Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 85 Zhang Heng Left On Blue Star 6, Sirius Galaxy, A New Home

Yun Tian swallowed his saliva.

"Why so fast?" He really couldn't understand.

Is the probability of a Hessian blow, like a cancer cell?

explosive growth.

"The reason it grows so fast is because I feel that at this very moment, the Hessian strike against the solar system has begun.

We have now detected two second-level civilizations that have cast a detection glance at us.

Those third-level civilizations, fourth-level civilizations, and even fifth-level civilizations must have discovered us long ago.

The reason the cleanup hasn't started is likely because their cleaners are cleaning up other civilizations.

Come over when you have time.

It's also possible that they are already on their way, but haven't arrived yet.

There's also the possibility that the next second our warning system will be-triggered, you know?"

Yun Tian felt his scalp go numb.

But he has roughly understood the meaning of protons.

In other words, the solar system is still a year away at most.

In this year, every moment may be hit, and every moment has a great probability.

"I understand." Yun Tian replied.

Chen Feng listened to Proton's words.

He simply said: "It seems that we still have no way to save the solar system."

A self-deprecating expression appeared on his face. His original idea was to study the microcosm before the Hessian strike.

Don't expect to create a small universe that holds the entire solar system.

It would be good to be able to put half a blue star in it.

At least it can save the entire Dragon Kingdom.

But now it seems.

I can't be the savior myself.

"Master, what should we do next?" Yun Tian asked.

He was shocked at first.

Nothing to be surprised about now.

Death is a matter of time.

They have made their home in the battleship.

This is home.

"Yuntian, go and bring Jia Weiguo's son, daughter-in-law, Zhang Hongbo's daughter-in-law and his daughter-in-law, and then just wait and be ready to leave at any time.

Chen Feng gave Yuntian an order.

At present, there are very few personnel on such a large warship.

Zhang Hongbo brought his son up, and there was no way for the two big men to go on a star voyage.

During this time, they have indeed made no small achievements in science.

Solved a lot of trouble for myself.

Can't let them be too lonely while sailing the star.

In addition, Jia Weiguo's son and daughter-in-law were asked to come up, so that he would not feel that he was partial.

Zhang Hongbo came up with a family of four.

Then he also came up four.


In fact, Yun Tian wanted to raise this opinion with the master for a long time.

But he never dared.

Now that the master has said it himself, he is naturally happy in his heart.

"But Master, I don't think you should think about it for yourself?"

Yuntian asked.

Each of them has company.

Only Chen Feng is alone.

Although there are protons to accompany him twenty-four hours a day.

But the proton is just a robot after all.

Many human emotions are indescribable.

Chen Feng shook his head.

"There are so many people in our genetic biobank that if I need a mate, I can breed one at any time."

Chen Feng has no time to find a partner, now is not the time to enjoy.

The universe is too dangerous, and only a small universe is created.

Only in your own little universe can you be forever safe.

Even if the universe returned to zero, it would not affect his small universe in the slightest.

Yuntian still wants to persuade.

But it was interrupted by protons.

"Master Yuntian has his own considerations, you go to carry out the task, you must be fast, the Hessian attack may come at any time."


Yuntian left.

He did not immediately tell Zhang Hongbo and Jia Weiguo the good news.

Instead do it first.

He was thinking how happy the two of them would be when he brought them up.

After returning to his office, Yun Tian contacted Zhang Heng immediately.

Now I don't go to Blue Star anymore.

Zhang Heng is his person in charge at Blue Star.

"Mr. Yuntian." Zhang Heng connected to the video.

Under normal circumstances, Yuntian has a task to connect to his video.

I don't know what the mission is this time.

"General Zhang, I have something here for you to do."

Zhang Heng looked very busy at this time.

He is going to hand over the job, and he is also going to train and operate the Blue Star 6.

"Mr. Yun Tian, ​​I have resigned from the post of Security Director. In the future, I will hand over your tasks in Blue Star to the new Director."

"You resigned?" Yun Tian was very surprised.

Zhang Heng on the opposite side nodded.

"The country has appointed me as the captain of the Blue Star VI, and I have to leave the solar system."

Hear what Zhang Heng said.

Yun Tian nodded.

He was happy for Zhang Heng.

"You really should leave, you won't have a chance if you don't leave. Yun Tian murmured.

"Yeah, this is the last star-class warship we can make."

Zhang Heng thought that Yuntian knew about this situation.

After this battleship was built, they had no way to make more battleships.

However, Yun Tian shook his head.

"That's not what I meant, there is a situation I have to tell you, the probability of a Hessian blow suddenly changes.

According to our calculations, the solar system will suffer a Hessian blow within the next year.

"What? A year?"

Zhang Heng jumped up all of a sudden.

Before everyone guessed, "It should be absolutely safe within ten years.

Some people even speculate that the solar system should be a hundred or ten years away.

How come it's only been three years.

Suddenly only a year left?

"It's really only been a year, and we have monitored the detection of the solar system by two second-level civilizations.

The coordinates of the solar system are completely exposed.

At this moment, the probability of the solar system being hit has exceeded fifty percent.

Yun Tian didn't want to say so much.

But human beings have the right to know.

He has to say.

The opposite Zhang Heng was stunned.

He never thought that the disaster was so close.

Seeing that Zhang Heng did not speak for a long time.

Yun Tian said: "General Zhang, the mission I'm telling you now is also the last one.

We need you to send Zhang Hongbo's wife, his son's wife, as well as Jia Weiguo's son and daughter-in-law, a total of four people to our Reborn, and I will send a spacecraft to pick them up. "

Hear what Yuntian said.

Zhang Heng came back to his senses.

"Are you going to leave too?" Yun Tian's words had obvious meaning.

It is always ready to leave.

"We will wait until the moment when the Hessian strike comes, haven't you already become the captain of the Blue Star VI?

There is no time for you to hesitate, the sooner the better, leave quickly, it may be too late if you are late.

The Blue Star VI star-class battleship is not a light-speed battleship after all.

The fastest can only reach fifteen percent of the speed of light.

If you don't leave quickly, even if you have taken off, you probably won't be able to escape.

"I know, where would you go if you left?" Zhang Heng asked.

He now has to think about the future of these 10,000-plus human beings.

Their warships are not light-speed warships. The universe is so big that it takes at least hundreds of years to go to a star.

If you choose the wrong one, you may die.

"The Sirius Galaxy, I have sent you the coordinates. It is about fifty light-years away from the solar system. That galaxy has stars that are very similar to the solar system, as well as three planets.

According to our observations, it should be a terrestrial planet, so you can go there. "

The Sirius galaxy was told by the protons that they would go to this galaxy if they escaped.

"Thank you Yuntian."

"Don't be so polite to me, I have a gift for you."

"And a gift?" Zhang Heng didn't understand.

"Blue Star 1, Blue Star 1 has been performing missions before, and it has almost flown the entire solar system. Now there is no fuel, and the parts are severely damaged.

Currently parked in Mars orbit.

Although the battleship was badly damaged.

But the ecosystem inside, as well as the hibernation barn, were intact and barely touched.

I can license this ship to you.

There are intelligent robots in it, which can transplant the ecosystem inside and the hibernation warehouse to the Blue Star 6.

There are 2,000 hibernation chambers in total, and you have the system inside.

You can easily spend thousands of years. "


Zhang Heng was instantly excited.

This is not an ordinary gift, but a great gift.

Great gift!

"Of course, after so many years, we can be regarded as friends no matter what, it is a gift between our friends.

I hope we can meet again in the future. "

The battleship Chen Feng had already forgotten.

Yuntian mentioned it to Proton.

Proton told him that they no longer needed the battleship.

Let him handle it himself.

Yuntian made his own decision and gave the battleship to Zhang Heng.

"I hope too! I'll finish your task at once."

Zhang Heng is in a mixed mood right now.

The worry is that the Hessian attack has accelerated and is coming soon.

And the happy thing is that there is an ecosystem on the Blue Star 1, as well as a hibernation warehouse.

He has greater certainty that he can travel across the universe.

Although he agreed to be the captain, he has always been very worried about one thing.

That is, the ecosystem in their battleship is simply not enough to support them to survive for hundreds of years.

If nothing else, the water treatment system is difficult to operate for hundreds of years.

As long as the water treatment system breaks down, the people in them are chronically suicidal.

They do not have the ability of Qingfeng Scientific Research Center to obtain water resources from the universe.

Only 100% of the water in the battleship can be circulated.

These two thousand people eat, drink and sleep in the battleship every day, all the consumption and the generated garbage.

Must be absolutely balanced.

Once it is broken, if you want to restore the balance, you may have to lay off a thousand people, or even more.

Their human technology is still too backward.

Although they have been doing their best to supplement the ecological cycle system in recent years, more than half of the scientists in the country are studying the ecological cycle system.

…for flowers…………

But the time is still too short.

He still dared not say that the circulatory system on the Blue Star 6 could run for hundreds of years without breaking down.


The next day, the Blue Star 6 took off.

When the Blue Star 6 took off, the official of Longguo released a piece of news that shocked everyone.

"According to the information from the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center, the Hessian strike will come early, and our solar system has only one year at most.

In the next year, I hope you all have a good time with your family

When the news came out, the world was in an uproar!

This time, it is not only foreign countries, but even the people of Long Kingdom, no one is working.

Say disaster every day, say disaster every day.

The catastrophe is now only a year away.

"No wonder the Blue Star 6 took off so quickly, the time left for us was so short.

"Hehehe, what's there to be afraid of, billions of people around the world are with us, don't be afraid."

"This last time, I want to be with my family."

"I really didn't expect that we humans have overcome cancer and diseases one by one, but finally fell under the blow of Hessian."

"Don't be so pessimistic, haven't more than 10,000 of us have already escaped?"

"There will still be our human civilization in the future universe."

"Come on, destroy!"

The state will no longer stop them, as long as they don't kill people, no matter what these people do.

People run naked on the street every day.

All kinds of farce are being staged all over the world.

Humanity has been completely disorganized.

Everyone was waiting for the arrival of the Hessian strike.

Anyway, now humans have enough food to eat for a year.

A year later, Riqie has returned to calm.

There is simply not enough food to use.

Reborn battleship.

The spaceship has already sent up the four people that Yuntian wanted.

They are Jia Weiguo's son Jia Zhengxiang and his wife.

And Zhang Hongbo's daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law.

When they heard that Qingfeng Scientific Research Center came to pick them up, they were very shocked.

Although Jia Weiguo and the others had already boarded the battleship.

They can still communicate via video.

In the video, they have clearly said,

Can't see you again.

Unexpectedly, they were picked up.

"Mr. Yuntian, where is my father?" Jia Zhengxiang looked at the surrounding environment without showing too much shock.

When I opened a video with my father before.

They have already shown them the situation in the reborn battleship.

When I came in this time, I discovered that this place is really a paradise with mountains and waters.

"Your father hasn't gotten off work yet, and I didn't tell them you come, I'll give them a surprise later."

"Didn't get off work?" Jia Zhengxiang and his wife were a little surprised. Does the father still need to work here?

Zhang Hongbo's wife and Zhang Yulong's wife also came over.

No, they didn't get off work either?

"Only He Aunt is here. I'll call her over now."

He Aunt is naturally Jia Weiguo's daughter-in-law He Fengjuan, also the mother of Jia Zhengxiang.

"You mean my mother?" Jia Zhengxiang almost wanted to kill his mother, he hadn't seen him for more than three years.

"I have asked He Aunt to come over." Cheng Xin said.

Cheng Xin had already contacted He Fengjuan when they arrived.

let her come.

They are very close to each other, so it is very convenient to come here.

The work of speaking.

He Fengjuan has arrived.

He Fengjuan is now younger than three years ago.

Physical fitness is incomparable.

In three years, she used a lot of genetic medicine.

The current He Fengjuan can theoretically live to be at least two hundred years old.

"Zhengxiang, Xiaoling,"

He Fengjuan originally thought that Cheng Xin asked her to help manage the vineyard.

In the past three years, she has often helped Cheng Xin manage the vineyard, and the two have a very good relationship.

Unexpectedly, she saw the son and daughter-in-law that she longed for in Cheng Xin.


Jia Zhengxiang and his daughter-in-law Xiaoling ran to He Fengjuan in three or two steps.

The three hugged together.

In the past three years, although they have been chatting through video chats every now and then.

They have a basic understanding of their respective situations.

But the more you chat on the video, the more you miss.

He Fengjuan could never have imagined that they would actually meet again one day.

"Zhengxiang, is Xiaoling really you?" He Fengjuan still couldn't believe it.

What he touched in his hand was indeed his own son.

"Mom, it's really us, it's us that Mr. Yuntian asked to pick up."

Hear what Jia Zhengxiang said.

Yun Tian said quickly: "It's the master's intention."

"Thank you master!"

When He Fengjuan heard that it was the master's intention, she quickly bowed to the sky.

Although she never saw the master once.

But it did not delay her respect for the master at all.

"Thank you master!"

Jia Zhengxiang and Xiaoling also looked alike, and bowed to the door. .

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