Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 86 The Three Happiest Families Under Hesse's Strike

Yuntian did not stop them.

For Chen Feng, what he needs is their loyalty.

But this loyalty is not maintained by a thank you.

But the ubiquitous proton.

as long as protons exist.

All of them can only be loyal.

A little bit of anomaly will be found.

"Mom, I think you are so much younger than three years ago?" Xiaoling looked at her mother-in-law.

Can't see much in the video.

Now people are standing in front of them.

Grandma looks really young.

Sixty looks like forty.

She seems ten years younger than three years ago.

He Fengjuan heard her daughter-in-law's praise and said with a smile: "Your father has used a lot of genetic medicines for me, and I am in great health now.

One person can take care of an acre of gardens.

Jia Zhengxiang and his daughter-in-law Xiaoling knew about He Fengjuan's garden.

They are often seen through video.

The garden had fish ponds, vegetable fields, and all kinds of beautiful plants they had never seen before.

Much better than where they live at Bluestar.

"Mom, I can ask Xiaoling to help you in the future."

Jia Zhengxiang said happily.

"Everyone stop standing, come and sit in the house."

Cheng Xin only reacted at this time, and everyone was still standing.

He Fengjuan said: "Cheng Xin, go to my place, eat at my place tonight, let's have a group bbQ.

He Fengjuan is young now.

Speaking also learned a lot of fashion terms.

"Okay, then let's all go to Aunt's side."

Jia Weiguo's house is in the middle.

They walked towards the middle together, and soon came to a courtyard.

The courtyard is well-organized by He Fengjuan.

Also has a dog and a cat.

The two pets are very comfortable lying in their nests.

Among the three of them, "May 37" only has pets in Jia Wei's country.

Not that there aren't so many pets for them to keep if they want.

Whether it's a dog, a cat, or a giant panda, you can raise them as you like.

It's just that they each take care of it.

Zhang Hongbo and his son Zhang Yulong go out early every day and return late.

No one at home for a day.

Cheng Xin is still pregnant, so she is not suitable for keeping pets.

Only He Fengjuan is more free at home and has two pets.

Follow He Fengjuan to the back garden because of her family.

Here is the real fragrance of birds and flowers.

There are many beautiful birds in the garden.

These birds are not raised by He Fengjuan, but naturally inhabit the entire ecological environment.

They fly into the garden to be named.

Of course, in the woods outside, there are more birds of all kinds.

In the garden there is a pavilion dedicated to entertaining people, and everyone sat down.

"Cao Aunt, you two can sit as you like, don't be restrained."

Cao Aunt was Zhang Hongbo's wife and Zhang Yulong's wife, and the two of them sat down with them.

They've been watching along the way.

speak very little.

Really shocked.

Usually Zhang Hongbo and Zhang Yulong are too busy, and there are very few videos with them.

The two of them knew the least about the situation in the Reborn.

When they got off the spaceship and saw the environment here, the shock of the two has not eased up to now.

"Mr. Yuntian, I want to ask, can we just go to the lake outside and the woods?"

Zhang Yulong's wife Sun Jiating asked.

"Of course, there are wild mushrooms and various fungi in the woods, and there are also many small animals.

There are boats on the edge of the lake, if you want to row, you can do whatever you want.

Of course, you can also fish.

There are many kinds of fish in the lake, and many are only found in the ocean.

These fish are all the works of Professor Zhang Hongbo. All fish in the ocean can survive in fresh water.

If you like camping, you can also go to the woods, or you can go hiking.

Yun Tian gave a brief introduction.

The natural environment in the Reborn is quite good.

For those who love the outdoors, this is a paradise.

"Really, great, is there such a big garden behind the house we live in?" Sun Jiating asked again.

There was excitement in her eyes.

It can be seen that she should be a person who likes outdoor activities very much.

"There is a private garden at the back of each house, a total of one acre."

"Great, I can also build a garden according to my own ideas." Sun Jiating's heart has begun to go out.

He wants to make the garden beautiful.

She has to go out and step on everything in person.

Only in this way can the garden be created with a feeling.

Inside the Reborn, it is simply an ideal home.

Soon, everyone got to know each other and got to know each other.

Talk and laugh.

"By the way, He big sister, didn't you just say that we will have a barbecue when they come back? Aren't we going to prepare the ingredients now?"

Aunt Cao was still thinking about the barbecue.

Not that she wants to eat barbecue.

But when I first came here, I met two such good neighbors.

She hopes to have a meal together in the evening.

"You don't need to prepare. When they come back soon, we can just order it."

He Fengjuan is very accustomed to the living environment here.

With a wave of her hand, she opened a holographic projection.

This surprised Aunt Cao and Sun Jiating next to her. It was too sci-fi.

Jia Zhengxiang and Xiaoling next to them also looked over with interest.

Although when I opened the video before, my mother showed it to them.

But they didn't see it with their own eyes after all.

Now that I see it with my own eyes, I am a little surprised.

All permissions they can execute are displayed on the holographic projection.

Including whole house cleaning, home customization, pet management, food distribution, clothing customization, etc...

He Fengjuan is very skilled in ordering food delivery.

There are more categories above.

There are pasta, dishes, wine, barbecue...  

It can also be classified according to different countries and different cuisines

It can be said that this menu covers everything that humans can eat and drink on the Blue Star.

After ordering several times, I found the BBQ category.

"Everyone can come and see what you want to eat, and you can order whatever you want, but don't order too much, you can eat as much as you want.

There are lamb skewers, grilled eggplants, grilled pig trotters, big kidneys, etc. that everyone is very familiar with...  

"Can you order these casually, without money?" Cao Aunt seemed a little reluctant to order.

Yun Tian said with a smile: "Cao Aunt, you can order whatever you want, our battleship can provide any food you want for free, even roast suckling pig is no problem.

Even if you eat the same one every day, you can guarantee that you will not have the same one for ten years.

There is no concept of money on the battleship, and everyone can eat what they want. "

Cao Aunt and the others had just come up, and they didn't know much about the situation on the battleship.

But they know Datong society.

The concept of money is gone, and you can have whatever you want. Isn’t this the concept of Datong society?

A society where all are equal.

Cao Aunt and Sun Jiating ate less, and each ordered some according to their own tastes.

Everyone else ordered too.

They ordered a total of ten people, and they happened to have one person.

"I have set a delivery time, and when they come back, it will be delivered just in time."

After doing this.

Yuntian sent a message to Zhang Hongbo, Zhang Yulong, and Jia Weiguo who were working in the laboratory, asking them to stop working overtime after get off work today and come back directly.

All three of them have the habit of working overtime.

The time given by the master is eight hours a day for scientific research, and the rest of the time can be arranged at will.

But they have nothing important, except to eat and sleep, and spend almost all the time in the laboratory.

If you don't tell them in advance, it is estimated that they may not be back by ten o'clock in the evening.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, there were already signs of dusk inside the battleship.

This strictly simulates the time system of Blue Star.

The artificial sun began to glow red, and its brightness was gradually fading.

The lights in the back garden were also turned on.

"What is it about Yuntian that made us come back so early today?" Zhang Hongbo got off the spaceship and asked.

His son Zhang Yulong still seems to be thinking about the artificial intelligence experiments he is doing today.

did not answer him.

Jia Weiguo next to him said: "What else can I do? It's just that he has completed the task that the master gave him. Come to us to drink and celebrate, or else I won't let everyone gather at my house."

Yun Tian had already said that when he sent them a message.

When I came back at night, I went directly to Jia Weiguo's house.

"I think so too."

Zhang Hongbo said with a smile.

Yuntian often asks them to drink.

When I entered the house, I found that there was no one in the front yard.

But a voice came from behind.

Don't think about it, it must be in the back garden.

"Let's go, I guess the dinner is ready.

The three walked towards the backyard.

when they came to the backyard.

The three of them stood there dumbfounded, stunned.

"Zhengxiang, Xiaoling?"

"Jia Ting?"

"You... when did you come?"

Their hearts suddenly lifted.

This surprise is too big.

"Dad, it was Yuntian who picked us up." Jia Zhengxiang couldn't believe it when he saw his father's surprise.

He walked over and gave him a big hug.

Jia Weiguo Rao lived to be more than sixty years old. At this time, he couldn't hold back his tears, and his tears flowed out.

"Okay...Okay, just come here."

Over the years, the thing he couldn't let go of the most was his son.

Although it was said that when he was choosing a candidate, he chose his wife, who was stronger than Zhang Hongbo.

But many times he also envied Zhang Hongbo.

In the laboratory, he has a son who helps him every day.

Every time I see their father and son, I think of my son.

At the same time, he was also apologetic in his heart.

I feel like I'm losing money, my son.

Now it's really good, not only the son has come up, but also the daughter-in-law.

From now on, they are really a family.

There is nothing to worry about on Blue Star anymore.

"Jia Ting!"

Zhang Yulong ran over quickly and hugged his daughter-in-law...

For the past three years, he has been persuading his daughter-in-law to remarry, because it is impossible for him to go back.

He didn't want his daughter-in-law to wait for him.

But the more he said that, the stronger the thoughts in his heart.

I really never thought that in my lifetime, I would be able to see my wife again.

Sun Jiating also hugged her husband.


more than three years apart.

Finally met again today.

On the contrary, Zhang Hongbo and Cao Aunt are much calmer.

The two of them just walked together quietly.

There was not much to say, but it seemed that everything was said.

Yun Tian looked at everyone's happiness.

He looked at Cheng Xin and then at her belly.

I am also happy.

"Yuntian, you are too boring, why didn't you tell us in advance to pick them up?

Jia Weiguo wiped the tears from his face.

He said to Yun Tian angrily.

"Haha, didn't this want to surprise you, otherwise I probably wouldn't have seen you cry all the time.

Jia Weiguo pointed at Yuntian: "You kid, just wait and see my joke, right?"

"Professor Jia, I don't dare."

"Don't you dare? Why don't you dare!"

The others also laughed.

At this time, a small spaceship specially designed to deliver meals flew over.

The BBQ they ordered has been delivered.

The table is quickly filled with all kinds of barbecue, as well as drinks.

"I'm so happy today, I must have a good drink!"

Jia Weiguo picked up a bottle of Maotai, which was even better than the Maotai on Blue Star.

The sauce is full of flavor.

Everyone poured drinks and drinks and started drinking.

Three rounds of wine.

Zhang Hongbo suddenly asked: "Yuntian, is the Hessian attack coming soon?"

Zhang Hongbo and the three of them have been in the laboratory.

There is also concern about things on the Blue Star.

Now the entire Blue Star's people are crazy, it seems that the Hessian attack is coming soon.

Yun Tian nodded: "One more year at most."

"One year, so fast?" Jia Weiguo couldn't believe it.

"When I first heard about it, I couldn't believe it, but the fact is that Zhou Zi detected two second-level civilizations that have discovered the solar system.

Our coordinates are completely exposed, and the blow will come soon. "

Hearing this, everyone else was silent.

It is estimated that only the three of them are the happiest people on the entire Blue Star.

Even if the others have fled, their wives and children are separated.

Experience loneliness in space.

And those who stay in Blue Star will only have to wait to die.

"What's your next mission?" Zhang Hongbo asked again.

Under normal circumstances, Yuntian's tasks are related to Hessian strikes.

Both of them are researchers, and all tasks are in the laboratory.

"My mission?" Yun Tian pointed to himself.

Immediately he stood up.

"I don't have any task for now. If I have a task, it is to keep an eye on the early warning system in the office. Once the early warning system is triggered, I am ready to escape at any time."

The task Yun Tian said was not his task at all.

Because the early warning system does not need to stare.

As long as there is the slightest 2.3 movement, the protons will be found at the tenth time.

Chen Feng has the highest command of the battleship.

He can control the warship to enter the speed of light to escape at any time.

"That is to say, we are waiting for the arrival of the Hessian attack?" Jia Weiguo said.

"You can say that."

Yun Tian sat back in his seat again.

Their rebirth number has been very well prepared.

As long as the Hessian blow comes, they can leave at any time.

Everyone was silent again.

After a while, Zhang Hongbo suddenly said: "Let's not talk about this, by the way, Zhengxiang, what do you want to do when you come to the battleship?"

Zhang Hongbo felt that this topic was too heavy.

began to change the subject.

He asked Jia Zhengxiang, Jia Weiguo's son, to see what he wanted to do.

"My son used to be a soldier in Bluestar, and the reborn battleship is of little use. Otherwise, Zhengxiang, you come to our laboratory and do scientific research with me."

Every time Jia Weiguo sees Zhang Hongbo's son attacking him, he thinks that it would be great if his son was there.

Now my son is here.

He felt that he should train his son to become a scientist too.

"Dad, I understand too." Jia Zhengxiang looked embarrassed.

He didn't study much science in college either.

He didn't understand this at all.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, you first go to the laboratory to help me, and then I teach you, you are also smart and can get started quickly.

Jia Weiguo also wanted to bring his son into the gang.

"Dad, don't we need to defend our battleship? I can be a soldier of the battleship."

Jia Zhengxiang is obviously still thinking about his own business.

"What a warrior, all the weapon systems of our warships are fully automatic, and a warrior is not required.

"I can prove this, your dad didn't lie to you, we really don't need a war king.

You can play around in the battleship first, and then go to your dad's lab when you're done playing. "

Zhang Hongbo said at this time. .

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