Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 45 The End Of The Cloud Sky Hibernation, Chen Feng Dispatched A New Mission

Everyone saw the twinkling light on the water droplets.

The world is cheering at the same time.

The reason why they organized the 5,000 fighter plan, didn't they just want the water drop to answer?

Now the droplet finally answered.

"Quick record! Quick record!"

Yevgeny shouted like crazy in the control room.

Their control room has long arranged professional Morse code parsing personnel.

This analysis is very professional.

Just by watching, you can directly write the content conveyed by the water drop on the paper.

Originally he thought that today - he would definitely not be of use.

Unexpectedly, at the most impossible time, the water droplet actually answered.

Everyone in the control center looked at the water droplets excitedly for a while, and then looked at the code parsing staff for a while.

The light lasted for about ten seconds, and it was over.

Everyone immediately surrounded the analyst.

"What did the water drop say?"

This is probably the question that everyone on Blue Star wants to know.

The parser picked up the text he recorded.

"The drop said, 'This is a restricted area, no one is allowed to enter!'"

"No?" Everyone looked at him.

"No more!" The Morse code parser was an old expert.

It is absolutely impossible to go wrong.

"This is a restricted area, where is he referring to?" Everyone murmured.

when they looked at the screen again.

Notice again the building below the drop.

"He was talking about this building?"

Everyone's eyes widened.

Although this building seems a bit out of tune with the surrounding environment.

But this is still human construction.

Why did the water drop set a human building as a restricted area?

It's puzzling.

"Will there be aliens in there?" Jones said suddenly.

Jones said this as soon as he said it.

Everyone who heard it immediately felt scalp tingling.

Obviously, that piece of building could not have just appeared recently.

if so.

Does that mean that aliens actually came to Blue Star long ago?

It's just that we don't know?

Even thinking deeper.

Are there aliens around you?

"What do we do now?" someone asked.

At this time, everyone recovered a little from the state of extreme panic and tension before.

The alien threat is slightly lessened.

We can seriously think about the countermeasures behind.

"The sentence that the water droplet conveyed to us, the meaning is obvious, that building is a restricted area, and we cannot approach it.

If we want to understand the situation, we must start with this area. "

Zhang Heng thought while walking.

"But the water droplets are in the sky, and we can't get close at all. If the water droplets are angered, we can't bear it!"

Jones is now completely terrified of water droplets.

They have more than 6,000 newest fighter jets in the Eagle Country, which can be said to be all their air assets.

Just now, it was all scrapped.

If the water droplets are angered again, no one can imagine what terrible things will happen.

"Of course I know that."

As the security chief of Longguo, does Zhang Heng know this?

"We don't get close, we just investigate, first investigate all the information about that building.

Droplets just say keep them out of the way.

It didn't say they shouldn't investigate.

A building on the Blue Star is still within the scope of the Dragon Kingdom.

It couldn't have happened out of nowhere, could it?

Since it doesn't appear out of thin air, it will definitely leave clues.

Following the clues of this building, something can definitely be investigated.

"It should be investigated!"

Yevgeny completely agrees with Zhang Heng's statement.

Others were still a little hesitant.

Although the water droplet just said that the area is a restricted area and cannot be approached.

But no one knows whether the private investigation will arouse his dissatisfaction.

If it really makes him unhappy, it is likely to bring disaster to mankind.

"I think this matter should be voted on by the United Nations." Jones did not agree with Zhang Heng's statement.

Of course, there was nothing against him.

Investigating an area protected by water droplets is no small matter for all of humanity.

Decisions cannot be made arbitrarily by some people.

"In that case, let's vote."

There is no need for Zhang Heng to take this responsibility on Long Guo.

It is indeed more appropriate for the whole world to make decisions together.

At this point, the five-thousand-fighter plan that lasted for less than two hours was completely over.

The final result is that a total of more than 10,000 fighter planes provided by the four major countries were all destroyed.

As for other casualties, further statistics are still underway.

After leaving the control center, Zhang Heng rushed to the meeting room of the big leader for a meeting.

In the conference room, six leaders were waiting for him.

"Leaders, I have betrayed your trust and caused the Dragon Kingdom to lose all advanced fighters!"

As soon as he entered the conference room, Zhang Heng criticized himself to several people.

As the person in charge of this exercise, he must bear the primary responsibility for such a result.

The leaders shook their heads.

"General Zhang, don't blame yourself too much, you represent not only the Dragon Kingdom in this battle, but all the human beings all over the world.

All mankind has not blamed you, how can we blame you?

You've done a great job, no one can do it better than you. "

The big leaders praised Zhang Heng for not collapsing under such great pressure.

As for the destroyed fighter.

It doesn't matter, the aliens are coming, and those fighter jets are useless.

"You sit first." Another leader said.


After Zhang Heng sat down, the leader in the middle said: "Today's meeting is mainly to discuss what we should do next?"

Human development has encountered a huge turning point.

What they have to do is to grasp the future direction for human beings, at least for the people of the Dragon Kingdom.

Zhang Heng seemed to have thought about it in advance, and he opened his mouth and said, "You have all seen what happened today.

The water droplet is invincible, but at the same time, he should not have much hostility to human beings.

So there are two things we're going to do next.

First, find a way to investigate the source of the building protected by water droplets, the construction time, and the person who built it, so as to fully understand the situation.

Second, just wait!"


The first point that the leaders said to Zhang Heng is to understand.

Although this matter may have to be voted on at the United Nations, the final result will definitely be passed.

But what does the second term, etc., mean?

"That's right, just wait. I believe that the person in that building will never remain silent all the time. What is his purpose, I believe we will know soon."

"Will it be bad for humans?"

"God knows!"

Zhang Heng had a very strong feeling that the source of all doubts was in that building.

If they have the ability to go in and see, everything must be revealed.

But under the protection of water droplets, no one can get in.

"No problem, General Zhang, the military is considering raising your rank one level higher. From now on, the National Security Agency's responsibilities will be heavier than before, and all matters concerning aliens will be under your full authority. Responsible."


Without any hesitation, Zhang Heng directly took over the heavy burden.

Soon, under Zhang Heng's order, the entire city of Tianzhou was under martial law.

All people entering and leaving Tianzhou City must undergo a comprehensive inspection, and their purpose must be strictly checked.

Especially the area protected by water droplets.

It's almost completely closed military martial law.

Twenty-four hours a day, there are soldiers with real nuclear bombs in hand.

I'm afraid that someone who can't open their eyes will make a mistake.

In case of being identified by the water droplets as not obeying the dissuasion and entering the forbidden area, it may push human beings into the abyss.

Qingfeng Research Center.

Chen Feng is working on a report given to him by Proton.

"Proton, you just said what is our next development focus?" Chen Feng asked while reading the report.

"Lunar Resource Development."

"You mean fuel for controlled nuclear fusion?"

"Yes, according to my estimation, the amount of helium-3 resources contained on the moon is no less than one million tons, and energy will always be the biggest demand for our development."

Chen Feng nodded.

Although he has mastered the controllable nuclear fusion technology, he has few resources.

Almost all of the helium-3 contained in the entire Blue Star is in the ocean. To extract helium-3 from the ocean will not only affect the marine ecological balance, but also be time-consuming and labor-intensive.

Fortunately, this resource is almost inexhaustible on the moon.

"Let them go get them?" When Chen Feng said them, he naturally meant human beings.

Proton nodded, we now lack stellar-class warships and have no ability to utilize the resources of other planets in the solar system.

"Yes, but I don't have time to deal with them."

Chen Feng still has a lot of technology to study.

He obtained the three-body technology, which is not something that can be used.

Many things are just a theory, and there are not many technologies that can be directly used.

"You don't need to deal with them, Yuntian's hibernation is almost over."

"Why did I almost forget him, let him go, on my behalf."

Chen Feng already knew about the soldiers around the scientific research center.

He directly ignored this, just because they couldn't come into his research center.

Not to mention that there are still water droplets in the sky.

The meeting on whether to conduct a comprehensive investigation of the area protected by the water droplets of the Dragon Kingdom was voted on at the United Nations General Assembly the next day.

The end result was basically within expectations.

All but three countries voted against it.

All other countries voted in favor.

But correspondingly, after Long Guo investigates the information of that area, it needs to be announced within the United Nations.

Let everyone know the truth!

On this point, the representative of Long Guo agreed.

As soon as the conference ended, Zhang Heng issued an order, and his powers are now much greater than before.

The apparatus of the state quickly began to function.

The investigation of the area protected by the water droplets is in full swing.

Four days later, United and foreign civilizations invaded the headquarters of defense operations.

This is a department urgently established by the United Nations after the Five Thousand Fighter Plan.

…for flowers…

The purpose is to unite all human beings to jointly resist the invasion of alien civilizations.

At this time, the Defense Operations Headquarters was holding a meeting.

Some familiar faces can be seen at the meeting.

Including Zhang Heng, Jones, Yevgeny, Bach, and Ida Ichiro, as well as some scientists.

Jia Weiguo was the first to see the true purpose of the water droplets.

Invited to lead by the United Nations

Chair scientist, mainly engaged in the organization of science related to extraterrestrial civilization.

The meeting was chaired by Secretary-General Gut.

He first said: "Welcome everyone to participate in the first meeting held by the United Nations and foreign civilization invasion defense operations headquarters. The main content of this meeting is to discuss the protection of water droplets.

protected area. "

In fact, everyone already knew the main content of this meeting.

A document is distributed in front of everyone.

Top secret is printed on it.

Although Long Kingdom has launched an investigation into that area, all investigations are conducted in secret.

No one wants to anger the water droplets, and it is better for human beings to unfold secretly.

"Let's ask General Zhang Heng, the person in charge of the Dragon Country, to explain it to everyone in detail." Gut smiled at Zhang Heng and said.

Zhang Heng nodded in response.

: "This area is a scientific research center, the name is Qingfeng Scientific Research Center, it was originally an old factory building, and it was registered as a scientific research center eight years ago.

We checked the registrant, whose name is Chen Feng, but we don't have any data about Chen Feng at all.

According to our guess, this may just be a pseudonym, an alien deceit.

Of course, this is not important. What is important is that in the past eight years, Qingfeng Research Center has ordered various materials from the outside world through online channels many times.


The list of materials is on the information in front of everyone.

I think these lists they purchased are the most important gains of my investigation.

Zhang Heng introduced so much.

Everyone is looking at the material.

Especially the participating scientists.

These materials are their main focus.

The meeting room fell silent, only the sound of turning over materials remained.

At the same time as the United Nations Conference was held, Chen Feng was also paying close attention to it in the scientific research center.

What Zhang Heng investigated was what Chen Feng wanted him to investigate.

As for what he didn't want him to investigate, Proton could wipe out everything for him, including his own identity.

"How is Yuntian?" Chen Feng asked.

"Today is the last day of his hibernation, and he can be woken up at any time."

Chen Feng nodded: "Go and wake him up, then bring him to meet me, there are tasks assigned to him.


Proton came to the hibernation chamber.

The wake-up button was pressed.

His hibernation time has come, even if he does not wake up manually, the machine will automatically wake up in the sky before midnight tonight.


The barn door of the hibernation barn was opened.

Yun Tian lay inside, as if he was asleep.

When the machine stopped, he slowly opened his eyes.

"Proton, why are you still here?"

This is the first sentence Yuntian said.

His memory still lingered on when he entered the hibernation chamber, he remembered that the proton was outside, and the hibernation chamber was closed.

Then I opened my eyes and saw that the proton was still standing here.

He thought the proton had not left yet.

Proton smiled at Yun Tian.

"You've been hibernating for seven days!"

"What, seven days?" Yun Tian's eyes widened, expressing disbelief.

This feeling is completely indescribable in words.

It's like you feel like you just closed your eyes and opened them, and suddenly someone came over and told you that it's been seven days.

For people who have never felt this way, it is difficult to accept it for a while.

"You come out first." Proton didn't explain much.

When he enters the society, he will know that seven days have passed in this world.

To him, these seven days seemed to be completely lost.

Hibernation is so magical!

After coming out of the hibernation chamber, Proton said: "Your exclusive nano-medicine has been made, let me take you to inject it."

Yun Tian saw that Proton didn't want to explain the seven days, so he didn't ask any more.

Instead, follow him forward.

Soon, he came to the "CT bed" where the cell information was collected before.

"Lie down." Proton said.

This time Yuntian has experience and knows to take off his clothes and don't need slippers.

Lie down right away.

"Patient Yuntian's exclusive nano-medicine is loaded and ready for injection!"

As the machine sounded a broadcast.

Yun Tian felt as if he had been bitten by an ant on his arm.

When he turned his head, he found that, at some point, a needle had pierced into his skin.

A white and transparent medicine is slowly advancing into his blood vessels.

Soon the medicine was injected.

"It's getting better."

Yun Tian obediently stood up and looked at his arm, there was a red mark.

"At most one week, all the damaged cells in your body will be repaired, and all the cancer cells will be removed. Now come with me to see the master, there is a new task four!".

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