Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 46 Master, Can I Complete This Task? (Please Subscribe)

"I remember that you seemed to tell me that the master had arranged a task for me, that is, to lie in that hibernation cell, and that task was completed?"

Yuntian is very concerned about whether his last task has been completed.

After all, that was his first mission.

Crucial to him.

"You have completed the first task, and now it is the second task." Proton took him out.

Soon, the two came to the control center where Chen Feng was.

Here, he met Chen Feng again.

For Chen Feng, he has not seen Yuntian for seven days.

But for Yuntian, it felt like they had just met half an hour ago.

"How do you feel after hibernating for seven days?" Chen Feng asked.

Yun Tian looked very respectful in front of Chen Feng.

Even more respectful than a proton.

"Master, I feel at most half an hour ago, the two of us just met, when you showed me the global monitoring capabilities of protons."

Yun Tian told the truth. I told Chen Feng about my current intuitive feelings.

"Hibernation is like this, you are now seven days younger than ordinary people." Chen Feng said half-jokingly.

Seven days may seem short.

But he has verified the effect of a hibernation cell, and the hibernation in the future will last for more than seven days, maybe seven or seventy years, seven hundred years.

When you open your eyes, you think it's only been a second, but it's actually a long time ago.

Yun Tian did not speak.

Although he still couldn't sense that it was seven days later, Proton told Master Chen Feng that.

That's probably not wrong.

"You have a new task now." Chen Feng said.

"Master, please speak!"

Yun Tian instantly stood up straight.

Having just injected that nano-medicine, Yun Tian felt that his whole body was numb and numb, and he was very comfortable.

Since his illness, he has never turned back like he is now.

Whether it is physical, but also "—zero" is psychological.

He felt like he was reborn!

He has already handed over the rest of his life to the person in front of him who has reborn him.

As long as it is the task he gave him, he will complete it to the death!

"Look at this information, this is the task you will complete next.

Chen Feng handed the task book prepared in advance to Yuntian.

Yun Tian took the task book and read it.

Various materials are marked on it, such as titanium alloys, steel alloys, high carbon aluminum alloys, helium 3, manganese, chromium...

and so on various materials.

"Master, do you mean to let me buy these materials?"

Yun Tian looked at the so-called task book, which was a list of materials.

It was easy for him to think that the owner meant to let him collect these materials.

"That's right."

"Master... Many of these materials are precious metals. You should know that this task is probably for me in my situation outside..."

Yuntian didn't want to refuse the mission.

He was just afraid that he would delay the master's event.

When he was outside, he didn't have a dime, and he took a taxi for the only few hundred dollars left.

These materials are quite expensive for the task.

Make bricks without straw.

He still understands this.

"You don't need to collect it." Proton said aside.

"Don't need me to collect?" Yun Tian looked confused.

"Humans will help you to complete the task together, all you have to do is to go out from here and order humans to complete this matter.

Here are a few cell phones with all the information for this mission, you have them.

In addition, this phone is the only way for you to contact us.

You don't have to worry about your own safety, the water droplets will protect you. "

Proton said a bunch of inexplicable words, and Yun Tian couldn't figure it out at all.

Dumbly took the phone.

This is an ordinary Huawei mobile phone, but it is brand new, and it is much stronger than the Xiaomi that he has used for many years.

"I..." Yun Tian still wanted to have questions.

But at this time Proton said to him: "Go, when you complete this task, the master will give you more rewards.

Yuntian didn't mean to say rewards.

He wanted to ask, how can he get all the humans to help him complete the task?

In the Arabian Nights, he is just an extremely ordinary person.

Walking on the main road, it is possible that only those who collect debts from him will recognize him.

Let humans help them collect materials, who will listen to him?

At this time, Chen Feng was already concentrating on his own research work, and Proton didn't want to explain more.

Yun Tian was acutely aware.

This is probably the only information you can have.

"Go, master and I are at home waiting for your good news." Proton sent Yuntian out of the scientific research center.

Zhang Heng's office.

He is on official business.

Now his pressure is much greater than before, and the normal domestic security incidents alone make him feel the pressure has increased sharply.

After experiencing the blow of water droplets, there are now a large number of people with negative attitudes in the entire Dragon Kingdom.

I think aliens are coming soon.

Publish negative information on the Internet, and even deliberately create panic, lest the world will not be in chaos.

This has a very negative impact on the stability of society.

Zhang Heng is trying his best to find a way to stabilize the people. No matter what the road ahead is, at least now we must stabilize our minds and engage in development wholeheartedly.

This phenomenon in the Dragon Kingdom is relatively rare, and with the favorable management and control of the government, there is no uncontrollable situation.

Society as a whole is still moving forward steadily.

But the Eagle Country and other countries are not so good.

A large number of people resigned, a large number of enterprises closed down, and the economy and society were severely impacted.

Even many people at the bottom actually hope that aliens will come quickly, and it is best to destroy human beings.

Just when Zhang Heng was concentrating on correcting documents.

The guard walked in quickly.

"General, something happened!"

This is what Zhang Heng is most afraid of hearing now.

But the surface remained calm.

"What's up?"

The guard came to him and placed a document in front of him.

"There is news from the satellite monitoring department that a person came out of the Qingfeng laboratory!"


At this time, Zhang Heng's expression changed.

He immediately put down the pen in his hand.

Take the file out.

With just one look, he dropped all the work he was doing now.


Now the focus of the whole country, and even the whole world, is in the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

Especially Zhang Heng, he identified Qingfeng Scientific Research Center and will definitely contact them.

In the past few days, his thoughts have become more firm.

Dispatched water droplets to show a wave of his technology and the power of force.

Now he can basically answer the question that Professor Jia Weiguo couldn't answer.

Why are water droplets showing technology to humans?

The answer lies in the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center. Before communicating with humans, it will shock humans through water droplets.

Zhang Heng arrived at the command center at the fastest speed.

All actions against the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center are directed from here.

"General Zhang, are you here?"

At this time, the person in charge of monitoring was a capable general of Zhang Heng.

Seeing Zhang Heng come in, he quickly stood up from his chair.

"Where are the people?"

"Look, General, this person has left the scientific research center and is walking outside.

A young man who looked to be in his twenties could be seen from a surveillance screen.

Wearing bright white clothes.

I was looking at my phone while walking out.

The vigilance circle they set up is eight kilometers outside the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

At his speed, within an hour, it is estimated that he will not be able to reach their cordon.

"Investigate this person's identity!"

Zhang Heng did not dare to do anything rashly.

They set up a cordon around the eight-kilometer periphery of the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center, and they did not cause any movement of the water droplets.

But no one knows, if they are deep into it.

what will happen.

"General, we have investigated all his information."

A piece of information is being displayed on the computer next to it.

Zhang Heng immediately began to check.

"Yuntian, an orphan, graduated from Longguo University of Science and Technology, failed to start a business... Was entangled by social gangsters and was diagnosed with lung cancer... A week ago, the landlord of his rented house found that he was missing. He called Can't get through, don't know where to go.

According to neighbors, on the day he disappeared, three people who looked like gangsters went to him, and it seemed that there was a conflict. "

The information, including Yuntian's photos, as well as his life experiences are clear.

"The key is to investigate whether he has had any dealings with Qingfeng Scientific Research Center in the past, including business.

Not much can be seen from this data.

The focus of their attention now is the relationship between this person named Yuntian and the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

"It has been investigated. The name of the company Yuntian previously opened is Tianxin Technology. It is an Internet company. It has never had any dealings with Qingfeng Scientific Research Center, including the company that has dealings with him. Qingfeng Scientific Research Center has no contacts.

Judging from the current situation, this cloud sky has become a mystery.

Just as they were discussing, it can be seen in the video that Yuntian was sitting on a rock on the wasteland.

He no longer walked forward, but sat down and looked at the phone.

I don't know if I'm brushing Douyin or reading e-books, I'm so fascinated.

"Don't take any action on Yuntian before he walks to our vigilance circle, you immediately go and bring over the three people who met him last, I want to question him in person


After this was arranged, the guards came to him.

"General, the United Nations and the leaders are calling at the same time.

Zhang Heng knew that there was no airtight wall about the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

There is a little bit of trouble here, and the permanent national horses of the United Nations will know.


Zhang Heng took the call from the leader first.

The big leader mainly asked about the situation, Zhang Heng simply reported it and hung up.

Only then did he pick up the phone call from Lianheguo.

This call is made in the name of the headquarters for the invasion and defense operations of the foreign civilization of the United Nations...

Authorized by the leaders above.

For this newly established department, the Longguoqingfeng Research Center is the focus of their work.

At the previous meeting, Secretary-General Gut proposed to send people to work at the control center in Tianzhou City.

It was rejected by Zhang Heng.

"Hello, Secretary-General Gut." Zhang Heng connected the call with Gut.

He believed that he was not the only one who answered the phone on the other side.

At least the Eagles and Grizzlies, as well as the Beigulls, must be listening.

Without the support of these several national satellites.

It is impossible for the United Nations to know what happened to the Qingfeng Research Center.


"General Zhang, is there any movement on Qingfeng's side?" Gut is more particular, although there are at least dozens of satellites in the sky monitoring the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center,

But he did not admit it in his words, after all, the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center is in the territory of the Dragon Country.

"That's right, a person came out of it."

Zhang Heng doesn't engage in politics, and as a soldier, he doesn't like to go around in that way.

"Is it sent by aliens?" Gut asked anxiously.

"We don't know yet, and we are still investigating. The information we already know is that this person is from the Blue Star Dragon Kingdom and only entered the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center seven days ago.

He has not yet come to our blockade. When there is news, I will definitely inform you. "

In any case, the Lianhe Alien Civilization Invasion Defense Operational Headquarters is currently the commander-in-chief unit of the entire human race against alien invasion.

As a member of the United Nations, it is logically necessary for Long Guo to report his work.

It's just that Lianheguo's position is relatively embarrassing. If Zhang Heng really doesn't report it, they can't do anything about it.

"General Zhang can consider the future and destiny of the entire human race, which is very worthy of my respect. Fighting the invasion of alien civilization is a matter for all of us. General Zhang, you should also know that,

The United Nations has now established a combat headquarters, and we need to know more.

So I propose again, let the people we recommend join the control center in Tianzhou. "

Gut is also trying his best to improve the status of the United Nations, and it is impossible to establish the headquarters of alien civilization invasion defense operations by himself.

Just as a decoration?

The actual rights are still in the hands of individual countries.

If one person can be placed in the Long Country Monitoring Center, then this operational headquarters will be somewhat divided.

Zhang Heng hesitated for a while.

I rejected the proposal of the United Nations before, mainly because I didn't like someone pointing fingers.

After thinking about it, it was really inappropriate not to allow people from the United Nations to join.

"Okay, I'll give you two places." Zhang Heng agreed.

"Then I will thank General Zhang for all human beings!" Gut said with excitement.

The department established by myself is finally beginning to play a role.

Tianzhou Golden Phoenix Nightclub.

A man was sleeping soundly in the hotel, and beside him was a beautiful woman with outstanding appearance.

"bang bang bang"

"Bang bang bang..."

The loud knock on the door made the man's face show impatience.

The woman is also irritable.

Yesterday, this brother Zhou was so drunk that he NONGed her many times in one night, and now he still feels tired.

"Bang 3.1 Bang Bang..."

The knocking on the door continued.

"Who rides the horse!"

Zhou Dao rolled over and got up from the bed.

He was about to be annoyed to death. He hadn't fully woken up from the wine he drank yesterday. If he didn't sleep until three or four o'clock in the afternoon, he wouldn't be able to recover at all.

He came to the door angrily and opened the door.

"Are you courting death!"

Outside the door is his little brother.

"Brother Zhou is not good. The police are here."

Seeing his younger brother's overly frightened look, he didn't care.

"If you fucking disturb Lao Tzu's sleep next time, you'll be dead!" He was about to go back to sleep.

"Brother Zhou, there are really police."

"What are the police afraid of? Even if they dare to arrest me, when I get to the police station, someone will naturally let me out."

Zhou Yidao is not afraid at all, it is not for nothing that he has been in Tianzhou for so many years.

At this moment, a man in a military uniform came over.

The one walking in front was a woman, and the two soldiers in the back both had guns in their hands.

"You are Yi Zhou Dao?" The three came to the front and asked Yi Zhou Dao.

Look at the soldiers behind with real guns.

Zhou Dao was a little bit cowardly.

"Yes Yes."

"Take it away!" The female officer didn't talk nonsense at all, her expression was terrifyingly serious.

"Who are you? I'm a good citizen. You have no right to arrest people. I know the deputy chief of your police station..."

No matter what Zhou Dao said was useless.

Two black barrels had reached his chest.

His heart was about to go to his throat, these two gunmen were not easy to mess with.

I have come out to mix for so many years, and I have never encountered such a battle.

When he was taken downstairs, he was even more frightened.

The soldiers outside were all armed with guns, and they had already surrounded the entire Golden Phoenix.

A large number of citizens were watching, and everyone pointed at him. .

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