?" Jones looked at him and asked in a deep voice.

In fact, he basically understood in his heart.


No one knew how much pressure Zhang Heng had on his shoulders.

The fate of human beings is like a mountain, which weighs him down.

Everyone watching the live broadcast looked at Zhang Heng who fell down, and their hearts were extremely heavy.

"General Zhang, I can't blame you, you have done your best!"

"Uuuu...General Zhang, don't have such a lot of pressure, we will depend on you later.

Countless people are covering their faces and crying.

Not only for Zhang Heng, but also for all human beings.

Cheng Xin was still in the company at this time, but today no one in the company is working, and everyone is watching this live broadcast of the fate of mankind.

She kept wiping away her tears.

"Uuuuu... General Zhang, please rest... I.... We won't blame you... Our destiny should be shared by all humans! "

Her eyes were swollen, and the trash was full of thrown papers.

Soon medical staff in white coats came in.

After a simple inspection, Zhang Heng's leg only temporarily lost consciousness.

Mainly because of the pressure.

Just like some temporary blindness.

Carefully help Zhang Heng onto a chair and sit down.

The guards kept beating his legs.

"General, you can't fall, what should we do if you fall."

He was beating and crying.

Human emotions around the world have reached a freezing point.

Zhang Heng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't worry everyone, I'm fine."

(bcdf) The more relaxed he was, the more distressed everyone felt.

At this moment, the control center sounded the announcement again.

"The water drop accelerated, and his speed was again added to the third cosmic speed!"

The announcement sounded.

Everyone's heart was pounded into a ball.

I watched helplessly as the speed of the water droplets increased at an extremely exaggerated acceleration.

For how much his speed can be achieved, everyone is not very concerned about it.

The purpose of the water droplets has become the most worrying for everyone.

More than 10,000 fighter jets, the most powerful human beings, have all been shot down.

What is his next goal?

In everyone's opinion, the water droplets have had enough and started to officially implement the Dark Forest Strike?

"Now is the real dark forest strike, and the end has really come."

Many people began to hide towards the dugout.

If you have a basement at home, you can also quickly hide in the basement.

No one knows what the water droplets will do.

"His...... the speed of water droplets has reached 30,000 kilometers per second, one tenth of the speed of light!"

The announcement sounded.

Everyone is numb.

Even if he broadcasts the speed of water droplets at the speed of light.

I guess no one will care.

"Water droplets are flying around the blue star!"

The entire blue star appeared on the screen.

It can be seen that a halo is flying around the equator of the blue star, and in one second, the halo circles the equator of the blue star twice.

"What is he doing?" Someone finally asked the question.

What the water droplets do seems incomprehensible.

Now that he has wiped out all human fighter jets.

It is entirely possible to further attack other military installations.

But now he doesn't.

Instead, it was flying around the Blue Star at one-tenth the speed of light.

"How many laps has it been?"

"I don't know, it's been a lot of circles anyway."

Nobody knew what he was doing.

control center.

Everyone looked at the water droplets that circled the blue star on the screen.

Although I don't know what he's doing.

For now, his actions have been considered beneficial to mankind.

According to everyone's thinking, the next thing that is likely to happen is that a certain military base is destroyed.

However none of this happened.

"Is he quickly obtaining all the information on Blue Star?" Minako Koike put forward his own idea.

After all, from the beginning of the idea.

The purpose of water droplets coming to Blue Star is to collect information.

Later, they tried to show their muscles to Shuidi, which caused Shuidi's dissatisfaction.

He only "incidentally" shot down more than 10,000 human fighter jets.

After packing up the human plane, did he go back to his own business?

"Impossible!" Zhang Hongbo shook his head.

Denied Minako Koike's statement.

"The water droplets always revolve around the equator. If you want to get all the information of the blue star, he should rotate around the blue star irregularly."

Zhang Hongbo's words were approved by everyone.

Since the water drop is not getting information, what is he doing?

The crowd was silent.

Three minutes later, he was still there flying around the star.

"I understand!" Jia Weiguo, who was sitting in the back, suddenly shouted.

Everyone looked at him.

"Professor Jia, what do you know?" Zhang Hongbo asked.

At this time, Jia Weiguo walked from the back to the front.

"We humans are not necessarily helpless." He spoke slowly.

There was light in everyone's eyes.

"Come on, what hope do we have?" Yevgeny came to Jia Weiguo and asked anxiously.

He completely forgot about the matter that he almost threw Jia Weiguo out before.

"The aliens probably didn't want to destroy us at all."

Jia Weiguo no longer sells off.

Instead, he said quickly: "Did you not find that, although the water droplets destroyed more than 10,000 fighter jets, almost all the pilots were successfully ejected."

When he said this, all the people present thought of this problem.

"Yeah, at the beginning, the water droplets attacked the fighter jets, attacking the wings and tail of the aircraft, giving the pilots enough time to eject.

Then all our pilots ejected and fled.

He just started hitting the water droplets indiscriminately!"

"The droplets are deliberately protecting our pilots?"

Everyone's heart jumped, this is indeed a news that is extremely beneficial to us.

The audience in the live broadcast room also raised a little bit of hope.

Jia Weiguo continued: "Just now I have been thinking about this question, what is the purpose of the water droplets, does he really want to collect intelligence? Obviously not.

At the speed of water droplets, if he wants to collect human intelligence, he doesn't need to be so troublesome at all, as long as he swipes from the sky at an ultra-fast speed.

With its surface that reflects 100% of electromagnetic waves, it is impossible for us to find it.

So we started off in the wrong direction. "

Jia Weiguo's analysis made everyone feel more reasonable.

The reason why the water droplet was thought to be an intelligence detector before was because everyone didn't know his speed.


At one-tenth of the speed of light, he has absolute electromagnetic stealth performance.

Any intelligence about humans can be obtained without much effort.

There is no need to levitate over cities and military training bases at all.

"Then what was his purpose?" Yevgeny demanded.

"It's what we guessed at the beginning,

Show us the technology!"

"Show us the technology?"

Everyone is savoring this sentence.

This guess was made by everyone when the water droplets first appeared.

However, with the reply of the water droplets later, this speculation was completely abandoned.

I don't know why Professor Jia said that the water droplets are showing us the technology?

"Including shooting down our more than 10,000 fighter jets, is it a demonstration of technology?" Jones asked with anger on his face.

As if Jia Weiguo was a drop of water.

If it's just a demonstration of technology, why shoot down all our more than 10,000 planes!

"That's right!"

Jia Weiguo looked at the crowd and analyzed with confidence: "We know the speed of water droplets so far, and the fastest can reach one-tenth of the speed of light, in fact, he doesn't need to show

One-tenth the speed of light.

But he still did.

Now the water droplets circle around the blue star, more than two times a second, isn't it telling us that he can reach such a fast speed?

He hovered over our city and let us study, just to tell us that his surface molecules were all fixed to death by the strong force.

Make him invincible!

But we don't believe that who wants to penetrate his muscles.

So he destroyed all our warplanes.

without harming our pilots.

In order to fear that we would not believe that he could not be destroyed, he took the initiative to fly to the Robbo nuclear explosion area, flying at an ultra-low speed.


He's just waiting for our nuke.

Tell us that there is no threat to him from a nuclear bomb!

Can't I say this kind of thing, can't prove that the water droplet is showing us the technology?"

Jia Weiguo's words were like a ringing bell.

Let everyone be enlightened!

"Yes, what Professor Jia said is absolutely correct, we should have thought of it long ago.

"So, the water droplets are still kind to us?"

"What exactly does he represent!"

The audience is completely clear this time, the water droplets are not here to destroy human beings.

If it weren't for the fact that human beings themselves organized tens of thousands of planes, trying to show their muscles in front of him.

There may not be the tragedy of today.

Water droplets are well-intentioned and what everyone wants to see most.

It's what everyone wants to believe!

"If it's really what you say, why is the water droplet showing us the technology, does he represent aliens?"

Minako Koike listened to Jia Weiguo's analysis.

It also makes sense.

But now another problem is in front of everyone.

What is the purpose of water droplets doing all this.

Why would he show technology to humans.

This time, Jia Weiguo shook his head, he was not omniscient.

"This may only be answered by the water drop itself."

Jia Weiguo's analysis can only go so far.

More things, he really didn't know.

"Anyway, we don't have to be so desperate." Someone said.

That oppressive atmosphere has finally eased a little now.

"What are we going to do next?" Jones asked.

Who can answer his question?

Zhang Heng felt that his legs were slightly better at this time.

He stood up slowly.

Look up at the screen.

"What we have to do is to immediately start the rescue work for this battle. As for what happens next, this is not something we can control."

Zhang Heng has seen it now.

What will happen in the future is not in their hands at all.

Everything is in the hands of water droplets.

In the hands of aliens.

No matter how much they try, it's all in vain.

If the drop of truth destroys them, then come.

"The droplet is slowing down and he's rushing into the atmosphere!"

The monitoring personnel of the information center once again found that the movements of the water droplets have changed.

Everyone started to get nervous again.

Originally, water droplets circled outside the atmosphere.

In any case, there is no harm to human beings.

But now he suddenly rushed into the atmosphere.


"He flew to the territory of the Dragon Country..."

"He entered Tianzhou City..."

"He hovers again!"

After three consecutive broadcasts, the picture stabilized.

In the picture is a desolate place, surrounded by barren mountains, and there is not even a decent road.

In the middle of the wasteland, there is a building.

The building looks out of place in the wasteland.

Water droplets hover just above the building.

From the video, he still shines like a mirror.

"What does it mean?"

Everyone has not dared to guess at random about the hovering of the water droplets.

No one knew whether his hover had the same meaning as the previous two.

If scientists are sent to study it now, I am afraid that no one will dare to go.

The ignorant are fearless!

Not knowing the horror of water droplets before they dared to go.

Jia Weiguo also looked at the water droplets hovering on the screen, which was strange.

Just when everyone doesn't know what to do.

Lights began to flicker on the water droplets.

"The drop is answering, he is answering!"

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